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About VB, VBA, Debug, and Portability |
Since V5R7 Dassault Systemes products based on the V5
Platform don't use anymore the Basic Script scripting engine on Unix platforms.
The CATScript
language has been kept for compatibility and is processed by a vbscript scripting engine after removal of the typing informations.
This has no impact on macros but you may still experience
the following problem when recording macros in CATScript
language and copy/pasting
the result in a VB/VBA project .
The typing requirement are incompatible for Basic Script code and VB code. When a method returns an abstract object like the ActiveDocument method that returns a Document, Basic Script expects the variable in which the return value will be stored to be of the type declared by the signature of the method:
Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument ' returns a Document
If this document is a PartDocument you can then use specific methods or properties like the Part property that does not exist on the general Document but only on the PartDocument:
Dim oPart As Part Set oPart = oDoc.Part
When using VB, you will need a PartDocument object to use the Part property:
Dim oDoc As PartDocument Set oDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument ' returns a Document Dim oPart As Part Set oPart = oDoc.Part
For documentation examples, we choose as much as possible a VBScript/Basic Script portable syntax. So, when copy/pasting samples from the documentation in a VB project, you will have to proceed to take care of virtual objects.
You will also have to take care of methods with array parameters like in the following example where we extract and display the multiple possible values of a StringParameter in VBScript or BasicScript:
Dim strParam1 As StrParam Set strParam1 = parameters1.Item("STRING") iSize = strParam1.GetEnumerateValuesSize() Redim myArray(iSize-1) strParam.GetEnumerateValues myArray For i = 0 To iSize-1 msgbox myArray(i) Next
Copy/pasting this piece of code in a VB project may lead, depending on your VB/VBA level to a compilation error because VB may be unable to deal with the signatures that we use for our array types and issues the following message:
Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an automation type not supported by Visual Basic.
A simple workaround is to un-type the variable on which the method is applied.
Dim strParam1 ' As StrParam Set strParam1 = parameters1.Item("STRING") iSize = strParam1.GetEnumerateValuesSize() Redim myArray(iSize-1) strParam.GetEnumerateValues myArray For i = 0 To iSize-1 msgbox myArray(i) Next
When the array is the only argument of a method, the following syntax, using parenthesis, should be avoided:
Redim myArray(15) strParam.GetEnumerateValues (myArray)
For methods that are not functions (meaning that they dont have a return value), this syntax requires to pass the argument by reference which may not work in some cases. The right syntax uses either no parenthesis:
strParam.GetEnumerateValues myArray
or the call keyword:
call strParam.GetEnumerateValues (myArray)
When developping in-process macros, you can use Microsoft (R) Script Debugger than you can download freely from Microsoft (R) web site. Once installed, an error or a Stop order in the script will give hand to the debugger:
For i = 0 To Ubound(myArray) Stop msgbox myArray(i) Next
See the Script Debugger's documentation for more informations on how to proceeed.
On windows platform, CAA V5 scripting capability relies on the VBScript engine provided by the platform and requires VBSCript 5.0 as a minimum level. On Unix platforms, a VBScript 3.0 engine is installed when the Version 5 is installed.
Portable macros must so avoid usage of VBScript features that appeared after version 3.0 of the language. Information on version in which VBscript language elements appeared can be found in the scripting section of the Microsoft Developers Network site.
The CAA V5 Automation Coding Rules Technical Article contains portability rules that describe in more details a few points that must also be considered to write portable code.
The CAA V5 Automation Object Model evolves with each new release. The list of the methods of an object may change. Depending on the way VB or VBA calls those methods this may have an impact on your application even if a new method has been added.
The following code for example:
Dim oObject oObject.DoThis
Where oObject is not typed, will perform a late binding call to DoThis, using the Invoke method at build time and leaving oObjet perform the actual call to DoThis at runtime inside its implementation of Invoke. The following code however:
Dim oObject As SpecificTypeOfObject oObject.DoThat
will perform an early binding call, meaning basically that a description of the virtual function table of oObject will be re-created from the information available in the type library describing the SpecificTypeOfObject type and the call will be made using a position in this table.
If, on a new release, the order of methods in this virtual function table changes, which may be the case when adding new methods, the application will call the wrong method leading to difficult-to-debug runtime problems.
Moreover, the description extracted by VB/VBA from the type library doesn't seem to be always refreshed when the type library changes. Meaning that recompiling the project may not correct the problem. Here is a method that solves this problem:
Some type libraries may become obsolete and disappear on a new V5 release. If an existing VBA project has references on a type library that doesn't exist anymore. If your access rights allow you to modify the Windows Registry, references to those libraries are automatically removed when opening the CATVBA file. If it's not the case, the following message may be experienced when launching a macro:
CNEXT CATScriptError Message Scripting ERR_1000
Execute the script "XXXXX" |XXXXX=
The script entry point could not be found.
Define a "CATMain" procedure which will be the entry point of the script.
To avoid this, launch VBA (Alt-F11) and use the Tools/References menu item to launch the References panel. In this panel, uncheck the reference to the concerned type library and click on OK.
This problem may also occur in VBA project of non V5 applications or in VB 6 projects.
There is a known limitation concerning the usage of the Boolean type in the
V5 Automation methods invoked from VBA. In V5 applications, the Boolean type
is defined as an 'unsigned char' where the VBA definition is a short. When a V5
method returns True, the returned integer value is 1, though VBA is expecting
Because of this difference, the following VBA code will not work as expected (the method boolMethod returns True) :
If myObj.boolMethod() = True Then // This test will fail
End If
to correct this limitation, you have to write some code like this :
If myObj.boolMethod() Then End If
If myObj.boolMethod() != False Then
End If
For the same reason, the 'Not' operator cannot be applied directly on the returned value of such method:
will return True instead of returning False. To use correctly the 'Not' operator you have to use a variable to store the boolean value before applying the operator :
Dim myBool
myBool = myObj.boolMethod()
will correctly return False
Note that this limitation is specific to VBA and is not concerning VBScript.
The following kind of declaration:
Private Declare Function MyFunctionNameInDll Lib "E:\My.dll" (...) As ...
is not possible in a 64 bit context if the My.dll
is a 64 bit dll.
The V5 VBA integration for 64 bit applications is based on a separate
32 bit application dedicated to VBA. A DLL referenced by a VBA macro must so be a 32 bit one.
Moreover, such a 32-bit dll cannot use the dlls from the V5 installation that are, in that case, 64 ones.
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