
Saving a New CATIA Document

This macro shows you how to save a new CATIA document that is currently in the session. In order to save an existing CATIA document in the same storage location and under the same name, see the CAAInfSaveDocument [1] sample for a detailed description.


CAAInfSaveAsDocument is launched in CATIA [2]. An existing document called "CAAInfReadDocument.CATPart" must be found in the CATDocView.

CAAInfSaveAsDocument.CATScript is located in the CAAScdInfUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only).


CAAInfSaveAsDocument includes five steps:

  1. Retrieving the CATDocView Environment Variable and Checking its Valuation
  2. Retrieving the CATTEMP Environment Variable and Checking its Valuation
  3. Saving the Active CATIA Document
  4. Saving the CATIA Document Specified by an Object Variable
  5. Saving the CATIA Document Specified by its Name

Retrieving the CATDocView Environment Variable and Checking its Valuation

    ' Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it may be installed

    Dim sDocPath  As String
    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
            Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If

Define the sDocPath variable to retrieve the CATDocView environment variable value which holds the documentation path where the Part document used below is stored. Also, check that this variable is valuated.


Retrieving the CATTEMP Environment Variable and Checking its Valuation

    ' Optional: allows to specify where document should be saved

    Dim sTmpPath  As String
    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sTmpPath)) Then
        Err.Raise 9999,,"No Tmp Path Defined"
    End If

Define a variable to use for the current CATTEMP in order to define the document storage path of saved document. Also, verify that this variable has been valuated.

Define the sTmpPath variable to retrieve the CATTEMP environment variable value to define the path where the Part document used below will saved. Also, check that this variable is valuated.


Saving the Active CATIA Document

    'Create a new part document.
    'Add the new document to the end of the collection of documents.
    'Create and display a new window for the new document.
    'Activate the new document and the window.
     Dim oFirstNewPartDoc As Document
     Set oFirstNewPartDoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")

    'The document just created is the active one.
    'Save the new document.
     CATIA.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(sTmpPath & _

An existing CATIA document is created using the Add method of the Documents collection (Documents object). See the CAAInfCreateDocument [3] sample for a description of how to create a new CATIA document. Because the Add method also activates the new document, you can execute the SaveAs method on the ActiveDocument property of the CATIA application in order to save it: the document is thus saved in the storage path name and location specified in the argument of the SaveAs method. If a document with the same name already exists, a prompt will request that you specify whether or not you want that document to be overwritten with this one. Note that before exiting the session, the document should also be closed. See the CAAInfCloseDocument [4] sample for a description of how to close a document.


Saving the CATIA Document Specified by an Object Variable

   'Create a second new part document.
     Dim oSecondNewPartDoc As Document
     Set oSecondNewPartDoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")

    'Save the new document using the variable name defined for it.
     oSecondNewPartDoc.SaveAs(sTmpPath & _

A second way of saving a new CATIA document is to use execute the SaveAs method directly on the variable already assigned to handle the document: the document is thus saved in the storage path name and location specified in the argument of the SaveAs method. If a document with the same name already exists, a prompt will request that you specify whether or not you want that document to be overwritten with this one. Note that before exiting the session, the document should also be closed.


Saving the CATIA Document Specified by its Name

     'Open an existing document.
      Dim iThirdPartDoc As Document
      Set iThirdPartDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(sDocPath & _

     'Save the new document by specifying its name.
      CATIA.Documents.Item("CAAInfReadDocument.CATPart").SaveAs(sTmpPath & _


Finally, the third way of saving a new CATIA document is by executing the SaveAs method on an existing document that has been retrieved from the Documents collection by specifying its name to the argument of the Item method: a new document identical to the existing one is then saved under the storage path name and location specified in the argument of the SaveAs method. If a document with the same name already exists, a prompt will request that you specify whether or not you want that document to be overwritten with this one. Note that before exiting the session, the document should also be closed.


In Short

This use case has shown the three ways of saving a new CATIA document during an interactive session:

In all three cases, it is necessary to specify the path name and location where the new document will be stored.



[1] Saving an Existing CATIA Document
[2] Replaying a Macro
[3] Creating a New CATIA Document
[4] Closing a CATIA Document

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