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HybridShapeIntersection (Object)

Represents the hybrid shape intersection feature object.
Role: To access the data of the hybrid shape intersection object. This data includes: Use the CATIAHybridShapeFactory to create HybridShapeFeature object.
See also:

Property Index

Returns or sets the first element to intersect.
Returns or sets the second element to intersect.
Returns or sets the ExtendMode flag for intersect.
Returns or sets the ExtrapolateMode flag for intersect.
Returns or sets the IntersectMode flag for intersect.
Returns or sets the PointType flag for intersect.
Returns or sets the SolidMode flag for intersect.


o Property Element1() As
Returns or sets the first element to intersect.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face, TriDimFeatEdge or BiDimFeatEdge.
This example retrieves in FirstElem the first element to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim FirstElem As Reference
 Set FirstElem = Intersection.Element1
o Property Element2() As
Returns or sets the second element to intersect.
Sub-element(s) supported (see
Boundary object): Face, TriDimFeatEdge or BiDimFeatEdge.
This example retrieves in SecondElem the second element to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim SecondElem As Reference
 Set SecondElem = Intersection.Element2
o Property ExtendMode() As
Returns or sets the ExtendMode flag for intersect.
This example retrieves in ExtendMode the ExtendMode to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim ExtendMode As Reference
 Set ExtendMode = Intersection.ExtendMode
 ExtendMode is 0 when both "Extend Linear Supposr for intersection" are unchecked
 ExtendMode is 1 when "Extend Linear Supposr for intersection" for First Element is checked and for Second Element is unchecked
 ExtendMode is 2 when "Extend Linear Supposr for intersection" for First Element is unchecked and for Second Element is checked
 ExtendMode is 3 when both "Extend Linear Supposr for intersection" are checked
o Property ExtrapolateMode() As
Returns or sets the ExtrapolateMode flag for intersect.
This example retrieves in ExtrapolateMode the ExtrapolateMode to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim ExtrapolateMode As Reference
 Set ExtrapolateMode = Intersection.ExtrapolateMode
o Property IntersectMode() As
Returns or sets the IntersectMode flag for intersect.
This example retrieves in IntersectMode the IntersectMode to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim IntersectMode As Reference
 Set IntersectMode = Intersection.IntersectMode
o Property PointType() As
Returns or sets the PointType flag for intersect.
This example retrieves in PointType the PointType to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim PointType As Reference
 Set PointType = Intersection.PointType
o Property SolidMode() As
Returns or sets the SolidMode flag for intersect.
This example retrieves in SolidMode the SolidMode to intersect for the Intersection hybrid shape feature.
 Dim SolidMode As Reference
 Set SolidMode = Intersection.SolidMode

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