DMU Optimizer Automation Objects

Application Object Diagram

Product Document Object Diagram


Abstract object

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The GetWorkbench method applied to a ProductDocument object with the "OptimizerWorkBench" parameter value allows you to retrieve an OptimizerWorkbench object. This objects allows you to retrieve the differents collections of DMU Optimizer objects.

The Merges, Simplification, ThreeDCuts, and VibrationVolumes collections of a product are retrieved thanks to the GetTechnologicalObject method directly on the Product object with the same way with the "Merges", "Simplifications", "ThreeDCuts" and "VibrationVolumes" parameter values respectively.

For example, to retrieve the OptimizerWorkbench object in the active Product document, and then to retrieve the Silhouettes collection, write:

Sub CATMain()

  Dim doc As Document
  Set doc=CATIA.ActiveDocument

  Dim wkb As OptimizerWorkBench
  Set wkb=doc.GetWorkbench("OptimizerWorkBench") 'Note the uppercase B in WorkBench

  Dim sil As Silhouettes
  Set sil=wkb.Silhouettes

End Sub

To retrieve the Simplifications collection from the root product of the current Product document, write:

Sub CATMain()

  Dim pro As Product
  Set pro=CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

  Dim sim As Simplifications
  Set sim=pro.GetTechnologicalObject("Simplifications")

End Sub

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