Schematics Platform Modeler

Querying for a List of Connected Objects

This macro shows you how to find a list of objects connected to a Schematic component instance or a Schematic route instance.

In this use case, the macro query for a list of Schematic component instances and a list of Schematic route instance. For each member in the two lists, the macro searches for all the objects connected to the member.

CAASchQueryConnectivity is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

Special environment must be available to successfully run this macro:

  • Prerequisites:
  1. RADE must be installed.
  2. must exist in CAADoc folder.
  • Setup:
  1. Build CAASchAppBase.m and CAASchAppUtilities.m, located in (RADE is required).
  2. Copy generated DLLs, CAASchAppBase.dll and CAASchAppUtilities.m, respectively, to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\code\bin."
  3. Copy CAASCHEDUApp.CATfct, located\CNext\resources\graphic, to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\resources\graphic."
  4. Copy\CNext\code\dictionary\ to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\code\dictionary."

CAASchQueryConnectivity.CATScript is located in the CAAScdSchUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only).

CAASchQueryConnectivity includes the following steps:
  1. Prolog
  2. Get a list of Schematic component instances and Schematic route instances in the document.
  3. Query for lists of connected objects.


The macro first loads the document: CAASCH_CompRoute01.CATProduct.

    ' Open the schematic document
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

Next, the macro acquires the schematic root object from the document. The schematic root is the top node of the object instance tree in a schematic document.

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

Get a list of Schematic component instances and Schematic route instances in the document

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' |  Get a list of all component instances and
    ' |  a list of all route instances in the model.
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
       Set objSchLComps = objSchRoot.GetComponents
       Set objSchLRoutes = objSchRoot.GetRoutes
    End If

Query for lists of connected objects

For each member in the output list of component instants, the macro uses the AppListConnectables to find a list of Schematic component or route instances that are connected to the component instance member.

    If ( Not ( objSchLComps Is Nothing ) And _
         Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then

       intNb = objSchLComps.Count
       If (intNb > 0) Then

          For intIndex = 1 To intNb
            Set objAppCntbl = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchAppConnectable",objPrd)

            If ( Not ( objAppCntbl Is Nothing ) ) Then
               '  AppListConnectables output 3 lists of objects.
               '  If a component A is connected to another component B on
               '  one side and to a route C on the other side, then the
               '  output lists of objects will contain the following members.
               '         objLCntblOther    objLCntrThis    objLCntrOther
               '         --------------    --------------  ----------------
               '           B               connector on A   connector on B
               '           C               connector on A   connector on C

               Set objLFilter = Nothing

               objAppCntbl.AppListConnectables objLFilter, objLCntblOther, _
                 objLCntrThis, objLCntrOther

For each member in the output list of route instants, the macro uses the AppListConnectables to find a list of Schematic component or route instances that are connected to the route instance member.

    ' |  For each route instance in the list, find connected objects
         If ( Not ( objSchLRoutes Is Nothing ) And _
              Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then

           intNb = objSchLRoutes.Count
           If (intNb > 0) Then
             For intIndex = 1 To intNb
               Set objAppCntbl = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchAppConnectable",objPrd)
                 If ( Not ( objAppCntbl Is Nothing ) ) Then

                    Set objLFilter = Nothing
                    objAppCntbl.AppListConnectables objLFilter, objLCntblOther, _ 
                      objLCntrThis, objLCntrOther

This macro provides the internal GenerateALine subroutine to report connected objects. It uses the GetPosition method of the SchCntrLocation interface to obtain the x-y coordinates of the connection points. SchCntrLocation is found based on the output list of connectors from the AppListConnectable method.


In Short

This use case shows how to query the connectivity of Schematic objects in a Schematic document. A message logging the status of the critical steps is displayed at the end of the use case.



[1] Replaying a Macro

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