CAADriDimension includes nine steps:
- Prolog
- Reading current Drawing Document of the CATIA
- Scanning all the Sheets
- Scanning all the Views of the current Sheet
- Scanning all texts of the current View
- Scanning all Leaders and check if a Dimension
is pointed by leader
- Reading Tolerances and Frame of the Dimension
- Highlighting Text to show wrong Dimension
- Restore current Sheet and current Views
' Set the CATIA popup file alerts to False
' It prevents to stop the macro at each alert during its execution
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
The CATIA prompts are disabled thanks to the DisplayFileAlerts
property of the Application object set to False .
Reading current Drawing Document of the CATIA
' Get the drawing document
Set DrwDoc= CATIA.ActiveDocument

Here is the Drawing document.
Scanning all the Sheets
' Retrieve the drawing document's sheets collection
Set DrwSheet = DrwDoc.Sheets
' Retrieve the active sheet to restore it at the end of the macro
Set SheetToRestore = oDrwSheets.ActiveSheet
' Scan all the sheet of the Drawing document
For numsheet = 1 To DrwSheets.Count
Set CurrentSheet = DrwSheets.Item(numsheet)
' Active Currentsheet
The Sheets collection is retrieved from the DrwDoc object
using the Sheets method.
Scanning all the Views of the current Sheet
'get the Views' collection
Set DrwViews = CurrentSheet.Views
'Read the current view to restore it at the end of the macro
Set ViewToRestore = DrwViews.ActiveView
'Scan all the view of the current Sheet
For numview = 1 To DrwViews.Count
Set CurrentView = DrwViews.Item(numview)
'Active the current view
The Views collection is retrieved from Sheet object using the Views
Scanning all the Texts of the current View
'Get the Texts' collection
Set DrwTexts = CurrentView.Texts
'Scan all the Texts of the current View
For numtxt = 1 To DrwTexts.Count
Set CurrentText = DrwTexts.Item(numtxt)
the Texts collection is retrieved from View object using the Texts
Scanning all Leaders and check if a
Dimension is pointed by leader
'Get the Leaders' collection
Set DrwLeaders = CurrentText.Leaders
'Scan all the Leader of the current Text
For numlead = 1 To DrwLeaders.Count
Set CurrentLeader = DrwLeaders.Item(numlead)
' Manage error on HeadTarget method when
' no element is pointed by the text leader.
On Error Resume Next
' Get object pointed on the leader
Set ElemDispatch = Nothing
Set ElemDispatch = CurrentLeader.HeadTarget
NomObj = TypeName(ElemDispatch)
The Leaders collection is retrieved from Text object using the Leaders
method. HeadTarget method returns a CATBaseDispath object.
If no element is pointed by the leader the method returns fail.
Reading Tolerances and Frame of the Dimension
' A dimension is pointed by text leader
If NomObj = "DrawingDimension" Then
' Get the dimension object
Dim PointedDim As DrawingDimension
Set PointedDim = ElemDispatch
' Read dimension tolerances
PointedDim.GetTolerances oTolType, oTolName, oUpTolS, oLowTolS, oUpTolD, oLowTolD, oDisplayMode
' Read dimension frame type
TypeFrame = PointedDim.ValueFrame
TypeName method returns the name of the pointed element.
Highlighting text to show the wrong Dimension
' If dimension does not respect the criteria text leader object is highlighted
If oTolType <> 0 Or TypeFrame <> catFraRectangle Then
DrwSelect.Add CurrentText
DrwSelect.VisProperties.SetRealColor 255, 0, 0, 0
DrwSelect.VisProperties.SetRealWidth 6, 1
End If
Text appearance is changed by using VisProperties capabilities of
Select object.

Restore Current Sheet and Current Views of the
Drawing document
'Restore the view
'Restore the Drawing Document sheet
By this way the Drawing document keep his state before macro
End of the macro.