CAAAniMesh1D includes the following steps:
- Prolog
- Adding a New User Material
- Loading the Material Catalog and retrieving a
- Creating an Analysis Material and Valuating its properties
- Epilog
Sub CATMain()
'Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
End If
'Open the Analysis document
sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, "online\CAAScdAniUseCases\samples\Beam.CATAnalysis")
Set oAnalysisDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)
Open the Analysis document. The Analysis document is fetched in the
documentation installation path, this path has already been stored in
the sDocPath
variable. In the collection of documents, two documents can be
retrieved: the Analysis document and the Part document.
Adding a new user material
'Retrieve the Analysis Manager and Analysis Model
Set oAnalysisManager = oAnalysisDocument.Analysis
'Retrieve the analysis model from the list of models
Set oAnalysisModels = oAnalysisManager.AnalysisModels
Set oAnalysisModel = oAnalysisManager.Item(1)
'Retrieve the material set from list of analysis sets
Set oAnalysisSets = oAnalysisModel.AnalysisSets
Set oAnalysisSet = oAnalysisSets.ItemByType("MaterialSet")
'Add an new user material
Set oAnalysisEntities = oAnalysisSet.AnalysisEntities
Set oAnalysisEntity1 = oAnalysisEntities.Add("SAMUserMaterial")
According to the general
Analysis Document structure, this macro uses some standard
procedures to navigate or retrieve the required objects. First, from the
Document, we find the Analysis Manager Object, the
Analysis Models and Analysis Set. We retrieve material set
from the list of analysis sets. A new user material is added to this
'Load the catalog of materials
MaterialFile = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, "online\CAAScdAniUseCases\samples\CatalogForAutomation.CATMaterial")
Set oMaterial_document = CATIA.Documents.Open(MaterialFile)
'Load the catalog of materials
Set cFamilies_list = oMaterial_document.Families
'Retrieve the first family of the library
Dim ifamily_no As Integer
ifamily_no = 1
Set oFirst_family = cFamilies_list.Item(iFamily_no)
'Retrieve the list of materials from the family
Set cMaterials_list = oFirst_family.Materials
Dim imaterial_no As Integer
imaterial_no = 1
Set oMaterial1 = cMaterials_list.Item(imaterial_no)
Here we load the material catalog specifying its full path. Inside
the material catalog the materials are arranged as families and lists.
We retrieve the first family and first list.
'Retrieve a material from the list and create analysis material
imaterial_no = 1
Set oMaterial1 = cMaterials_list.Item(imaterial_no)
Set anlysisMaterial = oMaterial1.CreateAnalysisData("SAMAnisotropicMaterial")
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_11", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_12", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_1Z", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_22", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_2Z", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearModulus_33", "1e+10"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMDensity", "7860"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMThermalExpansion_X", "1-e5"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMThermalExpansion_Y", "1-e5"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMThermalExpansion_Z", "1-e5"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMTensileStressLimit", "1e+11"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMCompressiveStressLimit", "2e+11"
anlysisMaterial.PutValue "SAMShearStressLimit", "1e+10"
'Apply the material on the User Material
linkMode = 0
Set oManager = oAnalysisManager.GetItem("CATMatManagerVBExt")
oManager.ApplyMaterialOnUserMaterial oAnalysisEntity1, oMaterial1, linkMode
We retrieve a material from the list and we can create an analysis
material of any of the supported types thanks to the method
CreateAnalysisData. We can call PutValue method on analysis material to
set appropriate values to its parameters. Finally we apply this analysis
material on the user material thanks to the method