
About Subs and Functions

A method exposed by an objects is called by Visual Basic:

Be careful when the methods requests arguments. To pass arguments to a Sub with Visual Basic Script, do not use parentheses as follows:

Object.Sub arg1, arg2, arg3

But use parentheses with a Function:

Dim ReturnedObject As AnyObject
Set ReturnedObject = Object.Function (arg1, arg2, arg3)

You must use Set only if the returned value is an object, but not if it is a character string or a number. Nevertheless, character string and number defined as CATIA literals are objects and Set must be used if a Function returns a literal object.

Finally, you don't have to use Set if you store your return value in a Property:

myObject.aggregatedObject = Object.Function (arg1, arg2, arg3)

because there is no actual aggregatedObject variable, a property is a syntactical shortcut for accessor methods, here get_aggregatedObject and set_aggregatedObject, allowing to present those methods as an attribute of the object. The previous syntax is so equivalent to:

myObject.set_aggregatedObject( Object.Function (arg1, arg2, arg3) )

and no Set is required.


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