CAAAniPreproOnPublish includes the following
- Prolog
- Importing the Part Document and Extracting
the Publication
- Creating an Analysis Case for Static Analysis
- Defining the Boundaries
- Defining the Load
- Defining a Sensor
- Computing the Case and Printing the Sensor Value
- Creating an Image
- Exporting Data from the Image
- Deactivating the Image
- Epilog
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
If(Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Get the collection of documents in session
Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Get the collection of documents in session
' Create the CATAnalysis Document
Set TheAnalysisDocument = documents1.Add("Analysis")
' if WB name already is "GPSCfg", not to use StartWorkbench
WBName = CATIA.GetWorkbenchId if (WBName <> "GPSCfg") Then
End If
Create the Analysis document. The use of StartWorkbench will customize
the analysis document as a generative one. it mean's that meshparts and
properties will be automatically created as in the Generative workbench.
Importing the Part Document and Extracting the
In order to import the document you have to give the path of this document,
the late type which implements CATISamImportDefine and an array of CATVariant
if you want to customize the import.
' Start to scan the existing structure of analysis document: Retrieve the AnalysisManager
Set analysisManager1 = TheAnalysisDocument.Analysis
Dim arrayOfVariantOfShort1(0)
analysisManager1.ImportDefineFile (sDocPath & sSep & "online" & sSep & "CAAScdAniUseCases" & sSep & "samples" & sSep & "AnalysisMechfeat.CATPart"),
"CATAnalysisImport", arrayOfVariantOfShort1
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Reframe All.
Set specsAndGeomWindow1 = CATIA.ActiveWindow
Set viewer3D1 = specsAndGeomWindow1.ActiveViewer
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Scan the analysis document: Retrieve the Pointed documents to extract the reference for preprocessing
Set analysisLinkedDocuments1 = analysisManager1.LinkedDocuments
CATIA.SystemService.Print analysisLinkedDocuments1.Name
If (analysisLinkedDocuments1.Count <> 1 ) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,"NbDoc Lié NE 1"
End If
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Retrieve the CATPart Document and associated publications for preprocessing.
Set TheDoc = analysisLinkedDocuments1.Item(1)
CATIA.SystemService.Print TheDoc.FullName
Set product1 = TheDoc.Product
Set publications1 = product1.Publications
Set publication1 = publications1.Item("Bottomface")
Set publication2 = publications1.Item("Sliding1")
Set publication3 = publications1.Item("Sliding2")
Set publication4 = publications1.Item("ResizeBody")
The part document is fetched in the documentation installation path,
this path has already been stored in the sDocPath variable.
In the collection of documents analysisLinkedDocuments1 , two documents
can be retrieved: the Analysis one and the Part document. The extraction
of pre defined geometrical arena is done by using the Publication interface.
Each publication is identified by a logical name. This is equivalent as
the selection of a Publication element inside the interactive applications.
Creating an Analysis Case for Static Analysis
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Create a Static Case in the current analysis model.
Set analysisModels1 = analysisManager1.AnalysisModels
Set analysisModel1 = analysisModels1.Item(1)
Set analysisCases1 = analysisModel1.AnalysisCases
Set analysisCase1 = analysisCases1.Add()
Set analysisSets1 = analysisCase1.AnalysisSets
Set analysisSet1 = analysisSets1.Add("RestraintSet", catAnalysisSetIn)
Set analysisSet2 = analysisSets1.Add("LoadSet", catAnalysisSetIn)
Set analysisSet3 = analysisCase1.AddSolution("StaticSet")
According to the general
Analysis Document structure, this macro uses some standard procedures
to navigate or retrieve the required objects. First, from the document,
we find the Analysis manager Object, the Analysis models and
the Analysis cases Objects. From both last object (Analysis Model
and Analysis case), you can get access to Analysis Sets and Analysis
entities that defines the pre-processing actions. This step create a
new case and create two input sets (Restraint Set and Load Set) and a solution
set (StaticSet).
Defining the Boundaries
' To work with the collection of entities that defines the Boundary condition.
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
Set analysisEntities1 = analysisSet1.AnalysisEntities
Set analysisEntity1 = analysisEntities1.Add("SAMClamp")
analysisEntity1.AddSupportFromPublication product1, publication1
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Create Slider boundary.
Set analysisEntity2 = analysisEntities1.Add("SAMSurfaceSlider")
analysisEntity2.AddSupportFromPublication product1, publication2
analysisEntity2.AddSupportFromPublication product1, publication3
From the restraint set defined on the analysis case, we retrieve the
collection of analysis entities. We add to this collection a fix (clamp)
boundary condition and apply it on the geometry extracted from the Part
document. Then, same is done for the sliding conditions.
Defining the Load
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Create Pressure.
Set analysisEntities2 = analysisSet2.AnalysisEntities
Set analysisEntity3 = analysisEntities2.Add("SAMPressure")
analysisEntity3.AddSupportFromPublication product1, publication4
analysisEntity3.SetValue "SAMPressureMag","", 0, 0, 0, 500.
The load is defined as the boundaries. For more information about the
physical type included inside analysis entities and the way to valuate them,
refer to the reference [2]
Defining a Sensor
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Define a global sensor measuring the maximum value of VonMises criterion.
Set dimension1 = analysisManager1.Parameters.CreateDimension("Maximum value of VonMises criterion", "PRESSURE", 0.000000)
Set formula1 = analysisManager1.Relations.CreateFormula("Maximum value of VonMises criterion","",dimension1,
"misesmax(`Finite Element Model.1\Static Case Solution.1` ) ")
Computing the Case and Printing the Sensor Value
' Launch the computation of the Case
MyCase.Compute ...
' Extract the computed value of the sensor
CATIA.SystemService.Print " Mises Max Computed " & dimension1.ValueAsString
This method will launch the mesher, generate the finite element model
for preprocessing and launch the solver to generate the finite element results.
Creating an Image
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Create corresponding image.
Set analysisImages1 = analysisSet3.AnalysisImages
Set analysisImage1 = analysisImages1.Add("StressVonMises_Iso_Smooth", False, False, True)
' _____________________________________________________________________________________ '
Reframe All.
The image is created based on the solution of the case. For this use
the AnalysisImages collection and create the image according to it's name.
Then, reframe will update the display.
Exporting Data from the Image
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Export data from the created image.
Set fileSystem1 = CATIA.FileSystem
Set folder1 = fileSystem1.GetFolder(outputPath)
analysisImage1.ExportData folder1, "VonMises", "txt"
' _____________________________________________________________________________________ '
The image is exported in the specified file. This file is defined by
folder, export data filename and filetype.
Deactivating the Image
' _____________________________________________________________________________________
' Deactivate and Update the created image.
analysisImage1.SetActivationStatus false
' _____________________________________________________________________________________ '
The image is deactivated.
To run the macro interactively CATDocView and ADL_ODT_SLASH
environment variables must be defined. |