CAAAniMeshAdvSurf includes the following steps:
- Prolog
- Extracting the List of Mesh Parts and Publications
- Creating Mesh part and Assigning Values to its
- Epilog
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------
'Open the Analysis document
sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, "online\CAAScdAniUseCases\samples\Surface.CATAnalysis")
Set oAnalysisDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)
Open the Analysis document. The Analysis document is retrieved in the
documentation installation path, this path has already been stored in the
sDocPath variable. In the collection of documents, two documents
can be retrieved; the Analysis document and the Part document.
Extracting the List of Mesh Parts and Publications
'Retrieve the Analysis Manager and Analysis Model
Set oAnalysisManager = oAnalysisDocument.Analysis
'Retreive the part document from Analysis manager
Set oAnalysisLinkedDocument = oAnalysisManager.LinkedDocuments
Set partDocument = oAnalysisLinkedDocuments.Item(1)
Set product = partDocument.Product
'Retrieve the analysis model from the list of models
Set oAnalysisModels = oAnalysisManager.AnalysisModels
Set oAnalysisModel = oAnalysisManager.Item(1)
'Retrieve mesh manager and mesh part
Set oAnalysisMeshManager = oAnalysisModel.MeshManager
Set oAnalysisMeshParts = oAnalysisMeshManager.AnalysisMeshParts
'Retrieve publications from product and retrieve the published surface and edge
Set publications1 = product.Publications
Set pubEdge = publications1.Item("Edge")
Set pubSurf = publications1.Item("Round Hole.1")
According to the general
Analysis Document structure, this macro uses some standard procedures
to navigate or retrieve the required objects. First, from the Document,
we find the Analysis Manager Object, the Analysis Models and
the Mesh Manager Objects. The extraction of pre-defined geometric
elements is done by using the Reference interface. This is equivalent to
the selection of a B-Rep element inside the interactive application. Here
the reference is created from a published face.
Creating the Mesh Part and Assigning Values to
its Attributes.
'Add the new Advanced surface mesh part to the list of mesh parts
Set surfPart = meshParts.Add ("MSHPartSmartSurf")
'Add support from the published surface
surfPart.AddSupportFromPublication product, pubSurf
'Set the global
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "GlobalMethod", "Frontal triangle"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "GlobalSize", "20.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MinimumSize", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "ElementOrder", "Parabolic"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "FaceAngle", "0.0 deg"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "CurveAngle", "0.0 deg"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "DetailsElimination", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "StripOptimization", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "CleanSize", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "Offset", "0.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "OffsetFromThickness", "0.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MinimizeTriangles", 1.
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MinSizeForSag", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "CurveCaptureTol", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "OptimizeRegularity", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshRelSagValue", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshRelSag", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "ConstraintSagValue", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "CurveCapture", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshCapture", 1
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshCapturTol", "1.0 mm"
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshAbsSag", 2
surfPart.SetGlobalSpecification "MeshAbsSagValue", "1.0 mm"
'Add the domain specifications as local specifications
and assign values to its attributes
Set meshSpecs = surfPart.AnalysisMeshLocalSpecifications
Set spec = meshSpecs.Add("MSHDistributionElement")
spec.SetAttribute "NbElements", 50
spec.SetAttribute "Type", "Isometric"
spec.AddSupportFromPublication "Supports", product, pubEdge
'Update the mesh part
Here parameters are set with their respective units, this helps in
setting up of the parameters independent of the unit settings. Calling update on the mesh part computes the mesh.
To run the macro interactively CATDocView
environment variable must be defined. |