
'*		Description:
'*			Sample of a VB Script macro which retrieves a Design pattern 
'*                and Design Holes and which creates a machining pattern linked 
'*			to these Features.
'*      Related Resources: 
'*			Plate-VBSample01.CATPart
'*      Use:
'*			1- Open "Plate-VBSample01.CATPart"
'*			2- Go into workbench "Prismatic Manufacturing Programmer"
'*			3- Run this macro
'*                           Created by Dassault Systemes

Sub CATMain()

'* Creating the machining pattern

' Retrieve the active CATProcess document

 Dim MfgDoc1 As Document
 Set MfgDoc1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument

' Retrieve the current setup

'*** Retrieve current Process Root

 Dim ActivityRef As AnyObject
 Set ActivityRef = MfgDoc1.GetItem("Process")

 Dim Setup1 As ManufacturingSetup
 Dim childs As Activities
 Dim child As Activity

 If (ActivityRef.IsSubTypeOf("PhysicalActivity")) Then

    Set childs = ActivityRef.ChildrenActivities
    quantity = childs.Count

    If quantity <= 0 Then
      Exit Sub
    End If

    NumberOfSetup = 0

    For I=1 To quantity
		Set child = childs.Item(I)
		If (child.IsSubTypeOf("ManufacturingSetup")) Then
			Set Setup1 = child
			NumberOfSetup = NumberOfSetup +1
			Exit For
		End If
 End If

 If NumberOfSetup <= 0 Then
      Exit Sub
 End If

'*** Retrieve current Product linked to the current setup

 Dim Prod As Product
 Set Prod = SetUp1.Product

' Retrieve the Manufacturing View

Dim MfgView As ManufacturingView
Set MfgView = Setup1.GetManufacturingView 

' Create a Machining Pattern

Dim Features As ManufacturingFeatures
Set Features = MfgView.ManufacturingFeatures

Dim ManPattern As ManufacturingPattern 
Set ManPattern = Features.Add ("MfgPatternUsage")

'* Retrieving the design pattern and the holes

' Retrieve the Design Pattern and the Design Holes

'*** Retrieve design pattern 

Dim documents1 As Documents
Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents

Dim partDocument1 As Document
Set partDocument1 = documents1.Item("Plate-VBSample01.CATPart")

Dim part1 As Part
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part

Dim bodies1 As Bodies
Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies

Dim body1 As Body
Set body1 = bodies1.Item("MechanicalTool.1")

Dim shapes1 As Shapes
Set shapes1 = body1.Shapes

Dim designpattern As Shape
Set designpattern = shapes1.Item("RectPattern.1")

'*** Retrieve design holes

Dim designhole1 As Shape
Dim designhole2 As Shape
Dim designhole3 As Shape
Dim designhole4 As Shape

Set designhole1 = shapes1.Item("Hole.1")
Set designhole2 = shapes1.Item("Hole.2")
Set designhole3 = shapes1.Item("Hole.3")
Set designhole4 = shapes1.Item("Hole.4")

'* Assigning the Design Features to the Machining Pattern

' Assign these Design Features to the Machining Pattern

ManPattern.AddPosition designpattern,Prod,0
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole1 ,Prod,0
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole2 ,Prod,0
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole3 ,Prod,0
ManPattern.AddPosition designhole4 ,Prod,1
'* Modifying the Jump Distance of the Machining Pattern 

' Modify the Jump Distance of the Machining Pattern

Dim Jump As Parameter
Set Jump = ManPattern.GetAnAttribute("JumpDistance")
'* Deactivating/Activating points of the Machining Pattern

' Deactivating the point number 3 of the Machining Pattern

ManPattern.DeactivatePoint 3 
' Activating the point number 4 of the Machining Pattern
ManPattern.ActivatePoint 4
'* Reading Numbers / Setting as Start Point / Reversing Numbering 

' Read Numbers

Dim Numbers() As VARIANT
ManPattern.GetNumbers Numbers
' Set the point number 2 as start point

ManPattern.StartPoint 2
' Reverse Numbering

'* Managing Part Surface on the Machining Pattern 

' Add a part surface to the Machining Pattern

Dim sel As Selection
Set sel = MfgDoc1.Selection
Dim MyTab(1)
RC = sel.SelectElement2 (MyTab,"Select a Part Surface",True)
Dim PS As AnyObject
Set SelectedElement = sel.Item(1)
Set PartSurface = SelectedElement.Value
ManPattern.AddPartSurface PartSurface,Prod,1
' Remove the a part surface of the Machining Pattern

' Modify the Top Mode of the Machining Pattern 
' Legal values: MfgProjectPattern and MfgTopPattern
Dim TopMode As Parameter
Set TopMode = ManPattern.GetAnAttribute("TopMode")
TopMode .ValuateFromString("MfgProjectPattern")
End Sub