
'*		Open an existing CATPart Document and then execute the Macro:
'*		- Creates a new Process Document
'*		- Starts Prismatic Machining Workbench
'*		- Associates the Design Part will to the existing Set Up

Sub CATMain()

	'*** Get current Part Document

	Dim thePartDoc As Document
	Set thePartDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

	'Get the Product to be associated to the Set Up
	Dim theProduct As Product
	Set theProduct = thePartDoc.Product
	'Create Process Document
	CATIA.Documents.Add "Process"
	Dim thePPRDoc As Document
	Set thePPRDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

	'*** Load Prismatic Machining Workbench

	Dim theApplication As Application
	Set theApplication = thePPRDoc.Application
	theApplication.StartWorkbench ("ManufacturingProgramWorkbench")

	'*** Retrieve current Root Process 

	Dim theProcess As AnyObject
	set theProcess = thePPRDoc.GetItem("Process")

	'*** Retrieve current SetUp

	Dim theSetup As ManufacturingSetup

	If (theProcess.IsSubTypeOf("PhysicalActivity")) Then

		Set childs = theProcess.ChildrenActivities
		quantity = childs.Count

		if quantity <= 0 then
			Exit Sub
		End if

		NumberOfPO = 0

		For I=1 To quantity
			Set child = childs.Item(I)
			If (child.IsSubTypeOf("ManufacturingSetup")) Then
				Set theSetup = child
				NumberOfPO = NumberOfPO +1
				Exit For
			End If
	End If

	if NumberOfPO <= 0 then
	  Exit Sub
	End if

	'*** Associate the Part to the Setup

	theSetup.Product = theProduct

End Sub