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IDL Enumerated Type Index


ABQConcForceLoad_Type enum
ABQRestartOption enum
ABQRestartReadOption enum
ABQRestartReadStepSelOption enum
AbqMsFrequencyType enum
Mass Scaling Frequency types.
AbqMsTargetMethod enum
Mass Scaling Target Method.
AccuracyType enum
Types of accuracy for the accuracy profile in robot controller.
AdjustMethod_Type enum
Adjust Method types.
AutoTimeIncrementMethod enum
Time increment estimator methods for automatic time incrementation.


CATAnalysisSetSearchType enum
Search type for analysis sets.
CATAnalysisSetType enum
Update type for analysis sets.
CATArrangementAreaVisuMode enum
ArrangementAreaVisuMode Styles.
CATArrangementItemResVisuMode enum
Visualization mode for Item Reservation.
CATArrangementRouteSection enum
Section Types for ArrangementRun, ArrangementPathway and ArrangementBoundary objects.
CATArrangementRouteVisuMode enum
The visualization mode for the ArrangementRun, ArrangementPathway, ArrangementBoundary objects.
CATAxisOrientationType enum
Orientation of coordinate system.
CATAxisSystemAxisType enum
Specification of the axes of the coordinate system.
CATAxisSystemMainType enum
Axis System type.
CATAxisSystemOriginType enum
Axis System Origin.
CATBackFaceCullingMode enum
Back Face Culling mode.
CATDocContextualPriority enum
The Contextual Priority setting attribute range of values.
CATFTADimConfigureSnapping enum
CATFTADimCreateOn enum
CATFTALeaderAssociativity enum
The associativity of a FT&A (Functional Tolerancing & Annotation) leader with respect to the pointed geometrical element.
CATFittingShuttleVector enum
The Shuttle Vector setting attribute range of values.
CATFullSceneAntiAliasingMode enum
Full Scene Anti-aliasing mode.
CATFunctOrientationDirection enum
The qualifications of Orientation and Direction of a Functional Action.
CATGenConferencing enum
The Conference Driver setting attribute range of values.
CATGenDataSave enum
The Data Save setting attribute range of values.
CATGenUIStyle enum
The User Interface Style setting attribute range of values.
CATManipAutoInsertMode enum
CATManipClashMode enum
The manipulation clash mode attribute's possible values.
CATMultiSelectionMode enum
Types of multi-selection.
CATScriptLanguage enum
Types of macro libraries defined in the V5 architecture.
CATSearchContextScope enum
The Default Power Input Context Scope setting attribute range of values.
CATSelectionFilter enum
Values to use as selection filter.
CATStrSectionProperties enum
Property type.
CATV4IV4V5SpecDraftMigrationEnum enum
The mode of migration of draft during Copy/Paste As Spec.
CATV4IV5V4AssociativityModeEnum enum
The associativity mode of migration during Save As Model.
CATV4IV5V4ErrorFeatureCreationEnum enum
The error feature's creation mode during Save As Model.
CATV4IV5V4InternalCurveCreationEnum enum
The internal curves' creation mode during Save As Model.
Cat3DColorInheritanceMode enum
View color mode.
Cat3DXmlGeomRepresentationType enum
The 3D XML geometry representation setting attribute range of values.
Cat3DXmlPPRSaveConfig enum
The PPR save config setting attribute range of values.
CatAlgorithmType enum
Algorithm types.
CatAnnotatedViewBehavior enum
CatArrangeStyle enum
Window arrangement style.
CatAsmAutoSwitchToDesignMode enum
Option managing the implicit switch from visualization mode to design mode.
CatAsmConstraintCreationMode enum
Constraint creation mode.
CatAsmExtendMoveToFixT enum
Option managing the extension of a move to the components involved in a FixTogether.
CatAsmPasteComponentMode enum
Component Paste mode.
CatAsmQuickConstraintMode enum
Quick constraint mode.
CatAsmRedundancyMode enum
Redundancy check mode.
CatAsmUpdateMode enum
Update command mode.
CatAsmUpdateStatusComputeMode enum
Real Update status computation mode.
CatBannerPosition enum
Banner position.
CatBlankingMode enum
Annotation blanking mode.
CatCSHoleMode enum
Countersunk hole mode.
CatCameraType enum
Types of camera.
CatCaptureFormat enum
File format in which the capture of a viewer can be saved.
CatChamferMode enum
Chamfer definition mode.
CatChamferOrientation enum
Chamfer orientation.
CatChamferPropagation enum
Chamfer propagation mode.
CatCircularPatternParameters enum
Circular Pattern Parameters.
CatClashComputationType enum
The different types of clash computation.
CatClashExportType enum
The different types of clash export.
CatClashImportType enum
The different types of clash import.
CatClashInterferenceType enum
The different types of clash interference.
CatClippingFrameReframeOnMode enum
At creation of a view the clipping frame is reframed on.
CatClippingMode enum
Depth effects.
CatConflictComparison enum
The different cases of comparison of conflicts.
CatConflictStatus enum
The different statuses of conflicts.
CatConflictType enum
The different types of conflicts.
CatConstraintAngleSector enum
Special constraint property for angle constraints.
CatConstraintDistConfig enum
Special constraint configurations for distance constraints.
CatConstraintDistDirection enum
Constraint distance direction.
CatConstraintMode enum
Constraint working mode
Part constraints can work in two modes: as constraints or as measurements.
CatConstraintOrientation enum
Constraint elements relative orientation.
CatConstraintRefAxis enum
Constraint reference axis.
CatConstraintRefType enum
Constraint reference type.
CatConstraintSide enum
Constrained elements relative side.
CatConstraintStatus enum
Possible state of a constraint.
CatConstraintType enum
Possible types of constraints.
CatDMUGroupPreviewHiddenObjectsDisplayMode enum
The different modes for the display of hidden objects in DMU Group Preview.
CatDedicatedFilterType enum
Specifies if the dedicated filter mask or not the background.
CatDescriptionLengthType enum
Precision of the text report.
CatDftWeldFinishSymbol enum
Finish symbol of Drawing welding.
CatDftWeldingTail enum
Drawing welding tail.
CatDimAnalyse enum
Dimension analyse.
CatDimDualDisplay enum
Dimension dual value display mode.
CatDimFake enum
Dimension value fake mode.
CatDimFrame enum
Dimension value frame.
CatDimFramedElement enum
Dimension framed element.
CatDimFramedGroup enum
Dimension framed group.
CatDimLineGraphRep enum
Dimension line graphical representation.
CatDimLineRep enum
Dimension line representation.
CatDimMode enum
Dimension mode.
CatDimOrientation enum
Dimension line orientation.
CatDimReference enum
Dimension line reference.
CatDimScore enum
Dimension scoring mode.
CatDimSymbols enum
Dimension line symbols.
CatDimType enum
Dimension type.
CatDistanceComputationType enum
The different types of clash computation.
CatDistanceMeasureType enum
The different types of distance measure.
CatDraftMode enum
Draft mode.
CatDraftMultiselectionMode enum
Multi Selection Mode.
CatDraftNeutralPropagationMode enum
Draft neutral propagation.
CatDrawingStandard enum
The standard for the drawing document.
CatDrawingViewType enum
Type of a view.
CatDrwNewSheetFrom enum
Enum for the way of new sheet creation.
CatElectronicType enum
CatFileSelectionMode enum
Mode used when displaying a file selection box using CATIA.
CatFileType enum
Possible types of Files.
CatFilletBitangencyType enum
Fillet Bitangency Type.
CatFilletBoundaryRelimitation enum
Fillet boundary relimitation.
CatFilletEdgePropagation enum
Fillet edge propagation.
CatFilletRepresentation enum
Fillet drawing mode.
CatFilletTrimSupport enum
Fillet Trim Support.
CatFilletVariation enum
Fillet edge variation.
CatGeometricType enum
Enumeration for all types of possible geometrical elements.
CatGridPositionMode enum
The different modes for section grid positioning.
CatHiddenLineMode enum
View hidden line drawing mode.
CatHoleAnchorMode enum
Hole anchoring mode.
CatHoleBottomType enum
Hole bottom type.
CatHoleThreadSide enum
Hole threading .
CatHoleThreadStandard enum
Hole Thread Standard It describes the standard to be used for hole threads.
CatHoleThreadingMode enum
Hole threading mode.
CatHoleType enum
Hole type.
CatImageRotation enum
Image rotation.
CatImageViewMode enum
Image view mode.
CatJustification enum
Drawing text justification.
CatLightingMode enum
Lighting modes.
CatLimitMode enum
Limit mode.
CatManufacturingPrecedenceType enum
Possible types of precedence.
CatMarker2DType enum
CatMarker3DType enum
CatMarkerTextOrientation enum
The different orientations of a text Marker2D or Marker3D.
CatMeasurableName enum
CatMergeMode enum
Merge mode.
CatNavigationStyle enum
Navigation styles.
CatOptimizationType enum
Optimization types.
CatOutPutFormatType enum
Output format of the Knowledge Expert text report.
CatPaperOrientation enum
Paper orientation.
CatPaperSize enum
Paper size.
CatPartElementsNamingMode enum
Naming mode parameter's possible values.
CatPartSurfaceElementsLocation enum
Wireframe and surface elements location parameter's possible values.
CatPartUpdateMode enum
Update mode setting parameter's possible values.
CatPictureFormat enum
Picture format parameters.
CatPointsProjectionMode enum
3D points projection mode.
CatPrintColor enum
Color Appearance.
CatPrintLineCap enum
CatPrintLineSpecification enum
CatPrintQuality enum
Print quality.
CatPrintRenderingMode enum
Print rendering mode.
CatPrinterDirState enum
Printer directory state.
CatPrismExtrusionDirection enum
Prism extrusion type.
CatPrismOrientation enum
Prism extrusion orientation mode.
CatProductSource enum
Possible types of product source.
CatProjViewType enum
View projection mode.
CatProjectionMode enum
Projection modes.
CatPspIDLApplicationID enum
Application IDs.
CatPspIDLAttrDataType enum
Attribute type.
CatPspIDLDomainID enum
Doamin IDs.
CatPspIDLFlowCapability enum
Flow capability directions.
CatPspIDLFlowReality enum
Actual Flow directions.
CatPspIDLFunctionStatus enum
Indicates if function has network data and if it is linked to a physical part.
CatPspIDLPartConnectorType enum
Part Connector types.
CatRectangularPatternParameters enum
Rectangular Pattern Parameters.
CatRenderingMode enum
Rendering modes.
CatRepType enum
Possible types of representations.
CatRepresentationMode enum
Representation mode of a generative view.
CatSacSettingsEnum enum
The different types for the Import Data settings.
CatSampledAnalysisMode enum
Possible values of how analysis is to be used when it is added to a sampled based object.
CatSampledSplitType enum
CatSceneType enum
The different types of a new ProductScene scene.
CatSchIDLApplicationID enum
DS supported schematic application ID.
CatSchIDLArrowFrequency enum
Schematic route arrow frequency.
CatSchIDLArrowPosition enum
Schematic route arrow position.
CatSchIDLArrowStyle enum
Schematic route arrow style.
CatSchIDLCntrFlowCapability enum
Schematic connector flow directions.
CatSchIDLCntrFlowReality enum
Schematic connector flow directions.
CatSchIDLCntrSymbolType enum
Schematic connector symbol types.
CatSchIDLDisplayMode enum
Schematic visualization display modes.
CatSchIDLExtensionType enum
Schematic extension types.
CatSchIDLGRRRouteReshapeMode enum
Flag for whether or not the route shape is fixed.
CatSchIDLGapPriority enum
Schematic route gap priority.
CatSchIDLGapStyle enum
Schematic route gap style.
CatSchIDLInternalFlowStatus enum
Schematic internal flow flow status.
CatSchIDLInternalFlowType enum
Schematic internal flow types.
CatSchIDLMultiImageStatus enum
Status of the image in MIO.
CatSchIDLRouteAlternateGraphicStyle enum
Alternate Graphic styles for routes Role: For displaying a route under alternate display mode.
CatSchIDLRouteCompressMode enum
Flag for whether or not to compress a schematic route (i.
CatSchIDLRouteMode enum
Schematic routing modes.
CatSchIDLRouteSymbolUpdateMode enum
Flag for whether or not to update location of route symbols when setting a route's path.
CatSchIDLRouteUnsetGapsMode enum
Flag for whether or not to unset gaps when setting a route's path.
CatScriptLibraryType enum
Types of macro libraries defined in the V5 architecture.
CatSecWindowOpenMode enum
CatSectionBehavior enum
The different types of a section.
CatSectionClippingMode enum
The different algorithmes used to computate the section result.
CatSectionGridStyle enum
The different styles of the section grid.
CatSectionPlaneNormal enum
The different default normals for the section plane.
CatSectionPlaneOrigin enum
The different default origins for the section plane.
CatSectionType enum
The different types of a section.
CatSewingIntersectionMode enum
Sewing Intersection mode.
CatSheetGenViewsPosMode enum
Positioning mode values for generative views inside the sheet.
CatSheetProjectionMethod enum
Sheet projection Method.
CatShowResultType enum
Sorting option for the Expert Knowledge text report.
CatShuttleMoveMode enum
CatShuttleVector enum
CatSolveType enum
Type for controlling the resolution in Knowledge Expert.
CatSpecsAndGeomWindowLayout enum
Specification and geometry window layout.
CatSpecsLayout enum
Specification tree layout.
CatSplitSide enum
Split side.
CatStrCreationMode enum
Not yet implemented.
CatStrCutbackType enum
CatStrLinkMode enum
Associative mode.
CatStrMaterialOrientation enum
Material orientations.
CatStrMemberExtremity enum
Extremities of a Member object.
CatStrPlacementPoint enum
CatStrPlaneMode enum
Usage modes of a plane used as a support for a member support axis.
CatSymbolType enum
Symbol type.
CatTableBorderType enum
Justification of a table cell.
CatTableComputeMode enum
Compute mode of a table.
CatTableInvertMode enum
Invert mode of a table.
CatTablePosition enum
Table anchor position or table cell alignment.
CatTextAnchorPosition enum
Drawing text anchor position.
CatTextFlipMode enum
Text mirroring mode.
CatTextFrameType enum
Drawing text frame types.
CatTextProperty enum
Drawing text properties.
CatThreadLinkedTo enum
Specifies the kind of link the thread has.
CatThreadPolarity enum
Thread/Tap Polarity Management It describes the thread polarity.
CatThreadSide enum
Threading/Tapping side It describes the side of thread/tap.
CatThreadStandard enum
Thread/Tap Standard It describes the standard to be used for thread/tap.
CatThreadType enum
Thread type.
CatTreeOrientationEnum enum
Orientations for the specification tree.
CatTreeSizeTypeEnum enum
Types for the size of the text in the specification tree.
CatTreeTypeEnum enum
Types for the specification tree.
CatView2DModeVisu enum
CatViewBackgroundMode enum
The way the background of a view is displayed at creation.
CatViewFilterCreationMode enum
At creation of a view, this enum defines how the filter of this view is configured.
CatViewSide enum
CatViewSide is used in conjonction with a reference View2DL and a ViewBox.
CatViewType enum
Type of a view.
CatVisLayerType enum
Types of layer.
CatVisPropertyPick enum
Types of Pick/NoPick states.
CatVisPropertyShow enum
Types of Show/NoShow states.
CatVisPropertyStatus enum
Types of result of a query on graphic properties for the current selection.
CatVisPropertyType enum
Types of graphic properties.
CatVisuBackgroundMode enum
Background Visu Mode.
CatVisuIn3DMode enum
3D Visu Mode.
CatVisualizationType enum
Type of checks to be chosen for the Expert Knowledge Report.
CatWeldAdditionalSymbol enum
Drawing welding additional symbol.
CatWelding enum
Active drawing welding.
CatWeldingField enum
Drawing welding field.
CatWeldingSide enum
Drawing welding side.
CatWeldingSymbol enum
Drawing welding symbol.
CatWindowState enum
Window state.
CatWorkModeType enum
Possible types of Workmode.
ContactStiffness_Type enum
Contact stiffness types.


DMUTrackMoveMode enum
The movement mode for tracks.
DNBActBehaviorType enum
The Behavior setting attribute range of values.
DNBAnalysisLevel enum
The Analysis Level setting attribute range of values.
DNBAssignStatus enum
enum DNBAssignStatus It represents the result status of the fastener assignment action to process.
DNBHlnkBehaviorType enum
The Hyperlink Behavior setting attribute range of values.
DNBIAMfgAssemblyType enum
This file defines the possible types of a Manufacturing Assembly.
DNBSimGraphUpdateMode enum
The PSGraphicUpdate setting attribute range of values.
DNBSimInitStateAttr enum
Specifies which Initial State attributes will be managed.
DNBSimNavigationMode enum
The analysis SimNavigation Mode setting attribute range of values.
DNBTCPTraceLegends enum
Possible types of TCP Trace legends.
DNBTCPTraceReps enum
Possible types of TCP Trace representations.
DNBVisualizationMode enum
The analysis Visualization Mode setting attribute range of values.
Distribution_Type enum
Field types.


elemBehavEnum enum
elemIDEnum enum


FixedTimeIncrementMethod enum
Time increment methods for fixed time incrementation.
FormulationOption_Type enum
Formulation_Type enum
Formulation types.
FrameVisibility enum


HTSActivityGroupMotionBasis enum
HTSBodyPoseOptions enum
HTSEndEffector enum
HTSHand enum
HTSManikinReferential enum
HTSMotionBasis enum
HTSPickType enum
HTSSearchIntensity enum
HTSStrideOptions enum
HTSSwingOptions enum
HTSWalkMotionBasis enum


Incrementation_Type enum
Step incrementation methods.
InitialThickness_Type enum
Stabilization initial thickness.
ItemAssignmentType enum
The Analysis Level setting attribute range of values.


Job_Type enum
Job types.


MaxStiffness_Type enum
Max stiffness types.
MemoryUnit_Type enum
MotionBasis enum
Types of motion for the motion profile in robot controller.


ParallelMethodStd_Type enum
Direct solver parallel equation solution method.
PositionTolerance_Type enum
Position Tolerance types.
PressureOverclosure_Type enum
Pressure overclosure types.


RasterLevelOfDetail enum
Precision for views generated as raster (DPI).
Response_Type enum
Thermal response types.


Sliding_Type enum
Sliding types.
SpringDef_Type enum
SpringDof_Type enum
SpringType_Type enum
StabilizationStiffness_Type enum
Stabilization stiffness types.
Stabilization_Type enum
Stabilization types.


TimeSpan_Type enum
Time span types.

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