
Accessing Files and Folders

This macro shows you how to access files and folders using CAA V5 portable automation objects.

It creates a text file, fills it with data, copies this file and re-extracts the data from the copy.


CAAInfFileAccess is launched in CATIA [1]. No open document is needed.

CAAInfFileAccess.CATScript is located in the CAAScdInfUseCases module. Execute macro (direct execution of the macro only works on windows).


CAAInfFileAccess includes five steps:

  1. Prolog
  2. Deleting Existing Files if Needed
  3. Creating the Input File
  4. Duplicating the Input File
  5. Extracting Data from the Output File


    Dim sLF as String
    sLF = Chr(10) 

    Dim sMessage as String
    sMessage = InputBox ("Enter a message", "Message", "Hello World")

    ' ------------------------------------------
    ' Get the file system object
    Dim oFileSys as FileSystem
    Set oFileSys = CATIA.FileSystem

    ' ------------------------------------------
    ' Retrieve a folder for temporary files
    Dim sTmpPath as String 
    If (Not oFileSys.FolderExists(sTmpPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,,"No Tmp Path Defined"
    End If

A variable is defined for the LineFeed character.  The InputBox function asks the user to enter a message string whose default value will be "Hello World". 

The FileSystem object is the root object for all file/folder access. Input and output files will be created in the folder dedicated to temporary CATIA data. We use the SystemService object to get its full path defined in the CATTemp environment variable.

The existence of this folder is checked using the FolderExists method of the FileSystem object.

Deleting Existing Files if Needed

    ' ------------------------------------------
    ' Delete possibly existing input and output files
    Dim sFilOu As String ' Output file full path
    sFilOu = sTmpPath & "/caatmpfilou.txt"
    If (oFileSys.FileExists(sFilou)) Then 
        oFileSys.DeleteFile sFilOu
    End If

FileExists and DeleteFile, two methods of the FileSystem object are used to check the existence of the output file and delete it if needed. The same operation is then performed on the input file.

Creating the Input File

     ' ---------------------------------------
    ' Create file FilIn  
    Dim oFilIn As File    
    Set oFilIn = oFileSys.CreateFile(sFilIn, FALSE)
    Dim oStream As TextStream
    Set oStream = oFilIn.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")
    oStream.Write "<MESSAGE>"  & sLF
    oStream.Write "<VALUE>"
    oStream.Write sMessage 
    oStream.Write "</VALUE>"   & sLF
    oStream.Write "</MESSAGE>" & sLF

sFilIn contains the full path of the input file. This file is created using the CreateFile method of the FileSystem object that returns a File object. The OpenAsTextStream method allows to return a TextStream object from the File object. The ForWriting option specifies that the content of this file will be modified. This TextStream object makes it possible to manipulate the file content as a stream of text.

Successive uses of the Write method fill the input file. In this case, the message is wrapped by XML-like tags. The sLF variable is used to specify the end of a line. The text stream is then closed using the Close method.

Duplicating the Input File

     ' ---------------------------------------
    ' Duplicate FilIn in FilOu 
    oFileSys.CopyFile sFilIn, sFilOu, FALSE

The CopyFile method of the FileSystem object creates a copy of the input file. It uses its full name, contained in the sFilIn variable and uses the content of the sFilOu variable as full name of the copy. 

Extracting Data from the Output File

    ' ---------------------------------------
    ' Get the result from the output file  
    Dim oFilOu As File
    Set oFilOu = oFileSys.GetFile(sFilOu)
    Set oStream = oFilOu.OpenAsTextStream("ForReading")

    Dim sBuffer As String
    sMessage = ""
    sBuffer = oStream.ReadLine
    Do  Until oStream.AtEndOfStream
        sMessage = sMessage & sBuffer
        sBuffer = oStream.ReadLine


    msgbox sMessage 

Using the GetFile method, a File object is obtained for the output file. OpenAsTextStream is then used to get a text stream, but this time a ForReading usage is specified. The ReadLine method is used in a loop to read each line of the output file. Each read line is concatenated to the sMessage string. The end of the file is detected using the AtEndOfStream method. 

The sMessage variable now contains the whole content of the output file. The MsgBox function is used to display this content in a message box.


In Short

This use case has shown how to access files and folder using CAA V5 FileSystem, SystemService, File and TextStream automation objects.



[1] Replaying a Macro
[2] FileSystem, SystemService, File, TextStream

Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.