This macro shows you how to create a
schematic network object. Given a list of independent objects, this
macros shows how to create a Schematic network for each member in the list.
The network will include the member itself and all the objects that are
connected to it.
This macro opens the CAASCH_Network01.CATProduct document.

Through special naming convention (i.e. the word "network" embedded in
the instance name), the macro knows to include the following Schematic
component instances in the input list.
- V-082_network_scale_instance.
- V_084_network instance (the control valve in the screen shot).
CAASchNetwork is launched in CATIA [1].
No open document is needed. Special
environment must be available to successfully run this macro:
- RADE must be installed.
- CAASchPlatformModeler.edu must exist in CAADoc folder.
- Build CAASchAppBase.m and CAASchAppUtilities.m, located in
CAASchPlatformModeler.edu (RADE is required).
- Copy generated DLLs, CAASchAppBase.dll and
CAASchAppUtilities.m, respectively, to the run-time environment
folder "intel_a\code\bin."
- Copy CAASCHEDUApp.CATfct, located CAASchPlatformModeler.edu\CNext\resources\graphic,
to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\resources\graphic."
- Copy CAASchPlatformModeler.edu\CNext\code\dictionary\CAASchPlatformModeler.edu.dico
to the run-time environment folder "intel_a\code\dictionary."
CAASchNetwork.CATScript is located in the CAAScdSchUseCases module.
Execute macro (Windows only). |
CAASchNetwork includes the following
- Prolog
- Create a list of network objects
using the SchBaseFactory interface
- Query the member of the list of network
The macro first loads CAASCH_Network01.CATProduct.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Open the schematic document
Dim sFilePath
sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _
Dim objSchDoc As Document
Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)
... |
Next, the macro acquires the schematic root object from the document.
The schematic root is the top node of the object instance tree in a
schematic document.
' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
Dim objPrdRoot As Product
Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product
If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
End If
End If
... |
Create a list of network objects
using the SchBaseFactory interface
The macro calls the GetSchBaseFactory method to get a handle of the
SchBaseFactory interface.
This macro provides a private Find2ComponentInst function which searches
for 2 component instances in the model based on a specific naming
convention. Those instances which have the word "network" as parts of their
instance names will be included. For each instance returned by
Find2ComponentInst, the graphical image of the instance is also returned.
Notice that two global variables: objLCntbl_g and objLGRR_g
are used to stored these results in Find2ComponentInst. They are available
to the main subroutine to be used in calling the CreateNetwork method.
' Get all the necessary factories.
Set objSchBaseFact = objSchRoot.GetSchBaseFactory
Set objSchTempListFact = objSchRoot.GetTemporaryListFactory
If ( Not ( objSchBaseFact Is Nothing ) And _
Not ( objSchTempListFact Is Nothing ) ) Then
Set objLCntbl_g = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfObjects
Set objLGRR_g = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfObjects
If ( Not ( objLCntbl_g Is Nothing ) And _
Not ( objLGRR_g Is Nothing ) ) Then
' The following "Sub" will populate objLCntbl_g and objLGRR_g
Find2ComponentInst objSchRoot
Set objLNetWork = objSchBaseFact.CreateNetwork (objLCntbl_g, _
... |
Query the member of the list of network
Each network object in the list contains the following information.
- The input object itself.
- A list of Schematic component instances that are directly or
indirectly connected to the input object. This list of connected
component instances can be retrieved using the ListNetworkObjects method.
- The listing procedure is recursive, and it will stop when the
connected object is a Schematic route. This Schematic route (known as the
"extremity") will be stored in a separate list. This list of "extremity"
objects can be retrieved using the ListExtremityObjects method.
The macro first find out the number of network objects in the output
list. Then, for each member in the output list it does the following.
- Call the ListNetworkObjects method to get a list of connected
Schematic component.
- Call the ListExtremityObjects method to get a list of extremity
objects (the Schematic route objects).
- For each member in those lists, the macro obtain a Product interface
handle to report their instance names.
If ( Not ( objLNetWork Is Nothing ) ) Then
Dim intNbNet As Integer
Dim intNetIndex As Integer
Dim intNbMember As Integer
Dim intMemIndex As Integer
Dim objSchNet As SchNetworkAnalysis
Dim objLNetMember As SchListOfObjects
Dim objMemPrd As Product
Dim strName As String
intNbNet = objLNetWork.Count
' Query the network members
For intNetIndex = 1 To intNbNet
intNbMember = 0
Set objLNetMember = Nothing
Set objSchNet = objLNetWork.Item (intNetIndex,"CATIASchNetworkAnalysis")
' Get the members of the list of connectables.
If ( Not ( objSchNet Is Nothing ) ) Then
Set objLNetMember = objSchNet.ListNetworkObjects
End If
If ( Not ( objLNetMember Is Nothing ) ) Then
intNbMember = objLNetMember.Count
For intMemIndex = 1 To intNbMember
Set objMemPrd = objLNetMember.Item (intMemIndex,"CATIAProduct")
Next '--- For intMemIndex
End If '--- If ( Not ( objLNetMember Is Nothing ) ...
' Get the members of the list of extremities (routes).
If ( Not ( objSchNet Is Nothing ) ) Then
Set objLNetMember = objSchNet.ListExtremityObjects
End If
If ( Not ( objLNetMember Is Nothing ) ) Then
intNbMember = objLNetMember.Count
For intMemIndex = 1 To intNbMember
Set objMemPrd = objLNetMember.Item (intMemIndex,"CATIAProduct")
strName = ""
Next '--- For intMemIndex
End If '--- If ( Not ( objLNetMember Is Nothing ) ...
Next '--- For intNetIndex
End If '--- If ( Not ( objLNetWork Is Nothing ) ... |