Option Explicit

' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose:      Creates constraints between assembly Parts using Publications
'   Assumptions:   Looks for CAADriSheet.CATDrawing in the DocView   
'   Author: 
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English 
'   CATIA Level:  V5R7 
' ***********************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 
    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 

    ' Open the Drawing document 
    Dim oDoc As Document
    set oDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sDocPath & _

' ------------
' Get the sheets collection of the drawing
' ------------
Dim oDrawingSheets As DrawingSheets
Set oDrawingSheets = oDoc.Sheets

' ------------
' Add the sheet with a default name to the sheets collection of the drawing
' ------------
MsgBox "Click OK to create the new sheet."
Dim oDrawingSheet As DrawingSheet
Set oDrawingSheet = oDrawingSheets.Add("New Sheet") 

' ------------
' Activate the sheet
' ------------
MsgBox "Click OK to activate the new sheet."

End Sub