
GPS Analysis

Technical Articles
What's New
Analysis Document Automation Objects The Analysis Document objects for Automation
The Physical Types for Structural Analysis All the physical types you can use for Automation
Mesh Parts and their Attributes List all the mesh parts and their attributes you can use for Automation.
Use Cases
Creating Preprocessing Data Define boundaries and loading conditions on a Part and launch the computation
Creating Preprocessing Data from Publications Define preprocessing data based on Publications
Mapping Loads Create loading conditions with mapped forces
Creating Virtual Parts Create some virtual parts and fix them
Creating Connection Properties on a Product Create connection properties based on assembly constraints
Creating a Material and Associating it to a User Material Create an Anisotropic Material and associate it to a User Material
Mesh parts  
Creating 1D Mesh Parts Create a 1D mesh and assign values to its global specifications
Creating Sweep 3D Mesh Parts Create a sweep mesh and assign values to its global specifications
Creating Tetrahedron Filler Mesh Parts Create a tetrahedron filler mesh from a surface mesh and assign values to its global specifications
Creating Octree Tetrahedron Mesh Parts Create an octree tetrahedron mesh and specify local mesh size at one of the edge.
Creating Octree Triangle Mesh Parts Create an octree triangle mesh part specify local mesh distribution around the edge of the hole
Creating Advanced Surface Mesh Parts Create an advanced surface mesh and specify local mesh distribution around the edge of the hole
Creating Surface Mesh Parts Create a Surface mesh part and assign values to its global specifications
Creating Coating 1D Mesh Parts Extract 1D mesh from a 2D mesh part
Creating Coating 2D Mesh Parts Extract 2D mesh from 3D mesh part
Meshing Spot Welding Connections Create a spot welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support
Meshing Seam Welding Connections Create a seam welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support
Meshing Surface Welding Connections Create a surface welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support
Meshing Nodes to Nodes Connections Create nodes to nodes connection mesh part
Creating Nodes Interface Mesh Parts Create nodes to interface mesh part
Mesh Transformations  
Creating Translation Mesh Parts Apply translation transformation to the surface mesh
Creating Rotation Mesh Parts Apply the rotation transformation to the surface mesh
Creating Symmetry Mesh Parts Apply the symmetry transformation to the surface mesh
Extrude Transformations  
Creating Extrude with Translation Mesh Parts Extrude 2D mesh with translation to create 3D mesh
Creating Extrude with Rotation Mesh Parts Extrude 2D mesh with rotation to create 3D mesh
Creating Extrude with Symmetry Mesh Parts Extrude 2D mesh with symmetry to create 3D mesh
Creating Extrude along a Spine Mesh Parts Extrude 2D mesh along a spine to create 3D mesh
Generating Images Explains how to create Images under different type of Analysis Sets ( Restraint set, Solution Set)
Exporting Data on Images Exporting data of an image with or without mesh part ID
Creating Basic Report Generating basic report
Activating-Deactivating Images Set activation status of an image
Specifying Occurrences for Images Specify occurrences of an image
Selecting groups for Image Visualization Select groups for visualization of an image
Transfer of Loads / Displacements  
Create Assembled Loads Create assembled loads and specify supports through Edit/Search...
Create Assembled Solutions Create assembled solution and specify supports through Edit/Search...
Create Exported/Imported Loads Export loads from analysis assembly to specific sub-analysis
Create Exported/Imported Displacements Export displacements from analysis assembly to specific sub-analysis
Quick Reference
Analysis Reference Automation object reference for Analysis.


Version: 1 [Oct 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [April 2007] Document updated

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