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PCBArea (Object)

Property Index

Allow to get the Type of a constraint area The possible values are : ROUTE_OUTLINE,
Allow to get and set the Height max of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, PLACE_REGION
Allow to get and set the Height min of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: PLACE_KEEPOUT
Allow to get and set the Identifier of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, PLACE_REGION
Allow to get the position of a hole The possible values are : TOP,BOTTOM,BOTH,INNER,ALL It depends on the the type of the constraints area according to the IDF format This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, ROUTING_OUTLINE, PLACE_OUTLINE, ROUTE_KEEPOUT, PLACE_KEEPOUT, PLACE_REGION,
Allow to get and set the OWNER of the constraint area The possible value are MCAD,ECAD, UNOWNED


o Property AreaType() As (Read Only)
Allow to get the Type of a constraint area The possible values are : ROUTE_OUTLINE,
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property Heightmax() As
Allow to get and set the Height max of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, PLACE_REGION
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property Heightmin() As
Allow to get and set the Height min of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: PLACE_KEEPOUT
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property Identifier() As
Allow to get and set the Identifier of the constraint area This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, PLACE_REGION
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property LAYER() As (Read Only)
Allow to get the position of a hole The possible values are : TOP,BOTTOM,BOTH,INNER,ALL It depends on the the type of the constraints area according to the IDF format This property is valid for the following constraints areas: OTHER_OUTLINE, ROUTING_OUTLINE, PLACE_OUTLINE, ROUTE_KEEPOUT, PLACE_KEEPOUT, PLACE_REGION,
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed
o Property OWNER() As
Allow to get and set the OWNER of the constraint area The possible value are MCAD,ECAD, UNOWNED
    The result of the method:
  • S_OK if succeeded
  • E_FAIL if failed

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