exportMaterialLibrary includes three steps:
- Prolog
- Create the folder and the file for
- Declarations
- Write material properties into output
' Get the file system object
Dim oFileSys as FileSystem
Set oFileSys = CATIA.FileSystem
' Get the documents collection
Dim oCollection As Documents
Set oCollection = CATIA.Documents
' Test if no document is open
If 0=oCollection.Count Then
msgbox "A material library document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
Exit Sub
End If
' Get material library
Dim oCat As Document
Set oCat = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' Test if the active document is a material library (CATMaterial)
If 0=InStr(oCat.Name, ".CATMaterial") Then
msgbox "A material library document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
Exit Sub
End If
' Test if the document has been saved to disc
If ""=oCat.Path Then
msgbox "A material library saved to disc must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
Exit Sub
End If
At first, this macro tests if a document is active in
CATIA, if this document is a CATMaterial one and if this catalog has
already been saved to disc.
Create the folder and the file for
' Create folder for outputs
Dim sFolderPath As String
sFolderPath = oCat.Path & sSep & sName & "_Exported"
If oFileSys.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then
MsgBox "WARNING: Directory " & sFolderPath & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & " already exists and will be recreated", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
DeleteFolderRecursive oFileSys, sFolderPath, sSep
On Error Resume Next
Dim CreatedFolder As Folder
Set CreatedFolder = oFileSys.CreateFolder(sFolderPath)
Set CreatedFolder = NOTHING
Dim erreur As Integer
erreur = Err.Number
If (erreur <> 0) Then
MsgBox "ERROR: Impossible to create folder " & sFolderPath & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & "Folder may be in use", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
Err.Raise erreur
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Create the name of the output file
Dim sFileOutPath As String
sFileOutPath = sFolderPath & sSep & sName & ".matlib"
' Create the material library text file
Dim oFileOut As File
Set oFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFileOutPath, FALSE)
Dim oStream As TextStream
Set oStream = oFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")
' Header of the output file
oStream.Write "##############################################################################" & Chr(10)
oStream.Write "# #" & Chr(10)
oStream.Write "# MATERIAL LIBRARY TEXT FILE #" & Chr(10)
oStream.Write "# #" & Chr(10)
oStream.Write "##############################################################################" & Chr(10)
oStream.Write Chr(10) & Chr(10)
oStream.Write "LIBRARY=" & sName & Chr(10)
The macro starts to create a new folder
"MyCatalog" under the material catalog directory, where all
results files are created.
If folder already exists, a warning message is emitted and
the macro try to recreate it.
The material catalog is exported under 2 different format:
Text format, in a file named
HTML format, in several html files whose header file
is named "MyCatalog.html"
' Declarations
Dim oFamilies As MaterialFamilies
Dim oFamily As MaterialFamily
Dim I As Int, J As Int, K As Int
Dim oMaterials As Materials
Dim oMaterial As Material
Dim oRenderingMaterial As RenderingMaterial
Dim oAnalysisMaterial As AnalysisMaterial
Dim oTab(3) As CATSafeArrayVariant
Dim iNum As Short
Dim iNumDouble As Double
Dim sTemp As String
' Create the html family output file
Dim oFamilyHtmlFileOut As File
Dim oFamilyHtmlStream As TextStream
Dim oMaterialHtmlFileOut As File
Dim oMaterialHtmlStream As TextStream
Write material properties into output
' Init families
Set oFamilies = oCat.Families
' Family loop
For I = 1 To oFamilies.Count
' Init family
Set oFamily = oFamilies.Item(I)
oStream.Write Chr(9) & "FAMILY=" & oFamily.Name & Chr(10)
' Create image folder
oFileSys.CreateFolder(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name)
' Init materials
Set oMaterials = oFamily.Materials
' Html families table
If ((I-1) Mod 3) = 0 Then
oHtmlStream.Write "<TR>" & Chr(10)
End If
oHtmlStream.Write "<TD>"
If oMaterials.Count >0 Then
oHtmlStream.Write "<A href='" & oFamily.Name & ".html'><IMG src='" & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterials.Item(1).Name & ".jpg'></A>"
End If
oHtmlStream.Write "</TD>" & Chr(10)
oHtmlStream.Write "<TD width=200><A href='" & oFamily.Name & ".html' OnMouseOver=''>" & oFamily.Name & "</A></TD>" & Chr(10)
If ((I Mod 3) = 0) Or (I=oFamilies.Count) Then
oHtmlStream.Write "</TR>" & Chr(10)
End If
' Html family page
Set oFamilyHtmlFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name & ".html", FALSE)
Set oFamilyHtmlStream = oFamilyHtmlFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")
' Header of the family html output file
HtmlHeader oFamilyHtmlStream, "FAMILY '" & oFamily.Name & "' OF THE MATERIAL LIBRARY '" & sName & "'", "This page presents a family of the material library '<A href='" & sName & ".html'>" & sName & "</A>' used for CATIA V5.", oFamily.Name, 20
' Material loop
For J = 1 To oMaterials.Count
' Init material
Set oMaterial = oMaterials.Item(J)
oStream.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "MATERIAL=" & oMaterial.Name & Chr(10)
' Save icon
oMaterial.GetIcon(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name & sSep) ' & oMaterial.Name & ".jpg")
The format of text file generated looks like:
# #
# #
The html format allows to present graphically the several material
families, and allows to navigate into these families to display each
material and its rendering and analysis properties: