Real Time Rendering Automation Objects

Application Object Diagram


Abstract object

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Real Time Rendering objects are obtained from a Product object through three collections:


Those objects are accessed through the GetItem method of the root Product object of a CATProduct document as described below: 

' Accessing the collection of rendering environments
Dim cEnvs As RenderingEnvironments
Set cEnvs = oRootProduct.GetItem("CATRscRenderingEnvironmentVBExt")

' Accessing the collection of rendering lights
Dim cLights As RenderingLights
Set cLights = oRootProduct.GetItem("CATRscRenderingLightVBExt")

' Accessing the collection of rendering shootings 
Dim cShoots As RenderingShootings
Set cShoots = oRootProduct.GetItem("CATRscRenderingShootingVBExt")