Distributive Systems

Accessing Logical Line and Group Membership

This use case is intended to show you how to obtain a Logical line instance and access its group members.

This macro opens the document CAAPsp3DEduIn.CATProduct. Using the root node of the document, it then finds a Logical line object with a given instance name. It then accesses group members, adds and removes a member.

CAAPspLogicalLine is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

CAAPspLogicalLine.CATScript is located in the CAAScdPspUseCases module. Execute macro (windows only).

CAAPspLogicalLine includes the following steps:

  1. Prolog
  2. Get a Logical Line Object
  3. List Members of the Line
  4. Groupable Data
  5. Add and Remove a Member
  6. Get From-To Object Information


The macro first loads Distributive System document CAAPsp3DEduIn.CATProduct containing Equipment and Piping Design objects.

Note: To open a different document, modify the variable sDocPath to point to the document directory and sDocFullPath to point to full path name of the document.

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Open the Distributive system document 
    Dim objPspDoc As Document
    sDocFullPath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, _    
       "\online\CAAScdPspUseCases\samples\CAAPsp3DEduIn.CATProduct" )
    Set objPspDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sDocFullPath)

Next, the macro acquires the PspWorkbench object from the document using the top node of the object tree in a Distributive System document.

    ' Find the top node (PspWorkbench) of the Distributive System object tree - .  
    If ( Not ( objPspDoc Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPrdRoot = objPspDoc.Product       
      If ( Not ( objPrdRoot Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objPspWorkbench = objPrdRoot.GetTechnologicalObject ("PspWorkbench")
      End If
    End If

Get a Logical Line Object

From the objPspWorkbench object following objects can be obtained.

  1. Application (CATIAPspApplication) object using the GetApplication method for the piping application.
  2. Application factory object (CATIAPspAppfactory) corresponding to Piping Application by using the GetInterface method.
    If ( Not ( objPspWorkbench Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPspApplication = objPspWorkbench.GetApplication(catPspIDLCATPiping)

Application factory object is then used to get a list of the logical line instances in the document.

    If ( Not ( objPspWorkbench Is Nothing ) And _
         Not ( objPspApplication Is Nothing ) ) Then
      Set objPspAppFactory = objPspWorkbench.GetInterface("CATIAPspAppFactory", _
                                                objPspApplication )      
      If ( Not ( objPspAppFactory Is Nothing ) ) Then
        Set objLLogLines = objPspAppFactory.ListLogicalLines (objPrdRoot)

Then the macro gets CATIAPspGroup, CATIAPspLogicalLine and CATIAPspID handle on the first object in the list of logical lines.

            Set objPspGroup = objLLogLines.Item(1,"CATIAPspGroup")
            Set objPspLogLine = objLLogLines.Item(1,"CATIAPspLogicalLine")
            Set objPspID = objLLogLines.Item(1,"CATIAPspID")
            If ( Not (objPspID Is Nothing) ) Then
              strMessage_g = strMessage_g & "Logical line object ID =" &  objPspID.GetID & vbCr
            End If 

List Members

Logical line is a logical grouping of components (parts and strings) that share common attributes. This macros obtains a a list of members by use of Property Members on the PspGroup object on the logical line. Then for each member of the logical it gets a PspGroupable object.

      Set objLMembers = objPspGroup.Members         

      If ( Not ( objLMembers Is Nothing ) ) Then       
        strMessage_g = strMessage_g & _
          "Number of Members= " &  objLMembers.Count & vbCr
        For intIdx = 1 To objLMembers.Count
          Set objPspGroupable = objLMembers.Item (intIdx, "CATIAPspGroupable")                   
          Set objPspIDMember = objLMembers.Item (intIdx, "CATIAPspID")

Groupable Data

Macro obtains a PspGroupable object obtained for the last member in the List of members. It then calls local Subroutine QueryGroupable by passing objPspGroupable as an argument.

        ' Query PspGroupable methods

        If ( Not ( objPspGroupable Is Nothing ) ) Then
          QueryGroupable objPspGroupable

Subroutine QueryGroupable then calls property Groups on the PspGroupable object to obtain information on the Groups of which the PspGroupable object is a member.

 Private Sub QueryGroupable (objPspGroupableArg As PspGroupable)      

    Dim objPspGroups       As PspGroup

    If ( Not ( objPspGroupableArg Is Nothing ) ) Then
      ' ---------------------------
      ' Get Groups
      ' ---------------------------

      Set objPspGroups = objPspGroupableArg.Groups

      If ( Not ( objPspGroups Is Nothing ) ) Then
        strMessage_g = strMessage_g & _
          "Number of Groups =" & objPspGroups.Count & vbCr

Add and Remove a Member

It then calls RemoveMember on PspGroup object to remove a PspGroupable object.

          ' Remove member
          If ( Not ( objPspGroupable Is Nothing ) ) Then
            strMessage_g = strMessage_g &   "Removing member= " & _
                objPspIDMember.GetID   & vbCr              
            objPspGroup.RemoveMember objPspGroupable

It then calls AddMember on PspGroup object to restore the member back to the PspGroup object.

            ' Add member
            strMessage_g = strMessage_g & _
                "Adding member= " &  objPspIDMember.GetID & vbCr              
            objPspGroup.AddMember objPspGroupable

Get From-to Object Information

The macros uses PspLogicalLine object handle to call method GetFromTo to obtain From-To objects list.

    '  GetFromTo information (CATIAPspLogicalLine)

    Dim objLFromMajorMembers        As PspListOfObjects  
    Dim objLFromMinorMembers        As PspListOfObjects  
    Dim objLToMajorMembers          As PspListOfObjects  
    Dim objLToMinorMembers          As PspListOfObjects
    If ( Not ( objPspLogLine Is Nothing )) Then
      objPspLogLine.GetFromTo objLFromMajorMembers, objLFromMinorMembers,  _
                              objLToMajorMembers, objLToMinorMembers

      If ( Not ( objLFromMajorMembers Is Nothing )) Then
        strMessage_g = strMessage_g & _
          "Number of From-Major Members is: " & objLFromMajorMembers.Count  & vbCr
        strMessage_g = strMessage_g & _
                "Number of From-Major Members is 0"  & vbCr
      End If

      If ( Not ( objLFromMinorMembers Is Nothing )) Then

      If ( Not ( objLFromMinorMembers Is Nothing )) Then


In Short

This use case shows how to access a Logical line instance of an existing document. A message logging the status of the critical steps is displayed at the end of the use case.



[1] Replaying a macro

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