' COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2001 Option Explicit ' *********************************************************************** ' Purpose : Create a scene that keeps all the component's position of a product. ' Assumptions : A CATProduct document should be active. ' Author : ' Languages : VBScript ' Locales : English ' CATIA Level : V5R6 ' *********************************************************************** Sub CATMain() ' Get the root of the CATProduct Dim oRootProduct As Product Set oRootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product ' Retrieve the scenes collection Dim oSceneWorkbench As Workbench Set oSceneWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench("SceneWorkbench") Dim cScenes As Scenes Set cScenes = oSceneWorkbench.WorkScenes ' Create the scene Dim oScene As Scene Set oScene = cScenes.AddNewScene("MyScene", oRootProduct) ' Move the components of the scene corresponding to the children of the rootproduct Dim I As Integer Dim oChildProduct As Product Dim oMove As Move Dim dIdentityMatrix (11) dIdentityMatrix( 0) = 1.0 dIdentityMatrix( 1) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 2) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 3) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 4) = 1.0 dIdentityMatrix( 5) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 6) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 7) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix( 8) = 1.0 dIdentityMatrix( 9) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix(10) = 0.0 dIdentityMatrix(11) = 0.0 For I = 1 to oRootProduct.Products.Count Set oChildProduct = oRootProduct.Products.Item(I) Set oMove = oScene.GetMove(oChildProduct) oMove.Apply dIdentityMatrix Next End Sub