CAADriDuplicateAView includes seven steps:
- Prolog
- Opening and Reframing an Existing Drawing Document
- Retrieving and Defining the Sheet
- Retrieving and Defining the View
- Copying the View
- Creating the New Drawing Document
- Pasting the View
' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
The CATIA prompts are disabled thanks to the DisplayFileAlerts
property of the Application object set to False .
Opening and Reframing an Existing Drawing Document
' Open the Drawing document
Dim oDrawingSource As DrawingDocument
Set oDrawingSource = CATIA.Documents.Open(sDocPath & _
' Fit in window the opened document
A drawing document is opened, its window is reframed according to the
size of the sheet.
Retrieving and Defining the Sheet
' Retrieve the sheet containing the view to be duplicated
Dim oSheetSource As DrawingSheet
Set oSheetSource = oDrawingSource.Sheets.Item("Sheet.1")
The sheets collection is retrieved from the oDrawingSource
object using the Sheets method.
The sheet object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
Retrieving and Defining the View
' Retrieve the view to be duplicated
Dim oViewSource As DrawingView
Set oViewSource = oSheetSource.Views.Item("Front view")
The views collection is retrieved from the oSheetSource
object using the Views method.
The view object is retrieved from the collection using the Item
method from its name.
Copying the View
' Create an object of selection for the source document
Dim oSelectionSource As Selection
Set oSelectionSource = oDrawingSource.Selection
' Clear the selection
' Add the view to be duplicated in the selection
oSelectionSource.Add oViewSource
' Copy the view
' Clear the selection
The selection object is retrieved from the oDrawingSource
object using the Selection method.
The selection object is cleared using the Clear method to
remove pre-selecting objects if exist.
The view object is added to the selection object using the Add
The view object is copied to the clipboard from the selection object using
the Copy method.
The selection object is cleared using the Clear method
another time.
Creating the New Drawing Document
' Create the Drawing document where the view will be pasted
Dim oDrawingTarget As DrawingDocument
Set oDrawingTarget = CATIA.Documents.Add("Drawing")
' Retrieve the where the view will be pasted
Dim oSheetTarget As DrawingSheet
Set oSheetTarget = oDrawingTarget.Sheets.Item("Sheet.1")
' Set the sheet paper size
oSheetTarget.PaperSize = catPaperA0
A new drawing document is created and the sheet object is retrieved,
the size of its sheet is set to A0.
Pasting the View
' Create an object of selection for the source document
Dim oSelectionTarget As Selection
Set oSelectionTarget = oDrawingTarget.Selection
' Clear the selection
' Add the sheet where the view will be pasted in the selection
oSelectionTarget.Add oSheetTarget
' Paste the clipboard
' Clear the selection
The selection object is retrieved from the oDrawingTarget
object using the Selection method.
The selection object is cleared using the Clear method to
remove pre-selecting objects if exist.
The sheet object is added to the selection object using the Add
The view is pasted from the clipboard into the sheet from the selection
object using the Paste method.
The selection object is cleared using the Clear method
another time.