Automation |
GPS Analysis |
Technical Articles | |
What's New | |
Analysis Document Automation Objects | The Analysis Document objects for Automation |
The Physical Types for Structural Analysis | All the physical types you can use for Automation |
Mesh Parts and their Attributes | List all the mesh parts and their attributes you can use for Automation. |
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Use Cases | |
Creating Preprocessing Data | Define boundaries and loading conditions on a Part and launch the computation |
Creating Preprocessing Data from Publications | Define preprocessing data based on Publications |
Mapping Loads | Create loading conditions with mapped forces |
Creating Virtual Parts | Create some virtual parts and fix them |
Creating Connection Properties on a Product | Create connection properties based on assembly constraints |
Creating a Material and Associating it to a User Material | Create an Anisotropic Material and associate it to a User Material |
Mesh parts | |
Creating 1D Mesh Parts | Create a 1D mesh and assign values to its global specifications |
Creating Sweep 3D Mesh Parts | Create a sweep mesh and assign values to its global specifications |
Creating Tetrahedron Filler Mesh Parts | Create a tetrahedron filler mesh from a surface mesh and assign values to its global specifications |
Creating Octree Tetrahedron Mesh Parts | Create an octree tetrahedron mesh and specify local mesh size at one of the edge. |
Creating Octree Triangle Mesh Parts | Create an octree triangle mesh part specify local mesh distribution around the edge of the hole |
Creating Advanced Surface Mesh Parts | Create an advanced surface mesh and specify local mesh distribution around the edge of the hole |
Creating Surface Mesh Parts | Create a Surface mesh part and assign values to its global specifications |
Creating Coating 1D Mesh Parts | Extract 1D mesh from a 2D mesh part |
Creating Coating 2D Mesh Parts | Extract 2D mesh from 3D mesh part |
Meshing Spot Welding Connections | Create a spot welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support |
Meshing Seam Welding Connections | Create a seam welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support |
Meshing Surface Welding Connections | Create a surface welding connection mesh part and assign analysis connections as support |
Meshing Nodes to Nodes Connections | Create nodes to nodes connection mesh part |
Creating Nodes Interface Mesh Parts | Create nodes to interface mesh part |
Mesh Transformations | |
Creating Translation Mesh Parts | Apply translation transformation to the surface mesh |
Creating Rotation Mesh Parts | Apply the rotation transformation to the surface mesh |
Creating Symmetry Mesh Parts | Apply the symmetry transformation to the surface mesh |
Extrude Transformations | |
Creating Extrude with Translation Mesh Parts | Extrude 2D mesh with translation to create 3D mesh |
Creating Extrude with Rotation Mesh Parts | Extrude 2D mesh with rotation to create 3D mesh |
Creating Extrude with Symmetry Mesh Parts | Extrude 2D mesh with symmetry to create 3D mesh |
Creating Extrude along a Spine Mesh Parts | Extrude 2D mesh along a spine to create 3D mesh |
Post-Processing | |
Generating Images | Explains how to create Images under different type of Analysis Sets ( Restraint set, Solution Set) |
Exporting Data on Images | Exporting data of an image with or without mesh part ID |
Creating Basic Report | Generating basic report |
Activating-Deactivating Images | Set activation status of an image |
Specifying Occurrences for Images | Specify occurrences of an image |
Selecting groups for Image Visualization | Select groups for visualization of an image |
Transfer of Loads / Displacements | |
Create Assembled Loads | Create assembled loads and specify supports through Edit/Search... |
Create Assembled Solutions | Create assembled solution and specify supports through Edit/Search... |
Create Exported/Imported Loads | Export loads from analysis assembly to specific sub-analysis |
Create Exported/Imported Displacements | Export displacements from analysis assembly to specific sub-analysis |
[Top] | |
Quick Reference | |
Analysis Reference | Automation object reference for Analysis. |
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Version: 1 [Oct 2000] | Document created |
Version: 2 [April 2007] | Document updated |
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