Schematics Platform Modeler

Querying Schematic Document Content

This macro shows you how to query for information from a Schematic design document.

The information includes the following:

  1. A list of all Schematic components (references or instances) in the document.
  2. A list of all Schematic routes in the document.
  3. The placement matrix of a specific Schematic component instance.
  4. The defining route points of the route path of a specific Schematic route instance.
  5. The position of a connector.

This macro open the CAASCH_CompRoute01.CATProduct document for querying information.

CAASchQueryCompRoute is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

Special environment must be available to successfully run this macro:

  • Prerequisites:
  1. RADE must be installed.
  2. must exist in CAADoc folder.
  • Setup:
  1. Build CAASchAppBase.m and CAASchAppUtilities.m, located in (RADE is required).
  2. Copy generated DLLs, CAASchAppBase.dll and CAASchAppUtilities.m, respectively, to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\code\bin."
  3. Copy CAASCHEDUApp.CATfct, located\CNext\resources\graphic, to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\resources\graphic."
  4. Copy\CNext\code\dictionary\ to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\code\dictionary."

CAASchQueryCompRoute.CATScript is located in the CAAScdSchUseCases module. Execute macro (windows only).

CAASchQueryCompRoute includes the following steps:
  1. Prolog
  2. Query for the name of the current document in the session.
  3. Query for a list of Schematic reference components in the document.
  4. Query for a list of Schematic component instances in the document.
  5. Find the positioning matrix of specific graphical image of a Schematic component instance.
  6. Query for a list of all the connectors of a Schematic component instance.
  7. Query for a list of all the Schematic route instances in the document.
  8. Query for a list of route path definition points.


The macro first loads the document: CAASCH_CompRoute01.CATProduct.

    ' Open the schematic document
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

Next, the macro acquires the schematic root object from the document. The schematic root is the top node of the object instance tree in a schematic document. 

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

Query for the name of the current document in the session

The SchSession interface provides the GetCurrentDocument method to return the name of the current document.

       Set objSchSession = objSchRoot.GetSchematicSession

       '| Query the name of the current document
       If ( Not ( objSchSession Is Nothing ) ) Then
          Set objCurDoc = objSchSession.GetCurrentDocument

Query for a list of Schematic reference components in the document

The SchematicRoot interface provides the GetRefComponents method to return a list of Schematic component references in the document.

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' |  List schematic component references in the model
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Set objSchLCompRefs = objSchRoot.GetRefComponents

Query for a list of Schematic component instances in the document

The SchematicRoot interface provides the GetComponents method to return a list of Schematic component instances in the document.

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' |  List schematic component instances in the model
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Set objSchLComps = objSchRoot.GetComponents

Find the positioning matrix of specific graphical image of a Schematic component instance

This macro provides the GetComponentImage internal Function to return a specific SchGRRComp interface handle on a specific graphical image of a component instance. This interface provides the GetTransformation2D method to return the positioning matrix of the image.

            If ( Not ( objCompGraphInst Is Nothing ) ) Then
               Set objGRRCompInst = GetComponentImage (objCompGraphInst)
                  objGRRCompInst.GetTransformation2D objSchLDbComp

Query for a list of all the connectors of a Schematic component instance

The macro calls AppListConnectors to list all the connectors. Notice that the input objFilter is an empty list which specifies no filtering is requested.

            ' Get the connector locations of all component instances
            If ( Not ( objCntbl Is Nothing ) And  Not ( objGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
               Set objLCntrs = objCntbl.AppListConnectors (objLFilter)

For each connector in the returned list, the macro calls the method calls GetPosition method to obtain the x-y coordinates of the connector position.

                     For iCntr = 1 To intNbCntr
                        Set objCntr = Nothing
                        Set objCntr = objLCntrs.Item (iCntr,"CATIASchCntrLocation")
                        If ( Not ( objCntr Is Nothing )) Then
                           objCntr.GetPosition objGRR, objLDbCntr

Query for a list of all the Schematic route instances in the document

The SchematicRoot interface provides the GetRoutes method to return a list of Schematic route instances in the document.

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' |  List schematic route instances
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Set objSchLRoutes = objSchRoot.GetRoutes

Query for a list of route path definition points

The macro calls the GetRoutePrimitives to get the graphical representation of a specific Schematic route instance. Then it calls GetPath to get a list of x-y coordinates for each defining points of the route path. 

            ' Get the route points x-y coordinates of the route. 
            If ( Not ( objSchRouteGraph Is Nothing ) ) Then

               Set objGRRRoute = GetRoutePrimitives (objSchRouteGraph,objSchRoot)

               If ( Not ( objGRRRoute Is Nothing ) ) Then

                  objGRRRoute.GetPath objSchLDbRoute

                  If ( Not ( objSchLDbRoute Is Nothing ) And _
                       intNbOut > 3 ) Then

                     intNb = objSchLDbRoute.Count

                     Dim iIndex As Integer
                     Dim jIndex As integer
                     Dim dbX As Double
                     Dim dbY As Double
                     Dim intNbPoint As Integer
                     intNbPoint = intNbOut/2

                     If ( (intNbOut = intNb ) And  (intNbPoint > 1) ) Then
                        For iIndex = 1 To intNbPoint
                           jIndex = ((iIndex-1) * 2) + 1
                           dbX = objSchLDbRoute.Item(jIndex)
                           dbY = objSchLDbRoute.Item(jIndex+1)


In Short

This use case shows how to query the data of a Schematic document and of its object. A message logging the status of the critical steps is displayed at the end of the use case.



[1] Replaying a Macro

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