Option Explicit
Dim Language as String

' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose:    This macro shows how to create and run an optimization feature.
'               It shows the follwing steps.
'               - Creates two parameters and a formula
'               - Creates and sets up the optimization feature
'               - Runs the optimization.	
'   The optimization problem consists in finding the value of x that minimizes fx.
'   knowing that fx = x*x + 8.
'   The objective is fx and the free parameter is x.
'   Assumption: This macro is intended to be run on a newly created part document.	
'   Languages:    VBScript
'   Locales:      English (United States)
'   CATIA Level:  V5R7 
' ***********************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False

' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application 
' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
' on your application object
Dim oActiveDoc As Document 
Set oActiveDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument 
' Check whether the document is a CATPart
If (InStr(oActiveDoc.Name,".CATPart")) <> 0  Then 

        ' Retrieve the collection object which contains
        ' all the document relations.
        ' The statements below are only valid when the active
        ' document is a CATPart
        Dim oRelations As Relations
        Set oRelations = oActiveDoc.Part.Relations

        ' Retrieve the collection object which contains
        ' all the document parameters.
        Dim oParameters As Parameters 
        Set oParameters = oActiveDoc.Part.Parameters        

        ' Create Real type parameter as objective to be optimized. 
        Dim oFx As Parameter
        Set oFx = oParameters.CreateReal("Real1", 199 )
        oFx.Rename "fx"

        ' Create Real type parameter as free parameter.
        Dim oX As Parameter
        Set oX = oParameters.CreateReal("Real2", 299 )
        oX.Rename "x" 

        ' Create a formula to be optimized.
        Dim oFormula As Formula
        Set oFormula = oRelations.CreateFormula(                     _
                                   "Objective",                      _
                                   "This is the objective function.",_
                                   oFx,                              _
                                   "x*x + 8.0") 

        ' Retrieve the collection object which contains
        ' all the document optimizations.
        Dim oOptimizations As Optimizations
        Set oOptimizations = oRelations.Optimizations
        ' Create the optimization feature.
        Dim oOptimization1 As Optimization
        Set oOptimization1 = oOptimizations.CreateOptimization()
        oOptimization1.OptimizationType = catMinimum
        oOptimization1.AlgorithmType = catSimulatedAnnealing

        'Set up the optimization feature attributes.
        oOptimization1.MaxEvalsNb = 300
        oOptimization1.UseMaxTime = True
        oOptimization1.MaxTime = 2 '2 minutes.
        oOptimization1.UseMaxEvalsWoImprovement = True
        oOptimization1.MaxEvalsWoImprovement = 20

        'Set up the free parameters of the optimization and their steps (this is optional).
	'The step helps the algorithm to get an order of magnitude of the changes of values
	'acceptable for each free parameters.
        Dim oFreeParameters As FreeParameters
        Set oFreeParameters = oOptimization1.FreeParameters
        'The following is optional, but usually reducing the range of input parameters helps to
        'solve the problem faster. In this case there only is one free parameter but optimizations
        ' can be run with multiple free parameters.
        Dim p As FreeParameter
        For Each p in oFreeParameters
                p.Step = 0.1
                p.InfRange = -1000
                p.SupRange = 2000

        'Set the parameter that must be optimized.
        oOptimization1.ObjectiveParameter = oFx 
        msgbox "Before optimisation :" & oFx.Name & " =  " & oFx.Value & " and " & oX.Name & " = " & oX.Value

        'Running the optimization without the progress bar dialog box (False).
        oOptimization1.Run False

        msgbox "After optimisation :" & oFx.Name & " =  " & oFx.Value & " and " & oX.Name & " = " & oX.Value
        ' Update the document

   MsgBox "The active document must be a CATPart"
End If
End Sub