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HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape circle object defined using a point and tangent to two curves.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape circle object.

This data includes:

Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create a HybridShapeCircleBitangentPoint object.

See also:

Property Index

Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle.
Returns or sets the first curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Returns or sets the second curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle.
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Returns or sets the circle passing point.
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element.
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element.
Returns or sets whether the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed.


o Property BeginOfCircle() As
Return or Set the number of the beginning curve of the circle. This parameter is used to stabilize the resulting circle
This example set the beginning wire index of the hybShpcircle hybrid shape circle
 hybShpcircle.BeginOfCircle = 1
o Property Curve1() As
Returns or sets the first curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): TriDimFeatEdge or BiDimFeatEdge.
This example retrieves in HybShpCircleFirstCurve the first curve to which the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle is tangent.
 Dim HybShpCircleFirstCurve As Reference 
 HybShpCircleFirstCurve = HybShpCircle.Curve1
o Property Curve2() As
Returns or sets the second curve to which the circle is or will be tangent.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): TriDimFeatEdge or BiDimFeatEdge.
This example sets the second curve to which the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle will be tangent to Crv5.
 HybShpCircle.Curve2 Crv5
o Property DiscriminationIndex() As
Return or set the discrimination index of the current circle. Several resulting solutions produced by the operator can be same oriented regarding to the input wire bodies. In such a case, they are sorted in order to distinguish them. The Sequence FirstOrientation - SecondOrientation - DiscriminationIndex allows you to identifie a unique one-domain solution.
This example set the discrimination index of the hybShpcircle hybrid shape circle
 hybShpcircle.DiscriminationIndex = 2
o Property Orientation1() As
Returns or sets the orientation of the first curve to which the circle is tangent.
Role: The orientation of the first curve determines the side of this curve taken into account to find the point where the circle is tangent to the curve. This side is determined by the cross product of the normal to the support and a tangent to the curve oriented using the curve orientation.
Legal values: 1 to state that the side of the curve to be taken into account is the side shown by the vector resulting from this cross product, and -1 otherwise.
This example sets the orientation of the first curve to which the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle is tangent to reverse.
 HybShpCircle.Orientation1 -1
o Property Orientation2() As
Returns or sets the orientation of the second curve to which the circle is tangent.
Role: The orientation of the second curve determines the side of this curve taken into account to find the point where the circle is tangent to the curve. This side is determined by the cross product of the normal to the support and a tangent to the curve oriented using the curve orientation.
Legal values: 1 to state that the side of the curve to be taken into account is the side shown by the vector resulting from this cross product, and -1 otherwise.
This example retrieves in HybShpCircleOrientation the orientation of the second curve to which the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle is tangent.
 HybShpCircleOrientation = HybShpCircle.Orientation2
o Property Pt() As
Returns or sets the circle passing point. This point must lie on second curve.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Vertex.
This example retrieves the passing point of the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle in HybShpCirclePassingPoint point.
 Dim HybShpCirclePassingPoint As Reference
 Set HybShpCirclePassingPoint = HybShpCircle.Pt
o Property Support() As
Returns or sets the circle support surface.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face.
This example retrieves in HybShpCircleSupportSurf the support surface of the HybShpCircle hybrid shape circle.
 Dim HybShpCircleSupportSurf As Reference 
 HybShpCircleSupportSurf = HybShpCircle.Support
o Property TangentOrientation1() As
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle first reference element. compared to the circle itself
This example retrieves the tangent orientation of first reference element of the hybShpcircle hybrid shape circle in firstOrient.
 Dim firstOrient As long
 firstOrient = hybShpcircle.FirstTangentOrientation
o Property TangentOrientation2() As
Returns or sets the tangent orientation of the circle second reference element. compared to the corner itself
This example retrieves the tangent orientation of second reference element of the hybShpcircle hybrid shape circle in secondOrient.
 Dim secondOrient As long
 secondOrient = hybShpcircle.SecondTangentOrientation
o Property TrimMode() As
Returns or sets whether the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed.
Legal values: 0 if the circle reference curves are not or should not be trimmed, 1 if the circle reference curves are or should be trimmed, 2 if only the first circle reference curve is or should be trimmed, 3 if only the second circle reference curve is or should be trimmed,
This example sets that the reference curves of the hybShpCircle hybrid shape circle should be trimmed.
 hybShpCircle.TrimMode = 1

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