Option Explicit

' *****************************************************************************
'   Purpose:      Provides a list of component and route from a schematic 
'                 document. List all the defining points of the component
'                 route instances. For each component instance, also lists
'                 the defining points of its connectors.
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English 
'   CATIA Level:  V5R15 
' *****************************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 

    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,sDocPath,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Open the schematic document 
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

    Dim strMessage As String

    strMessage = _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "Output traces from CAASchQueryCompRoute.CATScript" & vbCrLf

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product 
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

    Dim objSchLComps As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objSchLCompRefs As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objSchLRoutes As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objSchSession As SchSession
    Dim objCurDoc As Document
    Dim strCurDocName As String

    If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then

       Set objSchSession = objSchRoot.GetSchematicSession

       '| Query the name of the current document 
       If ( Not ( objSchSession Is Nothing ) ) Then
          Set objCurDoc = objSchSession.GetCurrentDocument
          If ( Not ( objCurDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
             strCurDocName = objCurDoc.Name
             strMessage = strMessage &  "Current Document = " & strCurDocName & vbCr
          End If
       End If
    End If

    Dim intNbComp As Integer
    Dim intNbRoute As Integer
    Dim intIndex As Integer
    Dim objPrd As Product
    Dim strName As String

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' |  List schematic component references in the model
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    Set objSchLCompRefs = objSchRoot.GetRefComponents

    If ( Not ( objSchLCompRefs Is Nothing ) ) Then
       intNbComp = objSchLCompRefs.Count
       strMessage = strMessage &  "Number of schematic component REFERENCES = " _
         & intNbComp & vbCr
       If (intNbComp > 0) Then
         For intIndex = 1 To intNbComp
            Set objPrd = Nothing
            strName = ""
            Set objPrd = objSchLCompRefs.Item (intIndex,"CATIAProduct")
            If ( Not ( objPrd Is Nothing ) ) Then
               strName = objPrd.Name
               strMessage = strMessage &  "  member " & intIndex _
                 & "= " & strName & vbCr
            End If            
       End If
    End If

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' |  List schematic component instances in the model
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    Set objSchLComps = objSchRoot.GetComponents

    Dim objGRRCompInst As SchGRRComp
    Dim objCompGraphInst As SchCompGraphic
    Dim objCntbl As SchAppConnectable
    Dim objLCntrs As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objSchLDbComp As SchListOfDoubles
    Dim objLFilter As SchListOfBSTRs
    Dim db6Matrix(6) As Double
    Dim intNb As Integer

    Set objLFilter = Nothing

    If ( Not ( objSchLComps Is Nothing ) ) Then
       intNbComp = objSchLComps.Count
       strMessage = strMessage &  "Number of schematic component INSTANCES = " _
         & intNbComp & vbCr

       If (intNbComp > 0) Then

         Dim iCntr As Integer
         Dim intNbCntr As Integer
         Dim objLDbCntr As SchListOfDoubles
         Dim objCntr As SchCntrLocation
         Dim objGRR As SchGRR
         Dim intNCoord As Integer
         Dim dbCntrX As Double
         Dim dbCntrY As Double

         For intIndex = 1 To intNbComp

            Set objPrd = Nothing
            Set objCompGraphInst = Nothing
            Set objGRRCompInst = Nothing
            Set objCntbl = Nothing
            Set objLCntrs = Nothing
            Set objGRR = Nothing
            Set objSchLDbComp = Nothing

            strName = ""
            Set objPrd = objSchLComps.Item (intIndex,"CATIAProduct")
            If ( Not ( objPrd Is Nothing ) ) Then
               strName = objPrd.Name
               strMessage = strMessage &  "  member " & intIndex _
                 & "= " & strName & vbCr
               Set objCompGraphInst = objSchRoot.GetInterface  ("CATIASchCompGraphic", _
            End If  
            ' Get the orientation matrix of the symbol representing the 
            ' component instance.
            If ( Not ( objCompGraphInst Is Nothing ) ) Then
               Set objGRRCompInst = GetComponentImage (objCompGraphInst)
               If ( Not ( objGRRCompInst Is Nothing ) ) Then
                  objGRRCompInst.GetTransformation2D objSchLDbComp

                  If ( Not ( objSchLDbComp Is Nothing ) ) Then

                     intNb = objSchLDbComp.Count

                     If ( intNb > 5 ) Then

                        db6Matrix(0) = objSchLDbComp.Item(1)
                        db6Matrix(1) = objSchLDbComp.Item(2)
                        db6Matrix(2) = objSchLDbComp.Item(3)
                        db6Matrix(3) = objSchLDbComp.Item(4)
                        db6Matrix(4) = objSchLDbComp.Item(5)
                        db6Matrix(5) = objSchLDbComp.Item(6)

                        strMessage = strMessage & "---- rotation matrix = " & _
                          "(" & db6Matrix(0) & "," & db6Matrix(1) & "," _
                          & db6Matrix(2) & "," & db6Matrix(3) & ")" & vbCr
                        strMessage = strMessage & "---- instance origin = " & _
                          "(" & db6Matrix(4) & "," & db6Matrix(5) & ")" & vbCr 
                     End If 

                  End If    
               End If '--- If ( Not ( objGRRComp Is Nothing )...

               Set objCntbl = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchAppConnectable",_
               Set objGRR = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchGRR", objGRRCompInst)

            End If '---if ( Not ( objCompGraphInst Is Nothing ) ...
            ' Get the connector locations of all component instances
            If ( Not ( objCntbl Is Nothing ) And  Not ( objGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
               Set objLCntrs = objCntbl.AppListConnectors (objLFilter)
               If ( Not ( objLCntrs Is Nothing ) ) Then
                  intNbCntr = objLCntrs.Count
                  If ( intNbCntr > 0) Then
                     For iCntr = 1 To intNbCntr
                        Set objLDbCntr = Nothing
                        Set objCntr = Nothing
                        Set objCntr = objLCntrs.Item (iCntr,"CATIASchCntrLocation")
                        If ( Not ( objCntr Is Nothing )) Then
                           objCntr.GetPosition objGRR, objLDbCntr
                           If ( Not ( objLDbCntr Is Nothing ) ) Then
                              intNCoord = objLDbCntr.Count
                              If ( intNCoord > 1 ) Then
                                 dbCntrX = objLDbCntr.Item(1)
                                 dbCntrY = objLDbCntr.Item(2)
                                 strMessage = strMessage & "---- ... connector " & iCntr 
                                 strMessage = strMessage & " position = " & dbCntrX & _
                                   "," & dbCntrY & vbCr
                              End If 
                           End If
                        End If '---If ( Not ( objCntr Is Nothing )) ...               
                     Next '--- For iCntr ...
                  End If '--- If ( NbCntr > 0 ...
               End If '--- Not ( objLCntr Is Nothing ...
            End If '---if ( Not ( objCntbl Is Nothing )) ...

         Next  '--- For intIndex = 1 
       End If '--- If (intNbComp > 0) ...
    End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchLComps Is Nothing ) ...

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' |  List schematic route instances
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    Set objSchLRoutes = objSchRoot.GetRoutes

    Dim objGRRRoute As SchGRRRoute
    Dim objSchRouteGraph As SchRouteGraphic
    Dim objSchLDbRoute As SchListOfDoubles
    Dim intNbOut As Integer

    If ( Not ( objSchLRoutes Is Nothing ) ) Then
       intNbRoute = objSchLRoutes.Count
       strMessage = strMessage &  "Number of schematic route instances = " & _
         intNbRoute & vbCr
       If (intNbRoute > 0) Then

         For intIndex = 1 To intNbRoute
            Set objPrd = Nothing
            Set objGRRRoute = Nothing
            Set objSchRouteGraph = Nothing

            strName = ""
            Set objPrd = objSchLRoutes.Item (intIndex,"CATIAProduct")
            If ( Not ( objPrd Is Nothing ) ) Then
               'strName = objPrd.Name
               strName = objPrd.PartNumber
               strMessage = strMessage &  "  member " & _
                 intIndex & "= " & strName & vbCr
               Set objSchRouteGraph = objSchRoot.GetInterface  ("CATIASchRouteGraphic", _
            End If

            ' Get the route points x-y coordinates of the route. 
            If ( Not ( objSchRouteGraph Is Nothing ) ) Then

               Set objGRRRoute = GetRoutePrimitives (objSchRouteGraph,objSchRoot)

               If ( Not ( objGRRRoute Is Nothing ) ) Then
                  Set objSchLDbRoute = Nothing
                  objGRRRoute.GetPath objSchLDbRoute

                  If ( Not ( objSchLDbRoute Is Nothing ) And _
                       intNbOut > 3 ) Then

                     intNb = objSchLDbRoute.Count

                     Dim iIndex As Integer
                     Dim jIndex As integer
                     Dim dbX As Double
                     Dim dbY As Double
                     Dim intNbPoint As Integer
                     intNbPoint = intNbOut/2

                     If ( (intNbOut = intNb ) And  (intNbPoint > 1) ) Then
                        strMessage = strMessage & "---- route points = [" 
                        For iIndex = 1 To intNbPoint
                           jIndex = ((iIndex-1) * 2) + 1
                           dbX = objSchLDbRoute.Item(jIndex)
                           dbY = objSchLDbRoute.Item(jIndex+1)
                           strMessage = strMessage & "(" & dbX & "," & dbY & ")"
                        strMessage = strMessage & "]" & vbCr
                     End If 

                  End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchLDbRoute Is Nothing ...
               End If '--- If ( Not ( objGRRRoute Is Nothing )...
            End If '---if ( Not ( objSchRouteGraph Is Nothing ) ... 
         Next '--- For intIndex = 1 To intNbRoute
       End If '--- If (intNbRoute > 0) ...
    End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchLRoutes Is Nothing ) ...

    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    MsgBox strMessage

End Sub

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find the first symbol used for the input schematic component.
' | Input: objSchCompGraph:  the schematic component 
' |        (a CATIASchCompGraphic interface handle).
' | Returns: the component image (the symbol instance)
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetComponentImage (objSchCompGraphArg As SchCompGraphic) As SchGRRComp
   Dim objSchLSymbols As SchListOfObjects
   If ( Not ( objSchCompGraphArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objSchLSymbols = objSchCompGraphArg.ListGraphicalImages
      If ( Not ( objSchLSymbols Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set GetComponentImage = objSchLSymbols.Item (1,"CATIASchGRRComp")
      End If
   End If
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find the first graphical primitives of an input route.
' | Input: objSchRouteGraph: the schematic route
' |        (a CATIASchRouteGraphic interface handle).
' |        objSchRootGraph: the schematic root 
' | Returns: the route graphic primitives
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetRoutePrimitives (objSchRouteGraphArg As SchRouteGraphic, _
  objSchRootArg As SchematicRoot) As SchGRRRoute
   Dim objSchLGRR As SchListOfObjects
   Dim objSchGRR As SchGRR
   If ( Not ( objSchRouteGraphArg Is Nothing ) And _ 
        Not ( objSchRootArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objSchLGRR = objSchRouteGraphArg.ListGraphicalPrimitives
      If ( Not ( objSchLGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set objSchGRR = objSchLGRR.Item (1,"CATIASchGRR")
         If ( Not ( objSchGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
            Set GetRoutePrimitives = objSchRootArg.GetInterface ("CATIASchGRRRoute", _
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Function