CAAPriPatternDescription includes the following
- Prolog
- Looking for the Circular Pattern Object in the
- Applying the Circular Pattern Description
Load the CAAPriPatternDescription.CATPart that contains two circular

Run the macro.
' ------------
' Get the part document
' ------------
Set oPartDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' ------------
' Get the part
' ------------
Set oPart = oPartDocument.Part
Once the macro has been started, the oPartDocument and
oPart variables are declared to receive the instance of the part
document and the part.
Looking for the Circular Pattern Object in the Selection
' ------------
' Get the selection
' ------------
Set oSelection = oPartDocument.Selection
' ------------
' Set the selection type
' ------------
InputObjectType(0) = "CircPattern"
' ------------
' Get the status
' ------------
oStatus = oSelection.SelectElement2 ( InputObjectType, "Select a circular pattern", True )
' ------------
' Get the object in the selection
' ------------
Set oCircularPattern = oSelection.Item(1).Value...
oSelection variable is declared to receive the instance of
the part document selection, the string containing selection type name is
defined in an array InputObjectType , the SelectElement2
method is used to retrieve the selection:
- If the document selection is empty or contains an object other than a
circular pattern, a message is displayed in the left bottom corner of the
Select a circular pattern .
- If the selection contains a circular pattern, no message is displayed.
Take care, this allows you to select one object only in both cases!
oCircularPattern variable is declared to receive the
instance of the circular pattern from the selection collection.
Applying the Circular Pattern Description
' ------------
' Set the circular pattern instance number
' ------------
oCircularPattern.AngularRepartition.InstancesCount.Value = 6
The circular pattern number of instances is set to 6.
' ------------
' Set the circular pattern instance as Unequal Angular Spacing mode
' ------------
oCircularPattern.CircularPatternParameters = catUnequalAngularSpacing
oCircularPattern.SetUnequalStep 6
The circular pattern parameter is set to Unequal Angular Spacing.
' ------------
' Set the circular pattern Unequal Angular Spacing
' ------------
oCircularPattern.SetInstanceAngularSpacing 2, 30.000000
oCircularPattern.SetInstanceAngularSpacing 3, 75.000000
oCircularPattern.SetInstanceAngularSpacing 4, 75.000000
oCircularPattern.SetInstanceAngularSpacing 5, 30.000000
oCircularPattern.SetInstanceAngularSpacing 6, 75.000000
For each circular pattern instances the angular spacing is modified.
' ------------
' Update the part
' ------------
The part document is updated, the circular pattern is modified.
