CAADriInstantiateInnerDitto includes
seven steps:
- Prolog
- Opening the Drawing Document
- Retrieving and Defining the View
- Retrieving and Defining the Detail View
- Defining the Ditto's Location
- Instantiating the Ditto
- Retrieving the Ditto's Modifiable Text
' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
The CATIA prompts are disabled thanks to the DisplayFileAlerts
property of the Application object set to False .
Opening the Drawing Document
' Open the drawing document
Dim oDrawing As DrawingDocument
Set oDrawing = CATIA.Documents.Open(sDocPath & _
A drawing document is opened, its window is reframed according to the
size of the sheet.
Retrieving and Defining the View
' Retrieve the sheets collection of the drawing document
Dim oSheets As DrawingSheets
Set oSheets = oDrawing.Sheets
' Retrieve the sheet where the detail view will be instantiated
Dim oSheet As DrawingSheet
Set oSheet = oSheets.Item("Sheet.1")
' Retrieve the view where the detail view will be instantiated
Dim oView As DrawingView
Set oView = oSheet.Views.Item("View.3")
The sheets collection is retrieved from the oDrawing
object using the Sheets method.
The sheet object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
The views collection is retrieved from the oSheet object
using the Views method.
The view object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
The view is activated.
Retrieving and Defining the Detail View
' Retrieve the detail sheet containing the detail view to be instantiated
Dim oDetailSheet As DrawingSheet
Set oDetailSheet = oSheets.Item("Sheet.2 (Detail)")
' Retrieve the detail view to be instantiated
Dim oDetailView As DrawingView
Set oDetailView = oDetailSheet.Views.Item("DrwDetail.1")
The detail sheet object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
The detail view object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
Defining the Ditto's Location
' Indicate the ditto location
Dim ReturnStatus As String
Dim iDittoCoordinates(1)
Dim oDraw
Set oDraw = oDrawing
ReturnStatus = oDraw.Indicate2D("Indicate the ditto location", iDittoCoordinates)
The ditto's location is retrieved using the Indicate2D
method which allow user to retrieve the x and y
coordinates when clicking the mouse. Coordinates are stored in an
array iDittoCoordinates . An unspecified object oDraw
is used to prevent a signature's method restriction usage.

Instantiating the Ditto
' Retrieve the drawing components collection of the target drawing view
Dim o2DComponents As DrawingComponents
Set o2DComponents = oView.Components
' Create the ditto
Dim o2DComponent As DrawingComponent
Set o2DComponent = o2DComponents.Add(oDetailView, iDittoCoordinates(0), iDittoCoordinates(1))
The components collection is retrieved from the oView
object using the Components method.
The component object is created in the collection using the Add
method from the oDetailView view.

Retrieving the Ditto's Modifiable Text
' Retrieve the modifiable text of the ditto
Dim oText As DrawingText
Set oText = o2DComponent.GetModifiableObject(1)
' Modify the modifiable text value
Dim ReturnValue As String
ReturnValue = InputBox("Enter a value", "", "New Value For Text")
oText.Text = ReturnValue
The text object is retrieved from the o2DComponent object
using the GetModifiableObject method.
The text of the text object is returned using the InputBox
procedure. Enter 10 and click OK.
