Option Explicit

' *****************************************************************************
'   Purpose:      Insert a schematic component into a route.

'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English 
'   CATIA Level:  V5R15 
' *****************************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 

    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,sDocPath,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Open the catalog document 
    Dim sCtlgFilePath
    sCtlgFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchCtlgDoc As Document
    Set objSchCtlgDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sCtlgFilePath)

    ' Open main schematic design document (for new component instances created here)
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

    Dim strMessage As String

    strMessage = _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "Output traces from CAASacInsertComponent.CATScript" & vbCrLf

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( IsEmpty(objSchDoc)) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product 
      If ( Not ( IsEmpty(objPrdRoot)) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

    Dim objSchGRRCVCtlg As SchGRR 
    Dim objSchCntblCVRef As SchAppConnectable
    Dim objSchCompCVRef As SchComponent
    Dim objSchCompatRoute As SchCompatible
    Dim objSchCompInst As SchComponent
    Dim objSchCompInst2 As SchComponent
    Dim objSchRouteInst As SchRoute
    Dim objSchCntblRouteInst As SchAppConnectable
    Dim objSchRouteGraph As SchRouteGraphic

    If ( Not ( IsEmpty(objSchRoot ) ) ) Then

       ' Get the symbol of a component from the component catalog.
       Set objSchGRRCVCtlg = objSchRoot.GetCompSymbolFromCatalog ("Control Valve",objSchCtlgDoc)
       If ( Not ( IsEmpty(objSchGRRCVCtlg) ) ) Then
         strMessage = strMessage &  "Got the catalog symbol" & vbCr

         ' Get the owner of the symbol. That is, a reference component,
         ' in the catalog.
         Set objSchCntblCVRef = objSchGRRCVCtlg.GetSchObjOwner
         If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCntblCVRef ) ) ) Then
           strMessage = strMessage &  "Got catalog connectable of the symbol" & vbCr

           Dim objCompRefPlaceInfo As AnyObject  
           Dim objCompatInfo As AnyObject  
           Dim objFinalInsertInfo As AnyObject
           Dim bYesCompat As Boolean   
           Dim bFindAllSolutions As Boolean    

           Set objSchCompCVRef = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchComponent",objSchCntblCVRef)
           If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompCVRef ) ) ) Then
              strMessage = strMessage &  "Got catalog component reference of the symbol" & vbCr
              Set objSchCompatRoute = FindARouteInModel (objSchRoot)
           End If 'If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompCVRef ) ) ...

           If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompCVRef ) ) And _
                Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompatRoute )) ) Then

              '  Insert a component into a route.
              '  Approach 1 - with compatibility information.
              '  1- QueryConnectAbility.
              '     Ask the reference of the component for information
              '     to use in compatibility checking. The objCompRefPlaceInfo
              '     is an output and should be used as a "black box". 
              '     It is the input to the next call.
              '  2- IsTargetOKForInsert
              '     Check whether the route is compatible to the component
              '     in making connections.
              '     The route instance is the "target". 
              '     objCompatInfo is an output and should be used as 
              '     a "black box". It is an input to the next call.
              '  3- GetBestFitInsertInfo
              '     Input the placement location, close to middle of the route
              '     objFinalInsertInfo is an output and should be used as
              '     a "black box". It is an input to the next call.
              '  4- InsertIntoRouteWithInfo
              '     Place a new component instance with the black box info.
              '     The route will be broken up into 2 pieces (shorten the
              '     existing route and create a new route instance).
              '     The new component instance will be connected to the
              '     2 routes on each of the 2 sides (left and right).  

              ' -- step 1 
              Set objCompRefPlaceInfo = objSchCompCVRef.QueryConnectAbility _

              ' -- step 2 
              objSchCompatRoute.IsTargetOKForInsert objCompRefPlaceInfo, _
                objCompatInfo, bYesCompat

              Dim db2Pt(2) As CATSafeArrayVariant

              '-- a point at the middle of the route
              db2Pt(0) = 80.0
              db2Pt(1) = 50.0

              If ( bYesCompat ) Then
                 strMessage = strMessage &  "Target is compatible" & vbCr
                 bFindAllSolutions = false

                 ' -- step 3 
                 objSchCompatRoute.GetBestFitInsertInfo db2Pt, objCompatInfo, _
                   objFinalInsertInfo, bFindAllSolutions

                 If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objFinalInsertInfo ) ) ) Then

                    ' -- step 4 
                    objSchCompCVRef.InsertIntoRouteWithInfo objFinalInsertInfo, _

                    If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompInst ) )  And _
                         Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRouteInst ) ) ) Then
                       strMessage = strMessage &  _
                         "Insert a new component instance into a route is successful" & vbCr
                    End If

                 End If 

                 strMessage = strMessage &  "Target is NOT compatible" & vbCr
              End If

              '  Insert a component into a route.
              '  Approach 2 - without compatibility information.
              '  One step approach.
              '  Is this specific example, we want to place another
              '  instance of the control valve on the middle of the first
              '  segment of the new route we have just created.
              '  1- we need the interface handle on the new route we
              '  have just created 
              '  2- we need to figure out the placement point location.
              '  For this we need to extract the x-y coordinates of the route
              '  points.

              Dim objLDbPlace As SchListOfDoubles

              If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRouteInst ) ) ) Then

                Set objSchCntblRouteInst = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

                Set objSchRouteGraph = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

                Set objLDbPlace = FindPlacementPoint (objSchRoot, objSchRouteGraph)
              End If

              If (  Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCntblRouteInst ) ) And _
                    Not ( IsEmpty (objLDbPlace ) )  ) Then

                db2Pt(0) = objLDbPlace.Item(1)
                db2Pt(1) = objLDbPlace.Item(2)

                strMessage = strMessage &  _
                  "Placement point for PlaceOnObject = (" & db2Pt(0) & "," & db2Pt(1) &")" & vbCr       

                 Dim db6Matrix(6) As CATSafeArrayVariant

                 objSchCompCVRef.PlaceOnObject objSchGRRCVCtlg, db6Matrix, _
                   objSchCntblRouteInst, objSchCompInst2

                 If (  Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCntblRouteInst ) )  ) Then
                    strMessage = strMessage &  _
                      "PlaceOnObject is successful" & vbCr
                 End If 

              End If '---- If ( ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCntblRouteInst ) ) ...

           End If '----If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCompCVRef ) )...

         End If '---- If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchCntblCVRef ) )...

       End If '----- If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchGRRCVCtlg ) )...

    End If  '----If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRoot ) )...

    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    MsgBox strMessage

End Sub

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find a route instance in the model.
' | Input: objSchCompGraph:  the schematic component 
' |        (a CATIASchCompGraphic interface handle).
' | Returns: the component image (the symbol instance)
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function FindARouteInModel (objSchRootArg As SchematicRoot) As SchCompatible
   Dim objSchLSymbols As SchListOfObjects
   If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRootArg ) ) ) Then
      Set objSchLSymbols = objSchRootArg.GetRoutes
      If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchLSymbols ) ) ) Then
         Set FindARouteInModel = objSchLSymbols.Item (1,"CATIASchCompatible")
      End If
   End If
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find a route instance in the model.
' | Input: objSchRouteArg:  the route 
' |        (a CATIASchRoute interface handle).
' | Returns: the mid point of the first segment of the route.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function FindPlacementPoint (objSchRootArg As SchematicRoot, _ 
  objSchRouteGraphArg As SchRouteGraphic) As SchListOfDoubles

   Dim objSchLGRR As SchListOfObjects
   Dim objSchLDb As SchListOfDoubles
   Dim objSchGRRRoute As SchGRRRoute
   Dim objSchTempListFact As SchTempListFactory
   Dim intSize As Integer
   Dim intCount As Integer
   Dim db2Seg1(4) As CATSafeArrayVariant
   Dim dbXOut As Double
   Dim dbYOut As Double

   If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRootArg ) ) ) Then
      Set objSchTempListFact = objSchRootArg.GetTemporaryListFactory
      If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchTempListFact ) ) ) Then
         Set FindPlacementPoint = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfDoubles
      End If 
   End If 

   If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRouteGraphArg ) ) And _
        Not ( IsEmpty (FindPlacementPoint ) ) ) Then

      Set objSchLGRR = objSchRouteGraphArg.ListGraphicalPrimitives

      If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchLGRR ) ) ) Then

         Set objSchGRRRoute = objSchLGRR.Item (1,"CATIASchGRRRoute")

         If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchGRRRoute ) ) ) Then

            objSchGRRRoute.GetPath objSchLDb

            If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchLDb ) ) ) Then

               intCount = objSchLDb.Count

               If ( intCount > 3 ) Then

                  db2Seg1(0) = objSchLDb.Item(1)
                  db2Seg1(1) = objSchLDb.Item(2)
                  db2Seg1(2) = objSchLDb.Item(3)
                  db2Seg1(3) = objSchLDb.Item(4)

                  dbXOut = (db2Seg1(0) + db2Seg1(2)) * 0.5
                  dbYOut = (db2Seg1(1) + db2Seg1(3)) * 0.5

                  FindPlacementPoint.Append (dbXOut)
                  FindPlacementPoint.Append (dbYOut)

               End If

            End If 
         End If 

      End If '--- If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchLGRR ) ) ...

   End If '--- If ( Not ( IsEmpty (objSchRouteGraphArg ) ) ...
End Function