Option Explicit

' *****************************************************************************
'   Purpose:      Create an application reference and add connectors. Also
'                 create an application route connecting to an instance of
'                 the component.
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English 
'   CATIA Level:  V5R15 
' *****************************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed
    dim sDocPath As String 

    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,sDocPath,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Open the schematic document 
    Dim sFilePath
    sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _

    Dim objSchDoc As Document
    Set objSchDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

    Dim strMessage As String

    strMessage = _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "Output traces from CAASchAppObjFactory.CATScript" & vbCrLf

    ' Find the top node of the schematic object tree - schematic root.
    Dim objPrdRoot As Product
    Dim objSchRoot As SchematicRoot
    If ( Not ( objSchDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objSchDoc.Product 
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objSchRoot = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject("SchematicRoot")
      End If
    End If

    Dim objAppObjFact As SchAppObjectFactory
    Dim objSchBaseFact As SchBaseFactory
    Dim objSchTempListFact As SchTempListFactory

    If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then

       ' Get all the necessary factories.
       Set objAppObjFact = objSchRoot.GetApplObjFactFromVirtualType ("CAASCHEDU_SamplePID")
       Set objSchBaseFact = objSchRoot.GetSchBaseFactory 
       Set objSchTempListFact = objSchRoot.GetTemporaryListFactory

       If ( Not ( objAppObjFact Is Nothing ) And _
            Not ( objSchBaseFact Is Nothing )  And _
            Not ( objSchTempListFact Is Nothing ) ) Then

         strMessage = strMessage &  "Got Application object factory " & vbCr

         Dim objAppCompRef As AnyObject
         Dim objSchSymbol As AnyObject
         Dim objSchCompRef As SchComponent 
         Dim objSchListGRR As SchListOfObjects
         Dim objSchComp2Ref As SchComponent2
         Dim objSchCompInst As SchComponent

         ' Ask application to create a component reference
         objAppObjFact.AppCreateCompRef "CAASCHEDUCompressFunc", _

         If ( Not ( objAppCompRef Is Nothing ) ) Then
           strMessage = strMessage &  "application reference component created" & vbCr

           ' Find a unassociated component symbol in the document
           Set objSchSymbol = GetComponentSymbol (objSchRoot)
           If ( Not ( objSchSymbol Is Nothing ) ) Then
              Set objSchListGRR = objSchTempListFact.CreateListOfObjects
              If ( Not ( objSchListGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
                 objSchListGRR.Append objSchSymbol
                 Set objSchCompRef = objSchBaseFact.CreateSchComponent ( _
                   objAppCompRef, objSchListGRR)
                 If ( Not ( objSchCompRef Is Nothing ) ) Then
                    strMessage = strMessage &  "schematic reference component attached" & vbCr
                 End If
              End If
           End If

           ' Add two connectors to the reference component
           Dim objSchCntr As SchCompConnector
           Dim objSchAppCntr As SchAppConnector
           Dim objSchCntrLoc As SchCntrLocation

           Set objSchCntr = objSchRoot.GetInterface ("CATIASchCompConnector", _

           If ( Not ( objSchCntr Is Nothing ) ) Then

              Dim iCntr As Integer
              Dim db2CntrPos (2) As CATSafeArrayVariant
              Dim db2CntrVec (2) As CATSafeArrayVariant
              For iCntr = 1 To 2
                Set objSchCntrLoc = Nothing
                Set objSchAppCntr = Nothing

                ' connector position and alignment vector are in coordinates
                ' relative the origin of the reference component graphical
                ' representation (the detail axis).
                If ( iCntr = 1 ) Then
                   db2CntrPos(0) = 15.0
                   db2CntrPos(1) = -5.0
                   db2CntrVec(0) = 1.0
                   db2CntrVec(1) = 0.0
                   db2CntrPos(0) = -15.0
                   db2CntrPos(1) = -5.0
                   db2CntrVec(0) = -1.0
                   db2CntrVec(1) = 0.0
                End If

                objSchCntr.AddConnector "CAASCHEDUConnector", objSchSymbol, _
                  Db2CntrPos, objSchAppCntr 

                If ( Not ( objSchAppCntr Is Nothing ) ) Then
                   Set objSchCntrLoc = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _
                     "CATIASchCntrLocation", objSchAppCntr)
                   If ( Not ( objSchCntrLoc Is Nothing ) ) Then

                      objSchCntrLoc.SetAlignVector objSchSymbol, Db2CntrVec

                      strMessage = strMessage &  "  connector " & iCntr & _
                        " created" & vbCr

                   End If
                End If     

           End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchCntr Is Nothing ) ...

           ' Place an instance of reference just created in an empty space in 
           ' the design document
           ' Note that the target document is an input to PlaceInSpace

           ' Component instance (to be created below) orientation matrix.
           ' x-axis = (1.0,0.0)
           ' y-axis = (0.0,1.0)
           ' origin = (100.0,100.0)
           Dim db6Matrix(6) As CATSafeArrayVariant
           Set objSchComp2Ref = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

           If ( Not ( objSchComp2Ref Is Nothing ) ) Then

              objSchComp2Ref.PlaceInSpace objSchSymbol,db6Matrix, _

              If ( Not ( objSchCompInst Is Nothing ) ) Then
                 strMessage = strMessage &  "Place component instance in space is successful" & vbCr
              End If 
           End If 

         End If '--- If ( Not ( objAppCompRef Is Nothing ) ...

         ' Find the coordinates of the route point by asking an existing
         ' component instance for a nearest compatible connector (connector A
         ' on the component instance). 
         ' The position of connector A will be used to define 
         ' the first route point. A extremity connector will be
         ' automatically created for the route 
         ' at this start point (connector B). 
         ' Connect the route to the component using 
         ' connector A and connector B. 
         If ( Not  ( objSchCompInst Is Nothing ) ) Then

            Dim bCompatible As Boolean
            Dim objLCntrs As SchListOfObjects
            Dim objSchGRRCompInst As SchGRRComp
            Dim objSchCompGraphic As SchCompGraphic
            Dim objSchCompCompat As SchCompatible

            Set objSchCompGraphic = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

            ' Get the image (ditto) of the component instance
            If ( Not ( objSchCompGraphic Is Nothing ) ) Then
               Set objSchGRRCompInst = GetComponentImage (objSchCompGraphic)                 
            End If  

            Set objSchCompCompat = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

            If ( Not ( objSchCompCompat Is Nothing ) And _ 
                 Not ( objSchGRRCompInst Is Nothing ) ) Then

               objSchCompCompat.IsTargetOKForRoute "CAASCHEDUConnector", _
                 objSchGRRCompInst, objLCntrs, bCompatible

               '  IsTargetOKRoute returns a list of compatible connectors
               '  on the target component if the component is compatible to
               '  be connected to the start point of the route.

               Dim objSchGRRInst As SchGRR
               Dim objAppCntrCompBest As SchAppConnector
               Dim objLDbOut As SchListOfDoubles
               Dim db2SelectPt(2) As CATSafeArrayVariant
               db2SelectPt(0) = 130.0
               db2SelectPt(1) = 110.0

               Set objSchGRRInst = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

               If ( Not ( objLCntrs Is Nothing ) And  _
                    Not ( objSchGRRInst Is Nothing ) And bCompatible ) Then

                  '  GetBestCntrForRoute returns a connector from
                  '  the output list that is closest 
                  '  to a user selection point.
                  objSchCompCompat.GetBestCntrForRoute db2SelectPt, _
                    objSchGRRInst, objLCntrs, objLDbOut, objAppCntrCompBest

                  Dim objAppRouteRef As AnyObject
                  Dim objSchRoute As AnyObject
                  Dim strLogLineID As String
                  Dim dbPtArray(6) As CATSafeArrayVariant
                  Dim objAppCntrRouteBest As SchAppConnector
                  Dim objAppConnection As SchAppConnection
                  Dim objRouteCntbl As SchAppConnectable
                  Dim IntNbCoord As Integer

                  dbPtArray(0) = 0.0
                  dbPtArray(1) = 0.0
                  IntNbCoord = objLDbOut.Count
                  If (IntNbCoord > 1) Then
                    dbPtArray(0) = objLDbOut.Item(1)
                    dbPtArray(1) = objLDbOut.Item(2)
                    strMessage = strMessage &  _
                      "Target is compatible for route " & vbCr
                    strMessage = strMessage &  "Route point starts at " & _
                      dbPtArray(0) & " " & dbPtArray(1) & vbCr
                  End If 

                  dbPtArray(2) = dbPtArray(0) + 100.0
                  dbPtArray(3) = dbPtArray(1)
                  dbPtArray(4) = dbPtArray(2)
                  dbPtArray(5) = dbPtArray(1) + 60.0

                  ' Ask application to create a route reference
                  'strLogLineID = "U1-P101-2in-CS150R-FG"
                  strLogLineID = ""
                  objAppObjFact.AppCreateRoute "CAASCHEDUFuncString", _
                    objAppRouteRef, strLogLineID      

                  If ( Not ( objAppCompRef Is Nothing ) ) Then
                    strMessage = strMessage &  _
                      "application reference route created" & vbCr

                    objSchBaseFact.CreateSchRouteByPoints objAppRouteRef, _
                      dbPtArray, objSchRoute  

                    If ( Not ( objSchRoute Is Nothing ) ) Then
                      strMessage = strMessage &  "schematic route created" & vbCr

                      Set objRouteCntbl = objSchRoot.GetInterface ( _

                      Set objAppCntrRouteBest = FindConnectorAtPosition ( _
                        dbPtArray(0), dbPtArray(1), objRouteCntbl, objSchRoot)

                      If ( Not (objAppCntrRouteBest Is Nothing ) And _
                           Not (objAppCntrCompBest Is Nothing ) ) Then

                         ' Connect "Connector A" to "Connector B"
                         Set objAppConnection = objAppCntrCompBest.AppConnect _

                         If ( Not ( objAppConnection Is Nothing ) ) Then
                            strMessage = strMessage & "route has been connected"
                            strMessage = strMessage & _
                              " to component successfully" & vbCr

                         End If 

                      End If '--- If ( Not (objAppCntrRouteBest Is Nothing ) ...

                    End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchRoute Is Nothing )...

                  End If '--- If ( Not ( objAppCompRef Is Nothing ) ...

               End If '--- If ( Not ( objLCntrs Is Nothing )...

            End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchCompCompat Is Nothing ) ...

         End If '--- If ( Not  ( objSchCompInst Is Nothing ) ...

       End If '--- If ( Not ( objAppObjFact Is Nothing )...

    End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchRoot Is Nothing )...

    strMessage = strMessage & _
      "--------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCr
    MsgBox strMessage

End Sub

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find a component symbol that has not been associated with a schematic
' | component from a document root.
' | Input: objSchRootArg:  the root of the document.
' | Returns: component symbol object.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetComponentSymbol (objSchRootArg As SchematicRoot) As AnyObject
   Dim objSchLSymbols As SchListOfObjects
   If ( Not ( objSchRootArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objSchLSymbols = objSchRootArg.GetUnassociatedSymbols
      If ( Not ( objSchLSymbols Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set GetComponentSymbol = objSchLSymbols.Item (1,"CATIASchGRR")
      End If
   End If
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find the first symbol used for the input schematic component.
' | Input: objSchCompGraph:  the schematic component 
' |        (a CATIASchCompGraphic interface handle).
' | Returns: the component image (the symbol instance)
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetComponentImage (objSchCompGraphArg As SchCompGraphic) As SchGRRComp
   Dim objSchLSymbols As SchListOfObjects
   If ( Not ( objSchCompGraphArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objSchLSymbols = objSchCompGraphArg.ListGraphicalImages
      If ( Not ( objSchLSymbols Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set GetComponentImage = objSchLSymbols.Item (1,"CATIASchGRRComp")
      End If
   End If
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find the first graphical primitives of an input route.
' | Input: objSchRouteGraph:  the schematic route
' |        (a CATIASchRouteGraphic interface handle).
' | Returns: the route graphic primitives
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetRoutePrimitives (objSchRouteGraphArg As SchRouteGraphic) _
  As SchGRR

   Dim objSchLGRR As SchListOfObjects
   If ( Not ( objSchRouteGraphArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objSchLGRR = objSchRouteGraphArg.ListGraphicalPrimitives
      If ( Not ( objSchLGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set GetRoutePrimitives = objSchLGRR.Item (1,"CATIASchGRR")
      End If
   End If
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' | Find a connector that matches the input x-y coordinates.
' | Input: dbXArg,dbYArg:  the x-y coordinates of the matching point
' |        objSchGRR: the graphic primitives of the route.
' |        objSchCntbl: the connectable to search for the connectors
' | Returns: the connector handle
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function FindConnectorAtPosition ( dbXArg As Double, dbYArg As Double, _
  objSchCntblArg As SchAppConnectable, _
  objSchRootArg As SchematicRoot ) As SchAppConnector

   Dim objLCntr As SchListOfObjects
   Dim objLFilter As CATIASchListOfBSTRs
   Dim objSchRouteGraphic As SchRouteGraphic
   Dim objGRR As SchGRR

   If ( Not ( objSchCntblArg Is Nothing ) And _
        Not ( objSchRootArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objLFilter = Nothing

      Set objLCntr = objSchCntblArg.AppListConnectors (objLFilter)

      Set objSchRouteGraphic = objSchRootArg.GetInterface ( _
        "CATIASchRouteGraphic", objSchCntblArg)
      If ( Not ( objSchRouteGraphic Is Nothing ) ) Then
         Set objGRR = GetRoutePrimitives (objSchRouteGraphic)
      End If
   End If '--- If ( Not ( objSchCntblArg Is Nothing ) ...

   If ( Not ( objLCntr Is Nothing )  And _
         Not ( objGRR Is Nothing ) ) Then

      Dim intNbCntr As Integer
      Dim iCntr As Integer
      Dim objLDbOut As SchListOfDoubles
      Dim objCntrLoc As SchCntrLocation
      Dim IntNbCoord As Integer
      Dim dbXOut As Double
      Dim dbYOut As Double

      intNbCntr = objLCntr.Count
      If (intNbCntr > 0) Then
         For iCntr = 1 To intNbCntr
           Set objCntrLoc = Nothing
           Set objLDbOut = Nothing

           Set objCntrLoc = objLCntr.Item (iCntr,"CATIASchCntrLocation")

           If (Not ( objCntrLoc Is Nothing ) ) Then

              objCntrLoc.GetPosition objGRR,objLDbOut

              If ( Not ( objLDbOut Is Nothing ) ) Then
                 IntNbCoord = objLDbOut.Count
                 If (IntNbCoord > 1) Then
                   dbXOut = objLDbOut.Item(1)
                   dbYOut = objLDbOut.Item(2)
                   If ( ( dbXOut = dbXArg ) And _ 
                        ( dbYOut = dbYArg ) ) Then

                      Set FindConnectorAtPosition =  objSchRootArg.GetInterface ( _
                         "CATIASchAppConnector", objCntrLoc )

                      Exit For

                   End If 
                 End If 
              End If
           End If '--- If (Not ( objCntrLoc Is Nothing ...
         Next ' --- For iCntr = 1 To intNbCntr ...
      End If '--- If (intNbCntr > 0) ...
   End If '--- If ( Not ( objLCntr Is Nothing ) ...

End Function