Option Explicit


' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose:		Switch on and off all the ligths' shadows of a product
'   Version:		1.0
'   Author:			bmb
'   Languages:		VBScript 
'   Locales:		English 
'   CATIA Level:	V5R12 
' ***********************************************************************

' Main 
Sub CATMain()

	' Get the documents collection
	Dim oCollection As Documents
	Set oCollection = CATIA.Documents

	' test if no document is open
	If 0=oCollection.Count Then 
		msgbox "A product document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Switch On Lights"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	 ' Get material library
	Dim oProductDocument As Document
	Set oProductDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument

	' test if the active document is a material library (CATMaterial)
	If 0=InStr(oProductDocument.Name, ".CATProduct") Then
		msgbox "A product document must be active to execute this macro.", vbOKOnly, "Switch Off Shadows"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	' Accessing the Root Product
	Dim oRootProduct As Document
	Set oRootProduct = oProductDocument.Product

	' Accessing the collection of rendering lights
	Dim oLights As RenderingLights
	Set oLights = oRootProduct.GetItem("CATRscRenderingLightVBExt")

	' Declarations
	Dim I As Int
	Dim oLight As RenderingLight
	Dim oTab(3) As CATSafeArrayVariant

	' Create the parameter
	Dim oParams As Parameters
	Dim oReadParam As Parameter
	Dim oParam As Parameter
	Dim sParamValue As String
	Set oParams = oProductDocument.Product.Parameters

	On Error Resume Next
	Set oParam = oParams.Item("LightsShadowsStatus")

	If Err <> 0 Then ''''''''' switch OFF '''''''''

		' Ligths loop
		For I=1 To oLights.Count
			Set oLight = oLights.Item(I)

			' Create sParamValue
			If I>1 Then
				sParamValue = sParamValue & "&"
			End If
			sParamValue = sParamValue & oLight.Name & "="
			If oLight.HardwareShadowStatus = 1 Then
				oLight.HardwareShadowStatus = 0
				sParamValue = sParamValue & "1"
				sParamValue = sParamValue & "0"
			End If

			sParamValue = sParamValue & "/"

			If oLight.ShadowObjectStatus = 1 Then
				oLight.ShadowObjectStatus = 0
				sParamValue = sParamValue & "1"
				sParamValue = sParamValue & "0"
			End If

		' Create the parameter
		oParams.CreateString "LightsShadowsStatus", sParamValue
		oParams.Item("LightsShadowsStatus").Hidden = True

	Else ''''''''' switch ON '''''''''

		' Parse the parameter value
		Dim aLights As Array
		Dim aLight As Array
		sParamValue = oParam.ValueAsString ' read the parameter value
		aLights = Split(sParamValue, "&")

		' Ligths loop
		For I=0 To UBound(aLights)

			aLight = Split(aLights(I), "=")
			Set oLight = oLights.Item(aLight(0))
			If Err <> 0 Then ' light not exist
				msgbox "Impossible to find the light '" & aLight(0) & "'", vbOKOnly, "Switch On Lights' Shadows"
				If oLight.Type = 3 Then ' 1=directional light
					oLight.HardwareShadowStatus = Mid(aLight(1), 1, 1)
				End If
				If oLight.Type = 1 Then ' 1=spot light
					oLight.ShadowObjectStatus = Mid(aLight(1), 3, 1)
				End If
			End If

		' Remove parameter
		oParams.Remove "LightsShadowsStatus"

	End If

End Sub