PPRInterfaces PPRDocument (Object)
All Frameworks Object Hierarchy This Framework Indexes
PPRDocument (Object)
This interface is used to access Processes, Products and Resources.
Property Index
- Retrieves the list of Processes as Activities contained in the current document.
- Retrieves the list of Products contained in the current document.
- Retrieves the list of Resources contained in the current document.
o Property Processes( | ) As (Read Only) |
Retrieves the list of Processes as Activities contained in the current document.
- Returns:
- The list of Activities contained in the current document.
o Property Products( | ) As (Read Only) |
Retrieves the list of Products contained in the current document.
- Returns:
- The list of Products contained in the current document.
o Property Resources( | ) As (Read Only) |
Retrieves the list of Resources contained in the current document.
- Returns:
- The list of Resources contained in the current document.
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