CAAPriCreateEdgeFillet includes five steps:
- Retrieving the Pad Contained in the Associated
Pad.CATPart file
- Retrieving All the Vertical Edges from the Rectangular
- Creating a First EdgeFillet with the Selected Edges
- Retrieving the Top and Bottom Faces of the Pad
- Creating a Second EdgeFillet with the Selected Faces
Retrieving the Pad Contained in the Associated
Pad.CATPart file
Dim oPartDocument As PartDocument
Set oPartDocument =
Dim oPart As Part
Set oPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
' Retrieve the part body of the document containing the pad to be used
Dim oBody As Body
Set oBody = oPart.Bodies.Item ( "MechanicalTool.1" )
' Retrieve the pad of the body
Dim oPad As Pad
Set oPad = oBody.Shapes.Item ( "Pad.1" )
oPad is retrieved by its name "Pad.1" in the PartBody tree.
Retrieving All the Vertical Edges of the Rectangular Pad
' Retrieve the vertical edges of the pad to be filleted
Dim oEdge1 As Reference
Set oEdge1 = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName (
oPad )
The elements to be filleted are edges. Here these
elements are REdge features
defined by their symbolic addresses.
Creating a first EdgeFillet with the selected edges
' Define the fillet to be created with the first edge
Dim oEdgeFillet1 As ConstRadEdgeFillet
Set oEdgeFillet1 =
oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius ( oEdge1, 1,
5.000000 )
' Add the others edges to be filleted
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge2
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge3
oEdgeFillet1.AddObjectToFillet oEdge4
' Enable the fillet to be propagated to all the tangent contiguous
oEdgeFillet1.EdgePropagation = 1
' Define the fillet radius to 5 mm
oEdgeFillet1.Radius.Value = 5.000000
' Update the document
The AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius method from the ShapeFactory
allows you to create a constant
EdgeFillet with the propagation mode (1 for second argument) and a 5 mm
Update the part to compute the result of the EdgeFillet.

Figure 2: Rectangular pad with its vertical filleted edges.
Retrieving the Top and Bottom Faces of the Rectangular
' Retrieve the top face of the pad to be filleted
Dim oTopFace As Reference
Set oTopFace = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName ( "RSur:(Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;2);None:());WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport)",
oEdgeFillet1 )
' Retrieve the bottom face of the pad to be filleted
Dim oBottomFace As Reference
Set oBottomFace = oPart.CreateReferenceFromBRepName ( "RSur:(Face:(Brp:(Pad.1;1);None:());WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport)",
oEdgeFillet1 )
Retrieve the Rsur features representing the top and bottom faces of the pad
to use
them to create another EdgeFillet.
Creating a Second EdgeFillet with the Selected Faces
' Define the fillet to be created with the first face
Dim oEdgeFillet2 As ConstRadEdgeFillet
Set oEdgeFillet2 =
oPart.ShapeFactory.AddNewEdgeFilletWithConstantRadius ( oTopFace, 1,
15.000000 )
' Define the fillet radius to 5 mm
oEdgeFillet2.Radius.Value = 5.000000
' Add the other face
oEdgeFillet2.AddObjectToFillet oBottomFace
' Update the document
All the limiting edges of the selected faces will be used to create the second EdgeFillet.