
Creating a Machining Pattern

This macro CAAMaiMachiningPatternCreation shows you how to create a Machining Pattern containing a Design Pattern and Design Holes.


CAAMaiMachiningPatternCreation is launched in CATIA. Open the file 'Plate-VBSample01.CATPart', go to the Prismatic Manufacturing Programmer workbench and run the macro.

CAAMaiMachiningPatternCreation.CATScript is located in the CAAScdMaiUseCases module. 


CAAMaiMachiningPatternCreation includes 15 steps:

  1. Retrieve the active CATProcess document
  2. Retrieve the  current setup
  3. Retrieve the Manufacturing View
  4. Create a Machining Pattern
  5. Retrieve the Design Pattern and the Design Holes
  6. Assign these Design Features to the Machining Pattern
  7. Modify the Jump Distance of the Machining Pattern
  8. Deactivate point number3 of the Machining Pattern
  9. Activate point number 4 of the Machining Pattern
  10. Get the point numbers of the Machining Pattern
  11. Set point number 2 as start point
  12. Reverse the numbering of the Machining Pattern
  13. Add a Part Surface to the Machining Pattern
  14. Remove the Part Surface of the Machining Pattern
  15. Modify the Top Mode of the Machining Pattern

Retrieve the active CATProcess document

' Retrieve the active CATProcess document  
Dim MfgDoc1 As Document 
Set MfgDoc1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument 

Retrieves the active document and sets it in the variable MfgDoc1.

Retrieve the current setup

' Retrieve the current setup  
'*** Retrieve current Process Root
Dim ActivityRef As AnyObject
Set ActivityRef = MfgDoc1.GetItem("Process")
Dim Setup1 As ManufacturingSetup
Dim childs As Activities
Dim child As Activity
If (ActivityRef.IsSubTypeOf("PhysicalActivity")) Then
  Set childs = ActivityRef.ChildrenActivities
  quantity = childs.Count
  If quantity <= 0 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
  NumberOfSetup = 0
  For I=1 To quantity
          Set child = childs.Item(I)
          If (child.IsSubTypeOf("ManufacturingSetup")) Then
                Set Setup1 = child
                NumberOfSetup = NumberOfSetup +1
                Exit For
          End If 
End If
If NumberOfSetup <= 0 Then
     Exit Sub
End If
'*** Retrieve current Product linked to the current setup
Dim Prod As Product
Set Prod = SetUp1.Product

.Retrieves the current process and, from this process, the current setup. Retrieves also the product linked to the setup .

Retrieve the Manufacturing View

' Retrieve the Manufacturing View  
Dim MfgView As ManufacturingView 
Set MfgView = Setup1.GetManufacturingView 

 Retrieves the Manufacturing View and sets it in the variable MfgView

Create a Machining Pattern

' Create a Machining Pattern  
Dim Features As ManufacturingFeatures 
Set Features = MfgView.ManufacturingFeatures 
Dim ManPattern As ManufacturingPattern
Set ManPattern = Features.Add ("MfgPatternUsage")

.Creates a Machining Pattern and sets it in the variable ManPattern

Retrieve the Design Pattern and the Design Holes

' Retrieve the Design Pattern and the Design Holes  
'*** Retrieve design pattern
Dim documents1 As Documents
Set documents1 = CATIA.documents
Dim partDocument1  As Document 
Set partDocument1  = documents1.Item("Plate-VBSample01.CATPart")
Dim part1  As Part
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part
Dim bodies1  As Bodies
Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies
Dim body1  As Body
Set body1 = bodies1.Item("MechanicalTool.1")
Dim shapes1  As Shape
Set shapes1 = body1.Shapes
Dim designpattern  As Shape
Set designpattern = shapes1.Item("RectPattern.1")
'*** Retrieve design holes
Dim designhole1  As Shape
Dim designhole2  As Shape
Dim designhole3  As Shape
Dim designhole4  As Shape
Set designhole1 = shapes1.Item("Hole.1")
Set designhole2 = shapes1.Item("Hole.2")
Set designhole3 = shapes1.Item("Hole.3")
Set designhole4 = shapes1.Item("Hole.4")

Retrieves, from the CATPart document, the design pattern, the design holes and sets them in the variables designpattern and designhole1,2,3,4

Assign these Design Features to the Machining Pattern

' Assign these Design Features to the Machining Pattern  
ManPattern.AddPosition designpattern,Prod,0
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole1,Prod,0 
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole2,Prod,0 
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole3,Prod,0 
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole4,Prod,1

Assigns the couple 'design feature - product'  to the machining pattern. For performances reasons, the last parameter is set to 1 only in the last assignment.

Modify the Jump Distance of the Machining Pattern

' Modify the Jump Distance of the Machining Pattern  
Dim Jump As Parameter
Set Jump = ManPattern.GetAnAttribute("JumpDistance")

Retrieves  the Jump Distance of the machining pattern and sets it to 50 mm.

Deactivate the point number 3 the Machining Pattern

' Deactivate the point number 3 of the Machining Pattern 
ManPattern.DeactivatePoint 3

Deactivates  the point number 3

Activate the point number 4 the Machining Pattern

' Activate the point number 4 of the Machining Pattern 
ManPattern.ActivatePoint 4

Activates  the point number 4


Get the point numbers of the Machining Pattern

' Read numbers 
Dim Numbers() As Variant
ManPattern.GetNumbers Numbers

Gets the point numbers of the pattern and put it in the Numbers array

Set the point number 2 as Start Point of the Machining Pattern

' Set the point number 2 as Start Point 
ManPattern.StartPoint 2

Sets the point number 2 as the start point of the machining pattern

Reverse the numbering  of the Machining Pattern

' Reverse the numbering 

Reverses the numbering of the machining pattern

Add a Part Surface to the Machining Pattern

' Add a Part Surface to the Machining Pattern 
ManPattern.AddPartSurface PartSurface,Prod,1

Adds a part surface to the pattern

Remove the Part Surface of the Machining Pattern

' Remove the Part Surface of the Machining Pattern 

Removes all part surface defined on the pattern

Modify the Top Mode of the Machining Pattern

' Modify the Top Mode of the Machining Pattern  
Dim TopMode As Parameter
Set TopMode = ManPattern.GetAnAttribute("TopMode ")
TopMode .ValuateFromString("MfgProjectPattern")





In Short

This use case has shown how to create a Machining Pattern and to assign design features to it.



[1] Replaying a macro
[2] Machining automation objects 

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