
Creating a Sheet

This macro shows you how to create a sheet in a drawing.

This macro opens the CAADriSheet.CATDrawing document that contains a sheet only.
It creates DrawingSheet object from the DrawingSheets collection with the Add method and a activate it.

CAADriSheet is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

CAADriSheet.CATScript is located in the CAAScdPriUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only).


CAAPriPad includes the following steps:

  1. Prolog
  2. Creating the Sheet
  3. Activating the Sheet


The macro first loads CAADriSheet.CATDrawing that contains a sheet: Sheet.1

' ------------
' Get the sheets collection of the drawing
' ------------
Dim oDrawingSheets As DrawingSheets
Set oDrawingSheets = oDoc.Sheets

Once the drawing document has been loaded, the odrawingSheets is declared to receive the instance of the sheets.

Creating the Sheet

' ------------
' Add the sheet with a default name to the sheets collection of the drawing
' ------------
MsgBox "Click OK to create the new sheet."
Dim oDrawingSheet As DrawingSheet
Set oDrawingSheet = oDrawingSheets.Add("New Sheet") 

The oDrawingSheet object is added to the oDrawingSheets collection with the Add method and a default name: New Sheet. 

The oDrawingSheet is then displayed with the following result but not activated.

Activating the Sheet

' ------------
' Activate the sheet
' ------------
MsgBox "Click OK to activate the new sheet."

The Activate property of the DrawingSheet object is used to activate it.


In Short

This use case has shown how to create and activate a sheet using macros.



[1] Replaying a Macro

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