CAADriISetPrintArea includes seven steps:
- Prolog
- Retrieving the Active Sheet
- Retrieving the Selection of the Drawing Document
- Defining the Selection
- Retrieving the Location of the First Point
- Defining the Print Area
- Visualizing the Print Area
- InShort
' Retrieve the active document
Dim oDocument As Document
Set oDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' Test the document's type, if it is not a drawing document the macro stops
If TypeName(oDocument) = "DrawingDocument" Then
Dim oDrawingDocument As DrawingDocument
Set oDrawingDocument = oDocument
MsgBox "This macro can be run with a drawing document only."
Exit Sub
End If
The active document type is tested. If it is a DrawingDocument ,
the oDrawingDocument is retrieved from the oDocument .
Otherwise the macro stops and prompts a warning message.
Retrieving the Active Sheet
' Retrieve the active sheet of the document
Dim oSheet As DrawingSheet
Set oSheet = oDrawingDocument.Sheets.ActiveSheet
The active sheet object is retrieved from the Sheets
collection of the oDrawingDocument object, using the ActiveSheet
Retrieving the Selection of the Drawing Document
' Retrieve the selection of the document
Dim oSelection 'As Selection
Set oSelection = oDrawingDocument.Selection
' Clear the selection
The selection object is retrieved from the oDrawingDocument
object using the Selection method.
The selection is cleared.
Defining the Selection
' Define the object type allowed to be selected, here a drawing point
Dim InputObjectType(0)
InputObjectType(0) = "Point2D"
' Retrieve the first point location to set the print area from the mouse selection
ReturnStatus = oSelection.IndicateOrSelectElement2D("Select the first point", _
InputObjectType, True, True, False, ObjectSelected, oFirstPointAbsolute)
The Point2D filtering string is defined in the InputObjectType
The first point location is retrieved from the oSelection
object using the IndicateOrSelectElement2D method.
According to the ObjectSelected boolean value retrieved:
True : the selection contains a drawing point.
False : any drawing point has been selected, but a
virtual point has been indicated. The coordinates of this location are
contained in the oFirstPointAbsolute array.
Retrieving the Location of the First Point
' Test of the selection content from the ObjectSelected value
If ObjectSelected = True Then
Set iFirstPoint = oSelection.Item(1).Value
Set oView = oSelection.FindObject("CATIADrawingView")
iFirstPoint.GetCoordinates oFirstPointRelative
CatAbsoluteCoordinates oView, oFirstPointAbsolute, oFirstPointRelative
End If
According to the ObjectSelected boolean value retrieved as
True :
- The
iFirstPoint object is retrieved from the oSelection
object using the value of the first item. There is only one item,
because the IndicateOrSelectElement2D method allows you
to select only one element.
- The
oView object is retrieved from the oSelection
object using the Find Object method and specifying the
object DrawingView type to be found: CATIADrawingView .
A drawing point is already contained into a drawing view, even for
those which are in the drawing sheet and not in any drawing views. In
fact, there is a hidden drawing view corresponding to the drawing
sheet, because you cannot create 2D geometry directly in the drawing
- The
oFirstPointRelative array is retrieved from the iFirstPoint
object using the GetCoordinates method. This array
contains the coordinates of the selected point according to the
reference axis of its drawing view.
- The
oFirstPointAbsolute array is computed from the oFirstPointRelative
array using the CatAbsoluteCoordinates procedure. In this
procedure the drawing view location, angle and scale factor are
retrieved from the oView object.
Otherwise, the oFirstPointAbsolute array already contains
the location of the virtual point.
- Select the first point. This point is located in the hidden view of
the sheet and not in the
Front view .

- Select the second point. This point is located in the hidden view of
the sheet and not in the
Isometric view .

Defining the Print Area
' Define the coordinates of the print area's point
Dim XPrintArea As Double
Dim YPrintArea As Double
If oFirstPointAbsolute(0) > oSecondPointAbsolute(0) Then
XPrintArea = oSecondPointAbsolute(0)
XPrintArea = oFirstPointAbsolute(0)
End If
If oFirstPointAbsolute(1) > oSecondPointAbsolute(1) Then
YPrintArea = oSecondPointAbsolute(1)
YPrintArea = oFirstPointAbsolute(1)
End If
Dim WidthPrintArea As Double
Dim HeightPrintArea As Double
' Define the width and height of the print area
WidthPrintArea = Abs(oSecondPointAbsolute(0) - oFirstPointAbsolute(0))
HeightPrintArea = Abs(oSecondPointAbsolute(1) - oFirstPointAbsolute(1))
' Define and activate the print area of the drawing document
Dim oPrintArea As PrintArea
Set oPrintArea = oSheet.PrintArea
oPrintArea.SetArea XPrintArea, YPrintArea, WidthPrintArea, HeightPrintArea
oPrintArea.ActivationState = True
The print area is defined from a starting point and from its width and
height. As this starting point must be in the left-bottom corner of the
print area, to ensure this rule, two tests are performed to find the
smallest abscissa and ordinate: XPrintArea and YPrintArea .
The width and height are computed form the coordinates of the selected
points: WidthPrintArea and HeightPrintArea .
The print area object is retrieved from the oSheet object
using the PrintArea method.
The oPrintArea object is defined using the SetArea
The oPrintArea object is activated using the ActivationState
property set to True .
Visualizing the Print Area
oSelection.Add oSheet
CATIA.StartCommand "CATDrwVisualizePrintAreaHdr"
To visualize the print area we have to run the specific command, but as
this command can be run only with a selected sheet, we have to select it
before: oSelection.Add oSheet
To run the command you can use its id or its alias. In English context,
the alias is the name of the command "Visualize Print
Area" , but to ensure the macro works in a non-language
context, we use its id "CATDrwVisualizePrintAreaHdr".
