
Object Architecture Overview

You will find in this section how the CAA V5 exposed Automation objects are described, and get information about:

Object Diagrams, Object Descriptions and Object References

To describe objects, their properties and methods, and the relationships between objects, we use object diagrams and object descriptions.

Object diagrams describe the overall structure of how objects are linked together:

Part Document Object Diagram

Product Structure Object Diagram
Drawing Document Object Diagram

Analysis Document Object Diagram
Process Document Object Diagram
Functional Document Object Diagram
Material Document Object Diagram


Abstract object

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You can learn from the diagram above that the Application object aggregates a Documents collection. The Documents collection aggregates any number of Documents. The Document object is an abstract object, and only its derived types can actually be created, that is:

All those documents inherit the Selection object aggregated by the Document object. But only the PartDocument object has an aggregated Part object, and only the DrawingDocument has an aggregated DrawingSheets collection.

The symbol shows that the object to which it refers, that is the object located just left of the symbol, is the root of an object structure expanded in another object diagram. The symbol shows that the root object near it can be found in one or several object diagrams as an object to expand.

For main objects, Object Descriptions describes how to use it.

For all objects, Object References contains complete reference of inheritance, properties and methods, thus encompassing all other link types between objects.

About Objects, Collections, Properties, and Methods

Scripting languages such as Visual Basic rely on objects. Most pieces of data you can access are objects. With CATIA or DELMIA, documents, windows, viewers, cameras, parts, sketches, pads, even lines and curves, are represented as objects in Visual Basic. An object is depicted using a blue box in the object diagrams, such as .

A collection is an object that contains other objects. Like with stamps collecting, where all objects in the collection are stamps, a collection contains usually objects of the same type. For example a document collection contains documents. A collection is always denoted as a plural name to easily help recognize a collection among other objects. The document collection is thus named Documents. A collection is depicted using a yellow box in the object diagrams, such as . The collection index begins at 1, and not 0. Usually, an object in the collection is reached using its index, but it can also be reached using the name you assign to it. This ability of referring to an object using its name in the collection is stated in the documentation of each collection object, such as Documents, when the index type is Variant, for example in the Item method.

A property is part of an object and helps to characterize it. For example, the Document object has the FullName property, which stores its full name, that is the file name that contains the document and the path to access this file. Retrieving property values of an object makes it possible to distinguish it among other objects of the same type. Modifying property values of an object changes the object characteristics and implies that the object itself is thus modified. To prevent from non-desired property modifications, an object can have read-only properties from which you can retrieve their values, but never set them.

To retrieve or set the value of a property of a given object, write the object reference followed by a period and the property name. For example, you can retrieve in the DocName variable the value of  the full name of the active document as follows:

DocName = CATIA.ActiveDocument.FullName

Or you can set this full name from the DocName variable as follows:

CATIA.ActiveDocument.FullName = DocName

An object reference always starts from the root object, that is the application object which is always set to CATIA with in-process access. Then you use the Application object's properties to access the objects. In this case, the application object has the ActiveDocument property which holds the active document. You simply need to write CATIA.ActiveDocument to refer to the active document. Then the Document object has the FullName property to hold its full name. Simply add a period followed by FullName, and you get this full name.

In the same way, you can request to see the hidden elements of the active document by setting the value of its SeeHiddenElements property to True, as follows:

CATIA.ActiveDocument.SeeHiddenElements = True

A method is an action that you can request an object to do. For example, you can request to save the active document. To do this, the Document object includes the Save method. Simply request the document to save itself as follows:


Methods have often arguments requested by the action. For example, the SaveAs method carries out the action of saving a document with another name than the current one. This new name must be provided to perform this action, otherwise the SaveAs method cannot work. This name is passed as an argument of the SaveAs method. To save the active document with the name NewName , proceed as follows:

CATIA.ActiveDocument.SaveAs "NewName"

You will find in the object reference that each method is qualified as either a Function or a Sub, and with parentheses, even if they have no arguments, as follows:

Function NewCamera() As Camera

Sub Update()

This is a Visual Basic notation to distinguish a method that returns a value, or Function, from one that doesn't, or Sub. Note that the returned value of a Function is indicated using the As keyword. In the example above, the NewCamera method is a Function because it returns a Camera object. See also Some Tips about Sub and Function to know more about Sub and Function.

About Inheritance, Aggregation, and Object Model

Inheritance and aggregation are the two main kinds of relationship between objects.

An object that inherits from another, named the base object, inherits the properties and the methods of this base object and adds them to its own properties and methods. Inheritance helps to specialize objects while gathering common properties and methods in the base object. Inheritance is a iterative process, since an object can inherit from an object which itself inherits from another object which itself inherits, and so forth, and the lowest object in the inheritance tree inherits the properties and methods of all the objects above it. Inheritance is depicted using the following symbol in the object diagrams.

In the following diagram, the PartDocument object is a specialized document that is dedicated to parts, and which inherits the properties and methods of the Document object. In addition, the PartDocument object has its own properties and methods. For example, PartDocument inherits the Save method from Document, like ProductDocument and DrawingDocument, and owns the PartNumber property, which is a specific property for a part, but which does not make sense for Document.

Product Structure Object Diagram
Product Structure Object Diagram
Product Structure Object Diagram

Abstract object

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Assume that MyPart is a PartDocument document and is the active document. Assume that the PartDocument object has a PartNumber Read/Write property to return and set the part number. You can write the following to set its part number, and then save it:

MyPart.PartNumber = "123456789-0"

In this example, the value of the PartNumber property owned by MyPart as a PartDocument object is modified, and then the Save method of the Document object is executed against MyPart.

Some objects are depicted with a blue box with an italic typeface, such as . These are abstract objects. An abstract object owns properties and methods like any other object, but it cannot be created. Only objects which inherits from it and which are not abstract objects can be created. For example, the Document object is an abstract object which owns properties and methods shared by all documents, but cannot be created as such. Only objects of types PartDocument, ProductDocument, DrawingDocument, AnalysisDocument and CatalogDocument which inherit from it can actually be created. The active document referred to in the examples given in About Objects, Collections, Properties, and Methods is necessarily an instance of one of these types.

Aggregation is the ability of an object to contain another one. For example, the Application object contains (aggregates) a Documents collection object. Within CAA V5 automation objects models, the aggregation of a series of objects of the same type is usually reserved to collection objects. For example, the Documents collections contains (aggregates) a series of Documents, each of them being a PartDocument, a ProductDocument, or any other kind of Document object. Aggregation is depicted in Object Diagrams using a line between the two objects.

You may find a role description on this line. A Prism object for example aggregates two Limit objects, its first limit and its second limit:


The aggregation link is bi-directional because the Parent property of each object allows to retrieve its aggregating object. For clarification purpose, mono-directional relationships may be visible on a diagram. They are depicted using the following symbol .

Here, for example, the Sketch object is aggregated by a Sketches collection that is not visible but is referred to by the SketchBasedShape object.


[1] Infrastructure Automation Objects


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