Option Explicit


' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose:		Export a material library to a text file
'   Version:		1.0
'   Author:			BMB
'   Languages:		CATScript 
'   Locales:		English 
'   CATIA Level:	V5R12 
' ***********************************************************************

' Main 
Sub CATMain()

	' Get the file system object
	Dim oFileSys as FileSystem
	Set oFileSys = CATIA.FileSystem

	' Get the documents collection
	Dim oCollection As Documents
	Set oCollection = CATIA.Documents

	' Test if no document is open
	If 0=oCollection.Count Then 
		msgbox "A material library document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	 ' Get material library
	Dim oCat As Document
	Set oCat = CATIA.ActiveDocument

	' Test if the active document is a material library (CATMaterial)
	If 0=InStr(oCat.Name, ".CATMaterial") Then
		msgbox "A material library document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	' Test if the document has been saved to disc
	If ""=oCat.Path Then
		msgbox "A material library saved to disc must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	' Determine the file separator
	Dim sSep As String
	sSep = oFileSys.FileSeparator

	' Get name of the material library
	Dim sName As String
	sName = Left(oCat.Name, InStr(oCat.Name, ".CATMaterial")-1)

	' Create folder for outputs
	Dim sFolderPath As String
	sFolderPath = oCat.Path & sSep & sName & "_Exported"
	If oFileSys.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then
		MsgBox "WARNING: Directory " & sFolderPath & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & "  already exists and will be recreated", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
		DeleteFolderRecursive oFileSys, sFolderPath, sSep
		On Error Resume Next
		Dim CreatedFolder As Folder
		Set CreatedFolder = oFileSys.CreateFolder(sFolderPath)
		Set CreatedFolder = NOTHING
		Dim erreur As Integer
		erreur = Err.Number
		If (erreur <> 0) Then
			MsgBox  "ERROR: Impossible to create folder " & sFolderPath & Chr(10)  & Chr(9) & "Folder may be in use", vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"
			Err.Raise erreur
			Exit Sub
		End If
	End If
	' Create the name of the output file
	Dim sFileOutPath As String
	sFileOutPath = sFolderPath & sSep & sName & ".matlib"

	' Create the material library text file
	Dim oFileOut As File    
	Set oFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFileOutPath, FALSE)
	Dim oStream As TextStream
	Set oStream = oFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")

	' Header of the output file
	oStream.Write "##############################################################################" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "#                                                                            #" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "#                     MATERIAL LIBRARY TEXT FILE                             #" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "#                                                                            #" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "##############################################################################" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write Chr(10) & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "LIBRARY=" & sName & Chr(10)

	' Create the name of the html output file
	Dim sHtmlFileOutPath As String
	sHtmlFileOutPath = sFolderPath & sSep & sName & ".html"

	' Create the html output file
	Dim oHtmlFileOut As File    
	Set oHtmlFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sHtmlFileOutPath, FALSE)
	Dim oHtmlStream As TextStream
	Set oHtmlStream = oHtmlFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")

	' Header of the html output file
	HtmlHeader oHtmlStream, "MATERIAL LIBRARY '" & sName & "'", "This page presents a material library used for CATIA V5.", sName, 20

	' Declarations
	Dim oFamilies As MaterialFamilies
	Dim oFamily As MaterialFamily
	Dim I As Int, J As Int, K As Int
	Dim oMaterials As Materials
	Dim oMaterial As Material
	Dim oRenderingMaterial As RenderingMaterial
	Dim oAnalysisMaterial As AnalysisMaterial
	Dim oTab(3) As CATSafeArrayVariant
	Dim iNum As Short
	Dim iNumDouble As Double
	Dim sTemp As String

	' Create the html family output file
	Dim oFamilyHtmlFileOut As File    
	Dim oFamilyHtmlStream As TextStream
	Dim oMaterialHtmlFileOut As File    
	Dim oMaterialHtmlStream As TextStream

	' Init families
	Set oFamilies = oCat.Families

	' Family loop
	For I = 1 To oFamilies.Count

		' Init family
		Set oFamily = oFamilies.Item(I)
		oStream.Write Chr(9) & "FAMILY=" & oFamily.Name & Chr(10)
		' Create image folder
		oFileSys.CreateFolder(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name)

		' Init materials
		Set oMaterials = oFamily.Materials

		' Html families table
		If ((I-1) Mod 3) = 0 Then
			oHtmlStream.Write "<TR>" & Chr(10)
		End If
		oHtmlStream.Write "<TD>"
		If oMaterials.Count >0 Then
			oHtmlStream.Write "<A href='" & oFamily.Name & ".html'><IMG src='" & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterials.Item(1).Name & ".jpg'></A>"
		End If
		oHtmlStream.Write "</TD>" & Chr(10)
		oHtmlStream.Write "<TD width=200><A href='" & oFamily.Name & ".html' OnMouseOver=''>" & oFamily.Name & "</A></TD>" & Chr(10)
		If ((I Mod 3) = 0) Or (I=oFamilies.Count) Then
			oHtmlStream.Write "</TR>" & Chr(10)
		End If

		' Html family page
		Set oFamilyHtmlFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name & ".html", FALSE)
		Set oFamilyHtmlStream = oFamilyHtmlFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")

		' Header of the family html output file
		HtmlHeader oFamilyHtmlStream, "FAMILY '" & oFamily.Name & "' OF THE MATERIAL LIBRARY '" & sName & "'", "This page presents a family of the material library '<A href='" & sName & ".html'>" & sName & "</A>' used for CATIA V5.", oFamily.Name, 20

		' Material loop
		For J = 1 To oMaterials.Count

			' Init material
			Set oMaterial = oMaterials.Item(J)
			oStream.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "MATERIAL=" & oMaterial.Name & Chr(10)
			' Save icon
			oMaterial.GetIcon(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name & sSep) ' & oMaterial.Name & ".jpg")

			' Html materials table
			If ((J-1) Mod 5) = 0 Then
				oFamilyHtmlStream.Write "<TR>" & Chr(10)
			End If
			oFamilyHtmlStream.Write "<TD width=120 height=120 align='center'>"
			If oMaterials.Count >0 Then
				oFamilyHtmlStream.Write "<A href='" & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterial.Name & ".html'><IMG src='" & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterial.Name & ".jpg'></A><BR>"
			End If
			oFamilyHtmlStream.Write "<A href='" & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterial.Name & ".html'>" & oMaterial.Name & "</A></TD>" & Chr(10)
			If ((J Mod 5) = 0) Or (I=oMaterials.Count) Then
				oFamilyHtmlStream.Write "</TR>" & Chr(10)
			End If

			' Html material page
			Set oMaterialHtmlFileOut = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFolderPath & sSep & oFamily.Name & sSep & oMaterial.Name & ".html", FALSE)
			Set oMaterialHtmlStream = oMaterialHtmlFileOut.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")

			' Header of the material html output file
			HtmlHeader oMaterialHtmlStream, "MATERIAL '" & oMaterial.Name & "' OF THE FAMILY '" & oFamily.Name & "' IN THE MATERIAL LIBRARY '" & sName & "'", "This page presents a material of the family '<A href='.." & sSep & oFamily.Name & ".html'>" & oFamily.Name & "</A>' in the material library '<A href='.." & sSep & sName & ".html'>" & sName & "</A>' used for CATIA V5.", oMaterial.Name, 0

			' Html insert image of the material
			oMaterialHtmlStream.Write "<TR><TD rowspan=100 valign='top' width=100><IMG src='" & oMaterial.Name & ".jpg'></TD>" & Chr(10)
			oMaterialHtmlStream.Write "<TD width=150 bgcolor='white'><B>PARAMETER</B></TD><TD bgcolor='white'><B>VALUE</B></TD></TR>" & Chr(10)

 			' Test if rendering data exist
			If oMaterial.ExistRenderingData = 1 Then
				' Init RenderingMaterial
				Set oRenderingMaterial = oMaterial.RenderingMaterial
				oStream.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "PROPERTY=Rendering" & Chr(10)
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PROPERTY", "RENDERING"

				' Rendering proporties

				' one variable mode
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "MappingType=" & oRenderingMaterial.MappingType & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "AdaptiveCoeff=" & oRenderingMaterial.AdaptiveCoeff & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "PreviewSize=" & oRenderingMaterial.PreviewSize & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "AmbientCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.AmbientCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "DiffuseCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.DiffuseCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SpecularCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.SpecularCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SpecularExponent=" & oRenderingMaterial.SpecularExponent & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TransparencyCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.TransparencyCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "RefractionCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.RefractionCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ReflectivityCoefficient=" & oRenderingMaterial.ReflectivityCoefficient & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "EnvironmentImage=" & oRenderingMaterial.EnvironmentImage & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ReflectionMode=" & oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionMode & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ReflectionHeight=" & oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionHeight & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ReflectionLength=" & oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionLength & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureType=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureType & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "Bump=" & oRenderingMaterial.Bump & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureImage=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureImage & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "FlipU=" & oRenderingMaterial.FlipU & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "FlipV=" & oRenderingMaterial.FlipV & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "RepeatU=" & oRenderingMaterial.RepeatU & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "RepeatV=" & oRenderingMaterial.RepeatV & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ScaleU=" & oRenderingMaterial.ScaleU & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ScaleV=" & oRenderingMaterial.ScaleV & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "PositionU=" & oRenderingMaterial.PositionU & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "PositionV=" & oRenderingMaterial.PositionV & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "Orientation=" & oRenderingMaterial.Orientation & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ColorNumber=" & oRenderingMaterial.ColorNumber & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureComplexity=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureComplexity & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureAmplitude=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureAmplitude & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureVeinAmplitude=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureVeinAmplitude & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TexturePerturbation=" & oRenderingMaterial.TexturePerturbation & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureGain=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureGain & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TextureTurbulence=" & oRenderingMaterial.TextureTurbulence & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ChessboardTileWidth=" & oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardTileWidth & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ChessboardTileHeight=" & oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardTileHeight & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ChessboardOffset=" & oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardOffset & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ChessboardJointWidth=" & oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardJointWidth & Chr(10) 
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "ChessboardJointHeight=" & oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardJointHeight & Chr(10) 

				' Html one variable mode
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "MappingType", oRenderingMaterial.MappingType
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "AdaptiveCoeff", oRenderingMaterial.AdaptiveCoeff
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PreviewSize", oRenderingMaterial.PreviewSize
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "AmbientCoefficient", oRenderingMaterial.AmbientCoefficient
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "DiffuseCoefficient", oRenderingMaterial.DiffuseCoefficient
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SpecularCoefficient", oRenderingMaterial.SpecularCoefficient
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SpecularExponent", oRenderingMaterial.SpecularExponent
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TransparencyCoefficient", oRenderingMaterial.TransparencyCoefficient
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "RefractionCoefficient", oRenderingMaterial.RefractionCoefficient
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "EnvironmentImage", oRenderingMaterial.EnvironmentImage
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ReflectionMode", oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionMode
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ReflectionHeight", oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionHeight
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ReflectionLength", oRenderingMaterial.ReflectionLength
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureType", oRenderingMaterial.TextureType
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "Bump", oRenderingMaterial.Bump
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureImage", oRenderingMaterial.TextureImage
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "FlipU", oRenderingMaterial.FlipU
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "FlipV", oRenderingMaterial.FlipV
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "RepeatU", oRenderingMaterial.RepeatU
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "RepeatV", oRenderingMaterial.RepeatV
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ScaleU", oRenderingMaterial.ScaleU
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ScaleV", oRenderingMaterial.ScaleV
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PositionU", oRenderingMaterial.PositionU
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PositionV", oRenderingMaterial.PositionV
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "Orientation", oRenderingMaterial.Orientation
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ColorNumber", oRenderingMaterial.ColorNumber
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureComplexity", oRenderingMaterial.TextureComplexity
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureAmplitude", oRenderingMaterial.TextureAmplitude
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureVeinAmplitude", oRenderingMaterial.TextureVeinAmplitude
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TexturePerturbation", oRenderingMaterial.TexturePerturbation
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureGain", oRenderingMaterial.TextureGain
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TextureTurbulence", oRenderingMaterial.TextureTurbulence
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ChessboardTileWidth", oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardTileWidth
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ChessboardTileHeight", oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardTileHeight
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ChessboardOffset", oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardOffset
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ChessboardJointWidth", oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardJointWidth
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "ChessboardJointHeight", oRenderingMaterial.ChessboardJointHeight

				' array mode
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "AmbientColor=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "AmbientColor", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "DiffuseColor=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "DiffuseColor", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SpecularColor=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SpecularColor", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "TransparencyColor=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "TransparencyColor", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "3DTextureScale=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "3DTextureScale", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "3DTexturePosition=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "3DTexturePosition", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "3DTextureOrientation=" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & Chr(10) 
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "3DTextureOrientation", oTab(0) & " / " & oTab(1) & " / " & oTab(2)

				' index mode
				sTemp = ""
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "3DTextureColor="
				For K = 0 To oRenderingMaterial.ColorNumber-1
					oRenderingMaterial.Get3DTextureColor K, oTab
					oStream.Write ":" & K & ":" & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2)
					sTemp = sTemp & oTab(0) & "/" & oTab(1) & "/" & oTab(2) & "<BR>"
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "3DTextureColor", sTemp
				oStream.Write Chr(10) 

				sTemp = ""
				oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "3DTextureColorCoefficient="
				For K = 0 To oRenderingMaterial.ColorNumber-1
					oRenderingMaterial.Get3DTextureColorCoefficient K, iNumDouble
					oStream.Write ":" & K & ":" & iNumDouble
					sTemp = sTemp & iNumDouble & " "
				HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "3DTextureColorCoefficient", sTemp
				oStream.Write Chr(10) 
			End If

 			' Test if analysis data exist
			If oMaterial.ExistAnalysisData = 1 Then
				' Init AnalysisMaterial
				Set oAnalysisMaterial = oMaterial.AnalysisMaterial

				' Analysis proporties

				' Isotropic Material
				If oAnalysisMaterial.GetType = "MATERIAL_ISOTROPIC" Then
					oStream.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "PROPERTY=AnalysisIsotropic" & Chr(10)
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMDensity=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMDensity") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMThermalExpansion=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMYoungModulus=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMPoissonRatio=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMPoissonRatio") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMShearModulus=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus") & Chr(10) 

					' Html Isotropic Material
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PROPERTY", "ANALYSIS_ISOTROPIC"
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMDensity", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMDensity")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMThermalExpansion", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMYoungModulus", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMPoissonRatio", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMPoissonRatio")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMShearModulus", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus")

				End If

				' Orthotropic Material
				If oAnalysisMaterial.GetType = "MATERIAL_ORTHOTROPIC" Then
					oStream.Write Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "PROPERTY=AnalysisOrthotropic" & Chr(10)
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMDensity=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMDensity") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMYoungModulus_11=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus_11") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMYoungModulus_22=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus_22") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMPoissonRatio_12=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMPoissonRatio_12") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMShearModulus_12=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_12") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMShearModulus_1Z=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_1Z") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMShearModulus_2Z=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_2Z") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMTensileStressLimit_X=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMTensileStressLimit_X") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMTensileStressLimit_Y=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMTensileStressLimit_Y") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMCompressiveStressLimit_X=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMCompressiveStressLimit_X") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMCompressiveStressLimit_Y=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMCompressiveStressLimit_Y") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMThermalExpansion_X=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion_X") & Chr(10) 
					oStream.Write Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)&Chr(9)& "SAMThermalExpansion_Y=" & oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion_Y") & Chr(10) 

					' Html Orthotropic Material
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "PROPERTY", "ANALYSIS_ORTHOTROPIC"
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMDensity", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMDensity")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMYoungModulus_11", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus_11")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMYoungModulus_22", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMYoungModulus_22")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMPoissonRatio_12", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMPoissonRatio_12")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMShearModulus_12", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_12")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMShearModulus_1Z", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_1Z")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMShearModulus_2Z", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMShearModulus_2Z")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMTensileStressLimit_X", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMTensileStressLimit_X")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMTensileStressLimit_Y", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMTensileStressLimit_Y")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMCompressiveStressLimit_X", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMCompressiveStressLimit_X")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMCompressiveStressLimit_Y", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMCompressiveStressLimit_Y")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMThermalExpansion_X", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion_X")
					HtmlRowMaterial oMaterialHtmlStream, "SAMThermalExpansion_Y", oAnalysisMaterial.GetValue("SAMThermalExpansion_Y")
				End If

			End If

			' End of material html file
			HtmlEnd oMaterialHtmlStream

			' Close html family stream


		' End of family html file
		HtmlEnd oFamilyHtmlStream

		' Close html family stream

	' End of html file
	HtmlEnd oHtmlStream

	' Close streams

	' End message
	msgbox "Operation succeed." & Chr(10) & "The location of the created files is :" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & sFolderPath & sSep, vbOKOnly, "Export Material Library"	

End Sub

'	Subs and Functions code

'	DeleteFolderRecursive
'	Delete a folder and all the files or folders in it
Public Sub DeleteFolderRecursive(oFileSys, sPath, sSep)

	' Get folder
	Dim oFolder As Folder
	Set oFolder = oFileSys.GetFolder(sPath)

	' Get files collection
	Dim oFiles As Files
	Set oFiles = oFolder.Files

	' Declarations
	Dim I As Int

	' Delete all files
	For I = 1 To oFiles.count
		oFileSys.DeleteFile(sPath & sSep & oFiles.Item(1).Name)

	' Get subfolders collection
	Dim oSubFolders As CATIAFolders
	Set oSubFolders = oFolder.SubFolders

	' Delete all folders
	For I = 1 To oSubFolders.count
		DeleteFolderRecursive oFileSys, sPath & sSep & oSubFolders.Item(1).Name, sSep

	' Delete folder

End Sub

'	HtmlHeader
'	Write the header of html files in the specified stream
Public Sub HtmlHeader(oStream, sTitle, sComment, sName, iCellSpacing)

	oStream.Write "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" & sTitle & "</TITLE></HEAD>" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "<BODY bgcolor='wheat' alink='red' link='navy' vlink='blueviolet'>" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "<CENTER>" & sComment & "</CENTER><HR>" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "<TABLE border=0 align='center' cellspacing=" & iCellSpacing & "><TR><TD colspan=6 align='center' bgcolor='navy'><DIV style='font-size:30px;color:#FFFFFF'><B>" & UCase(sName) & "</B></DIV></TD></TR>" & Chr(10)

End Sub

'	HtmlEnd
'	Write the end of html files in the specified stream
Public Sub HtmlEnd(oStream)

	oStream.Write "</TABLE><BR><BR><BR><CENTER>DASSAULT SYSTEMES - CATIA V5 - Copyright 2003</CENTER>" & Chr(10)
	oStream.Write "</BODY></HTML>" & Chr(10)

End Sub

'	HtmlRowMaterial
'	Write the material row of html files
Dim iBool As Int
iBool = 0
Public Sub HtmlRowMaterial(oStream, sParam, sValue)

	oStream.Write "<TR><TD width=250"

	If iBool Then
		oStream.Write " bgcolor='bisque'"
	End If
	oStream.Write ">"
	If sParam = "PROPERTY" Then
		oStream.Write "<B>" & sValue & "</B>"
		oStream.Write sParam
	End If
	oStream.Write "</TD><TD"

	If iBool Then
		oStream.Write " bgcolor='bisque'"
		iBool = 0
		iBool = 1
	End If

	oStream.Write ">"
	If sParam <> "PROPERTY" Then
		oStream.Write "" & sValue
	End If
	oStream.Write "</TD></TR>" & Chr(10)

End Sub