Option Explicit

' *****************************************************************************
'   Purpose:      Add/List/Remove internal flows to reference component. 
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English 
'   CATIA Level:  V5R15 
' *****************************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 

    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,sDocPath,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Open the schematic document 
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

    Dim strMessage As String

    strMessage = _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "Output traces from CAASchInternalFlow.CATScript" & vbCrLf

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product 
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

    Dim objLCompRefs As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objLCntr As SchListOfObjects
    Dim objCompRef As SchComponent
    Dim objCntbl As SchAppConnectable
    Dim objCompFlow As SchCompFlow
    Dim objSchTempListFact As SchTempListFactory

    If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then

       Set objSchTempListFact = objSchRoot.GetTemporaryListFactory

    End If

    If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing )  And _
         Not (objSchTempListFact Is Nothing ) ) Then

       ' Find a list of reference component in the model
       Set objLCompRefs = objSchRoot.GetRefComponents

       If ( Not ( objLCompRefs Is Nothing ) ) Then

          Set objCompRef = objLCompRefs.Item (1,"CATIASchComponent")

          If ( Not ( objCompRef Is Nothing ) ) Then

              Set objCompFlow = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

              Set objCntbl = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _
          End If 

          If ( Not ( objCntbl Is Nothing ) And _             
               Not ( objCompFlow Is Nothing ) ) Then

             ' Find all the connectors associated with the reference 
             ' component
             Dim objLFilter As SchListOfBSTRs
             Set objLFilter = Nothing
             Set objLCntr = objCntbl.AppListConnectors (objLFilter)

             ' Add internal flow to the reference component.
             ' 2 pairs:
             ' Flow 1: connector 1 to connector 2
             ' Flow 2: connector 1 to connector 3
             Dim intNbCntr As Integer
             Dim objFlow1 As SchInternalFlow
             Dim objFlow2 As SchInternalFlow
             Dim objCntr1 As SchAppConnector
             Dim objCntr2 As SchAppConnector
             Dim objCntr3 As SchAppConnector
             Dim objLCntr1 As SchListOfObjects
             Dim objLCntr2 As SchListOfObjects
             Dim objLFlow As SchListOfObjects

             intNbCntr = objLCntr.Count
             Set objLCntr1 = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfObjects
             Set objLCntr2 = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfObjects

             Set objCntr1 = Nothing
             Set objCntr2 = Nothing
             Set objCntr3 = Nothing

             If ( intNbCntr > 0 ) Then Set objCntr1 = objLCntr.Item(1,"CATIASchAppConnector")
             If ( intNbCntr > 1 ) Then Set objCntr2 = objLCntr.Item(2,"CATIASchAppConnector")
             If ( intNbCntr > 2 ) Then Set objCntr3 = objLCntr.Item(3,"CATIASchAppConnector")

             Set objFlow1 = Nothing
             If ( Not objLCntr1 Is Nothing ) Then
                If ( Not ( objCntr1 Is Nothing ) And _
                     Not ( objCntr2 Is Nothing ) ) Then
                   objLCntr1.Append (objCntr1)
                   objLCntr1.Append (objCntr2)
                   Set objFlow1 = objCompFlow.AddInternalFlow (objLCntr1)
                   If ( Not ( objFlow1 Is Nothing ) ) Then
                      strMessage = strMessage & _
                        "Internal flow between connector 1 and 2 created " & vbCr
                   End If 
                End If 
             End If '--- If ( Not objLCntr1 Is Nothing...

             Set objFlow2 = Nothing
             If ( Not objLCntr2 Is Nothing ) Then
                If ( Not ( objCntr1 Is Nothing ) And _
                     Not ( objCntr3 Is Nothing ) ) Then
                   objLCntr2.Append (objCntr1)
                   objLCntr2.Append (objCntr3)
                   Set objFlow2 = objCompFlow.AddInternalFlow (objLCntr2)
                   If ( Not ( objFlow2 Is Nothing ) ) Then
                      strMessage = strMessage & _
                        "Internal flow between connector 1 and 3 created " & vbCr
                   End If 
                End If 
             End If '--- If ( Not objLCntr1 Is Nothing...

             ' Return a list of all the internal flows 
             ' associated to the reference component. There should be 2.

             Set objLFlow = objCompFlow.ListInternalFlows 

             Dim intNbFlow As Integer
             If ( Not ( objLFlow Is Nothing ) ) Then
                intNbFlow = objLFlow.Count
                strMessage = strMessage & "Number of internal flows = " & intNbFlow & vbCr

                If ( Not ( objFlow2 Is Nothing ) ) Then
                   ' Remove "Flow 2" from the reference component
                   objCompFlow.RemoveInternalFlow objFlow2
                End If
             End If 

             ' Return a list of all the internal flows 
             ' associated to the reference component. There should be 1.
             Set objLFlow = Nothing
             Set objLFlow = objCompFlow.ListInternalFlows 
             If ( Not ( objLFlow Is Nothing ) ) Then
                intNbFlow = objLFlow.Count
                strMessage = strMessage & "Number of internal flows after calling RemoveInternalFlow" 
                strMessage = strMessage & "  = " & intNbFlow & vbCr
             End If

          End If
       End If 

    End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing )...

    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    MsgBox strMessage

End Sub