This use case shows how groups are selected image
The macro opens an Analysis document which already contains a computed
frequency case and images. Selections are set for the Von Mises Stress image
which already exists in the document. Different groups such as
mesh parts, clamps and groups are selected.

CAAAniPostProSelection includes the following steps:
- Prolog
- Retrieve Analysis Cases and Analysis Sets from
the Analysis Document
- Create References from different Groups and set
them as Selection
- Epilog
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Open the Analysis document
sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, "online\CAAScdAniUseCases\samples\Cube_R13_Freq.CATAnalysis")
Set oAnalysisDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)
... |
Open the Analysis document. The Analysis document is fetched in the documentation
installation path, this path has already been stored in the sDocPath
variable. In the collection of documents, two documents can be retrieved;
the Analysis document and the Part document.
Retrieve Analysis Cases and Analysis Sets
from Analysis Document
' Retrieve the Analysis Manager
Set oAnalysisManager = oAnalysisDocument.Analysis
' Retrieve the analysis model from the list of models
Set oAnalysisModels = oAnalysisManager.AnalysisModels
Set oAnalysisModel = oAnalysisModels.Item(1)
' Retrieve the analysis cases and the first analysis case
Set oAnalysisCases = oAnalysisModel.AnalysisCases
Set oAnalysisCase = oAnalysisCases.Item(1)
' Retrieve the analysis sets and analysis set by its name
Set oAnalysisSets = oAnalysisCase.AnalysisSets
Set analysisSet2 = oAnalysisSets.Item("Frequency Case Solution.1", catAnalysisSetSearchAll)
' Retrieve the analysis Entity and create a reference
Set analysisEntities1 = oAnalysisSet.AnalysisEntities
Set analysisEntity1 = analysisEntities1.Item(1)
Set reference1 = oAnalysisManager.CreateReferenceFromObject(analysisEntity1)
... |
According to the general
Analysis Document structure, this macro uses some standard procedures
to navigate or retrieve the required objects. First, from the Document,
we find the Analysis Manager Object, and the Analysis Model.
The Analysis case is retrieved from list of cases by its index. The model
contains only one analysis case hence we pass 1 to the method Item.
Otherwise we pass the appropriate index of the frequency case if there
are more Analysis cases. The Analysis Case is retrieved from the list of
image by its name. The name is same as that appears in the interactive
Create References from
different Groups and set them as Selection
' Retrieve the image from Frequency Case Solution and set selection
Set analysisImages1 = analysisSet2.AnalysisImages
Set analysisImage1 = analysisImages1.Item("Von Mises Stress (nodal values).1")
analysisImage1.SetSelection reference1, True
' Get the list of groups and create reference from first group
Set oAnalysisSet = oAnalysisModel.AnalysisSets
Set analysisSet3 = analysisSets2.ItemByType("GroupSet")
Set analysisEntities2 = analysisSet3.AnalysisEntities
Set analysisEntity2 = analysisEntities2.Item(1)
Set reference2 = oAnalysisManager.CreateReferenceFromObject(analysisEntity2)
' Set the created reference for Selection in Von Mises Stress Image
analysisImage1.SetSelection reference2, False
' Remove all the selections and update
' Retrieve the mesh part OCTREE Tetrahedron Filler
Set analysisSets3 = oAnalysisModel.AnalysisSets
Set oAnalysisMeshManager = analysisSets3.ItemByType("MSHMeshSet")
Set oAnalysisMeshParts = oAnalysisMeshManager.AnalysisMeshParts
Set analysisMeshPart1 = oAnalysisMeshParts.Item("OCTREE Tetrahedron Mesh.1 : Part1")
'Create reference from the mesh part and set the selection
Set reference3 = oAnalysisManager.CreateReferenceFromObject(analysisMeshPart1)
analysisImage1.SetSelection reference3, True
... |
Creating reference from objects and setting them is achieved by Reference
interface. This is equivalent to selecting objects in the view using mouse.
The type of entities contained in the selection may be different from a
specification to another. For example a Clamp symbolizes a set of
nodes, a Lineic Force symbolizes a set of edges and a Pressure
symbolizes a set of faces.
To run the macro interactively CATDocView
environment variable must be defined. |