CAAMaiInsertAxialToolMotion includes 7 steps:
- Retrieve the open body of the CATPart
- Retrieve the tool motions geometry.
- Retrieve the active process and current setup
- Retrieve the Manufacturing Program
- Insert a Point To Point activity and assign its
- Insert a Point tool motion and set its geometry
- Insert a Position tool motion and assign its
- Insert a Delta tool motion and assign an offset and
a reference line
Retrieve the open body of the CATPart
'*** Retrieve the Open body of the part
Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents
Set partDocument1 = documents1.Item("Part_ToolMotion.CATPart")
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part
Set hybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies
Set hybridBody1 = hybridBodies1.Item("Open_body.1")
Set hybridShapes1 = hybridBody1.HybridShapes
Retrieves the open body and sets it in the variable hybridShapes1.
'*** Retrieve the tool motion's geometry
Set Plane1 = hybridShapes1.Item("Plane.1")
Set Line1 = hybridShapes1.Item("Line.1")
Set Point1 = hybridShapes1.Item("Point.1")
Set Point2 = hybridShapes1.Item("Point.2")
Set Point3 = hybridShapes1.Item("Point.3")
Set Plane2 = hybridShapes1.Item("Plane.2")
Set Line2 = hybridShapes1.Item("Line.2")
Set Line3 = hybridShapes1.Item("Line.3")
.Retrieves the geometry used for the tool motions, using their names in
the open body.
Retrieve the active process and current setup
Set MfgDoc1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
'*** Retrieve current Process Root
Set ActivityRef = MfgDoc1.GetItem("Process")
'*** Retrieve current SetUp
If (ActivityRef.IsSubTypeOf("PhysicalActivity")) Then
Set childs = ActivityRef.ChildrenActivities
quantity = childs.Count
if quantity <= 0 then
Exit Sub
End if
NumberOfPO = 0
For I=1 To quantity
Set child = childs.Item(I)
If (child.IsSubTypeOf("ManufacturingSetup")) Then
Set Setup1 = child
NumberOfPO = NumberOfPO +1
Exit For
End If
End If
Retrieves the Manufacturing Setup and sets it in the variable
Setup1 .
Retrieve the Manufacturing Program
'*** Retrieve current Program
set ProgramList = Setup1.Programs
Set PartMachined = SetUp1.Product
Set Program1 = ProgramList.GetElement(1)
.Retrieves the Manufacturing Program and sets it in the variable
Program1. Retrieves the product linked to the Setup and sets it in the
variable "PartMachined", the variable will be useful to assign
geometry on the activity.
Insert a Point To Point activity and assign its
' Creation axial sequential operation
Dim Mo As ManufacturingOperation
Set Mo = Program1.AppendOperation("PointToPoint",1)
Mo.SetTool("T3 End Mill D 10")
Inserts a Point To Point sequential operation in the program
"Program1" and assigns to it an End Mill tool.
Insert a Point tool motion and set its geometry
' Creation of point tool motion
Dim Tm1 as ToolMotion
Set Tm1 = Mo.InsertToolMotion("MfgSeqMotionPoint",1)
Call Tm1.SetGeometry("PointSite",Point3, PartMachined, 0)
Inserts a Point tool motion ("MfgSeqMotionPoint") at the
first position("1") in the tool motion list, use ("0")
as second argument to create a tool motion at the end of the tool motion's
Assigns the geometry using the SetGeometry method using one point
from the geometry we retrieved (Point3) and the product which contains
this geometry (PartMachined) as second argument. Use ("0") as
last argument for a Point tool motion.
For a Point tool motion, uses the geometry type "PointSite"
as first argument.
Insert a Position tool motion and assign its
' Creation of position tool motion
Dim Tm2 as ToolMotion
Set Tm2 = Mo.InsertToolMotion("MfgSeqMotionPosition",2)
Call Tm2.SetGeometry("Parts", Plane1, PartMachined, 0)
Call Tm2.SetGeometry("FirstRelimitingElement", Line2, PartMachined, 0)
Call Tm2.SetGeometry("Drives",Line3 , PartMachined, 0)
' Modification of Position on check parameter
Dim CheckMode As Variant
Set CheckMode = Tm2.GetAttribute("MfgCheckStopMode")
CheckMode.ValuateFromString ("MfgPast")
Inserts a Position tool motion by using the type
"MfgSeqMotionPosition", creates it at the second position
("2") of the tool motion's list.
To assign the object Plane1 as Part element, use SetGeometry and
"Parts" as geometry type, "0" as last argument.
To assign a Check element, use "FirstRelimitingElement" as
geometry type, to assign a Drive element use "Drives".
Modifies the position on the check element (Past instead of To) by
reading the attribute "MfgCheckStopMode" in variable CheckMode,
then modifying its value ("MfgPast").
Insert a Delta tool motion and assign an offset
and a reference line
' Creation of delta tool motion
Dim Tm3 as ToolMotion
Set Tm3 = Mo.InsertToolMotion("MfgSeqMotionDelta",3)
Set CheckMode = Tm3.GetAttribute("MfgPtDeltaMode")
CheckMode.ValuateFromString ("MfgPtDeltaParallelLine")
Call Tm3.SetGeometry("GuidingElements", Line2, PartMachined, 0)
Dim OffsetValue As Variant
Set OffsetValue = Tm3.GetAttribute("MfgPtDeltaDistance")
OffsetValue.Value = 15
' get the list of tool motions and reading each tool motion
Dim TMList2 As MfgToolMotions
Set TMList2 = MO.GetListOfToolMotions
NbMo = TMList2.Count
Dim Test2 As ManufacturingToolMotion
Set Test2 = TMList2.GetElement(1)
Inserts a Delta tool motion using the type
"MfgSeqMotionDelta". Reads the mode of the tool motion
("MfgPtDeltaMode") and sets it in variable CheckMode. Sets the
mode "Parrallel to line " by valuating CheckMode to
"MfgDeltaParallelLine" .
To assign Line2 as reference line in a Delta tool motion, use the
geometric type "GuidingElements" .
Retrieve the offset "MfgPtDeltaDistance" in the variable
OffsetValue, and set it to 15 .
Retrieves the list of tool motions and set it to the variable TMList2,
the method GetElement(number) enables to get the tool motion located at
position "number" in a variable of
"MfgToolMotions" type (list of tool motion).