This macro shows you how to update sheets in Drawing documents.
This macro retrieves all the drawing documents in a given folder, and
loops on these documents to open them, update all their DrawingSheet
objects, save and close them.
CAADriUpdateSheets includes five steps:
- Prolog
- Creating a File System Object to Handle the Folder
- Retrieving the Folder
- Looping on the Drawing Documents to Update
Their Sheets
- Saving and Closing the Documents
' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
The CATIA prompts are disabled thanks to the DisplayFileAlerts
property of the Application object set to False .
Creating a File System Object to Handle the Folder
' Set the file system object containing the folder
Dim fileSys As FileSystem
Set fileSys = CATIA.FileSystem
The FileSystem property of the Application object
returns a portable object between Windows and Unix. Thanks to this object,
a folder and its files and subfolders can be retrieved.
Retrieving the Folder
' Define the path's folder where we are looking for Drawing documents
Dim sFolderPath As String
sFolderPath = InputBox( "Enter a folder path:", "Update All Sheets Of a Folder" ,_
sDocPath & "\online\CAAScdDriUseCases\samples")
If (Not oFileSys.FolderExists(sFolderPath)) Then
Err.Raise 9999,,sFolderPath & ": This Folder does not exist"
End If
' Set the folder object
Dim oFolder As Folder
Set oFolder = oFileSys.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
The folder is retrieved in folder from the fileSys
object using the GetFolder method to which the folder name sFolderPath
is given. sFolderPath is initialized to a documentation
folder using an environment variable and a confirmation is requested using
the InputBox function. The FolderExists method of the FileSystem
object is then used to check the existence of this folder.
Looping on the Drawing Documents to Update Their
' Loop on the files collection of the folder
' For Each File In Folder.Files
Dim iI, iJ
For iI = 1 To oFolder.Files.Count
Dim oFile As Object
Set oFile = oFolder.Files.Item(iI)
' Retrieve in the files collection only the Drawing documents from its extension
If InStr(oFile.Name, ".CATDrawing") <> 0 Then
' Set and open a Drawing document
Dim oDoc As Document
Set oDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(oFile.Path)
MsgBox "Updating Document " & oFile.Path, 0 ' VBOKOnly
' Loop on the sheets collection of the drawing document
' For Each sheet In oDoc.Sheets
For iJ = 1 To oDoc.Sheets.Count
' Update the sheet even is not necessary
To retrieve each file of the folder, a For ... To ... Next
loop uses the iI variable that ranges from 1 to the number of
files in the folder returned by the Count property of the
collection of files. The collection is retrieved thanks to the Files
property of the Folder object. The Item method of this
collection enables you to retrieve the iI th file
in the collection handled using the oFile variable. Then,
using the InStr function, each file name is checked for the
".CATDrawing" extension before being opened thanks to the Open
method of the Documents collection to which the file pathname is
passed using the Path property of the File object. A For
Each ... In ... Next embedded loop onto the sheets of the Drawing
document uses the Sheets property of such as document to
retrieve each sheet. The ForceUpdate method of the Sheet
object updates the sheet, even if updating the sheet is not needed.
Saving and Closing the Documents
' Save the Drawing document
' oDoc.Save
' Close the Drawing document
End If
End Sub
When all the sheets are processed, the drawing document is successively
saved and closed thanks to the Save and Close
methods of the Document object. The use of Save method
is here commented to avoid access right problems to the documentation