DMU Navigator

Creating a Scene

This macro shows you how to use scenes to put a product in a given state. The macro assumes that a CATProduct has been loaded.


CAADmuScene is launched in CATIA [1]. A previously opened document is needed.

CAADmuScene.CATScript is located in the CAAScdDmuUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only).


CAADmuScene includes four steps:

  1. Retrieving the root product
  2. Retrieving of the scenes collection
  3. Creation of the scene
  4. Moving the components

Retrieving the root product

The root product, oRootProduct object, is retrieved using the Product method on the active document.

Retrieving of the scenes collection

The GetWorkbench method with the string "SceneWorkbench", on the active document, gives the oSceneWorkbench object (see SceneWorkbench).

This oSceneWorkbench object supports the WorkScenes method that enables the access to the cScenes collection (see Scenes) which is the factory of Scene object.

Creation of the scene

The oScene object is created using the AddNewScene method on the cScenes collection with the name and the root product.

Moving the components

GetMove method returns the Move object corresponding to each child of the root product in the scene.

The position of each child in the scene is modified using Apply method with the right matrix.


In Short

This use case has shown how to use marker3Ds in order to label components. Specifically, it has illustrated how to :



[1] Replaying a macro
[2] DMU Navigator automation objects


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