Part Interfaces

Creating EdgeFillets on a Rectangular Pad

This macro shows you how to create fillets on a rectangular Pad.

This macro retrieves a rectangular pad from a Part document and creates fillets from the selection of all vertical edges and top and bottom faces.

CAAPriCreateEdgeFillet is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

Figure 1: The final result.

CAAPriCreateEdgeFillet.CATScript is located in the CAAPriUseCases module.  Execute macro.


CAAPriCreateEdgeFillet includes five steps:

  1. Retrieving the Pad Contained in the Associated Pad.CATPart file
  2. Retrieving All the Vertical Edges from the Rectangular Pad
  3. Creating a First EdgeFillet with the Selected Edges
  4. Retrieving the Top and Bottom Faces of the Pad
  5. Creating a Second EdgeFillet with the Selected Faces

Retrieving the Pad Contained in the Associated Pad.CATPart file


Dim oPartDocument As PartDocument
Set oPartDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open("E:\tmp\CAAScdPriUseCases.doc\src\samples\Pad.CATPart

Dim oPart As Part
Set oPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part

' Retrieve the part body of the document containing the pad to be used
Dim oBody As Body
Set oBody = oPart.Bodies.Item ( "MechanicalTool.1" )

' Retrieve the pad of the body
Dim oPad As Pad
Set oPad = oBody.Shapes.Item ( "Pad.1" )


oPad is retrieved by its name "Pad.1" in the PartBody tree.

Retrieving All the Vertical Edges of the Rectangular Pad


' Retrieve the vertical edges of the pad to be filleted
Dim oEdge1 As Reference
Set oEdge1 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName ( "REdge:(Edge:(Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;0:(Brp:(Sketch.1;1))); None:());Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;0:(Brp:(Sketch.1;2)));None:());None:(Limits1:();Limits2:())); WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport)", oPad )


The elements to be filleted are edges. Here these elements are REdge features
defined by their symbolic addresses.

Creating a first EdgeFillet with the selected edges


' Define the fillet to be created with the first edge
Dim oEdgeFillet1 As ConstRadEdgeFillet
Set oEdgeFillet1 = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius ( oEdge1, 1, 5.000000 )

' Add the others edges to be filleted
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge2
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge3
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge4

' Enable the fillet to be propagated to all the tangent contiguous edges
oEdgeFillet1.EdgePropagation = 1

' Define the fillet radius to 5 mm
oEdgeFillet1.Radius.Value = 5.000000

' Update the document


The AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius method from the ShapeFactory allows you to create a constant
EdgeFillet with the propagation mode (1 for second argument) and a 5 mm radius.
Update the part to compute the result of the EdgeFillet.

Figure 2: Rectangular pad with its vertical filleted edges.

Retrieving the Top and Bottom Faces of the Rectangular Pad


' Retrieve the top face of the pad to be filleted
Dim oTopFace As Reference
Set oTopFace = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName ( "RSur:(Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;2);None:());WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport)", oEdgeFillet1 )

' Retrieve the bottom face of the pad to be filleted
Dim oBottomFace As Reference
Set oBottomFace = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName ( "RSur:(Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;1);None:());WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport)", oEdgeFillet1 )


Retrieve the Rsur features representing the top and bottom faces of the pad to use them to create another EdgeFillet.

Creating a Second EdgeFillet with the Selected Faces


' Define the fillet to be created with the first face
Dim oEdgeFillet2 As ConstRadEdgeFillet
Set oEdgeFillet2 = oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius ( oTopFace, 1, 15.000000 )

' Define the fillet radius to 5 mm
oEdgeFillet2.Radius.Value = 5.000000

' Add the other face
oEdgeFillet2.AddObjectToFillet oBottomFace

' Update the document


All the limiting edges of the selected faces will be used to create the second EdgeFillet.


In Short

This use case has shown how to create EdgeFillets retrieving REdge or RSur features from a pad.



[1] Replaying a Macro


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