Option Explicit

' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose     : Create a CATProduct containing all section curves of the current product in the same plane.
'   Assumptions : A CATProduct document should be active having some sections.
'                 An environment variable named "EXPORT_DIR" must be set (ex: export EXPORT_DIR=/tmp/).
'                 It refers the directory where models will be stored.
'   Author      : 
'   Languages   : VBScript
'   Locales     : English
'   CATIA Level : V5R8SP1
' ***********************************************************************

' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose:  Define the inverse of a position matrix.
' Inputs :  matrix   Array       array corresponding to the matrix
' Outputs:  inverse  Array       array corresponding to the inverse of the matrix
' ***********************************************************************

Sub MatrixInverse ( ByVal matrix, ByRef inverse )
    Dim a(11)
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 0 to 11
        a(I) = matrix(I)
    inverse( 0) = a(4)*a(8) - a(7)*a(5)
    inverse( 1) = a(2)*a(7) - a(8)*a(1)
    inverse( 2) = a(1)*a(5) - a(4)*a(2)
    inverse( 3) = a(5)*a(6) - a(8)*a(3)
    inverse( 4) = a(0)*a(8) - a(6)*a(2)
    inverse( 5) = a(2)*a(3) - a(5)*a(0)
    inverse( 6) = a(3)*a(7) - a(6)*a(4)
    inverse( 7) = a(1)*a(6) - a(7)*a(0)
    inverse( 8) = a(0)*a(4) - a(1)*a(3)
    inverse( 9) = -(a( 9)*inverse(0)+a(10)*inverse(3)+a(11)*inverse(6))
    inverse(10) = -(a( 9)*inverse(1)+a(10)*inverse(4)+a(11)*inverse(7))
    inverse(11) = -(a( 9)*inverse(2)+a(10)*inverse(5)+a(11)*inverse(8))
End Sub

' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose:  Main.
' ***********************************************************************

Sub CATMain()
    CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
    ' Retrieve the Sections collection
    Dim cSections As Sections
    Set cSections = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product.GetTechnologicalObject("Sections")
    ' Retrieve the number of Sections
    Dim iNbSection As Integer
    iNbSection = cSections.Count

    If (iNbSection = 0) Then
        Msgbox "No section"
        ' Initialize file management
        Dim sExportDir As String
        sExportDir = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("EXPORT_DIR")
        ' Initialize section management
        Dim sV4ModelName()
        ReDim sV4ModelName(iNbSection)
        sV4ModelName(0) = " "
        Dim sV4ModelType As String
        sV4ModelType = "model"
        Dim dPosition(11)  ' Position matrix of a section
        Dim dInverse(11)   ' Inverse of position matrix
        Dim dAllPosition() ' Array of all section position matrices
        ReDim dAllPosition(iNbSection, 11)
        ' Loop on all sections
        Dim oSection As Section
        Dim oExportDoc As Document
        Dim iNbExported As Integer
        iNbExported = 0
        Dim I As Integer
        Dim J As Integer
        For I=1 to iNbSection
            Set oSection = cSections.Item(I)
            ' Treat only if section is not empty
            If (oSection.IsEmpty <> 0) Then
                ' Export the Section into a V4 model
                Set oExportDoc = oSection.Export
                sV4ModelName(iNbExported)= sExportDir + oSection.Name + ".model"
                oExportDoc.ExportData sV4ModelName(iNbExported), sV4ModelType
                ' Store the position of the section
                oSection.GetPosition dPosition
                For J=0 to 11
                    dAllPosition(iNbExported, J) = dPosition(J)
                iNbExported = iNbExported + 1
                Set oExportDoc = Nothing
            End If
            Set oSection = Nothing
        ' Create a new CATProduct to receive section curves
        Dim oNewDocument As Document
        Set oNewDocument = CATIA.Documents.Add("Product").Product
        oNewDocument.Products.AddComponentsFromFiles sV4ModelName , sV4ModelType
        ' Move the components to flatten the section
        Dim oComponent As Product
        For I=1 to iNbExported
            Set oComponent = oNewDocument.Products.Item(I)
            oComponent.ApplyWorkMode DESIGN_MODE
            For J=0 to 11
                dPosition(J) = dAllPosition(I-1, J)
            MatrixInverse dPosition, dInverse
            oComponent.Move.Apply dInverse
            Set oComponent = Nothing
        ' Hide skeletton geometry
        Dim oSelection As Selection
        Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
        oSelection.Search "('CATIA V4'.PLN + 'CATIA V4'.AXS),all"
        oSelection.VisProperties.SetShow 1
        Set oSelection = Nothing
        ' Modify the viewpoint to 'top view'
        Dim oViewer As Viewer
        Set oViewer = CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer
        Dim oViewpoint As Viewpoint3D
        Set oViewpoint = oViewer.Viewpoint3D
        Dim StdSightDirection(2)
        StdSightDirection(0) =  0.
        StdSightDirection(1) =  0.
        StdSightDirection(2) = -1.
        Dim StdUpDirection(2)
        StdUpDirection(0) = 0.
        StdUpDirection(1) = 1.
        StdUpDirection(2) = 0.
        Dim Origin(2)
        oViewpoint.GetOrigin Origin
        Dim SightDirection(2)
        oViewpoint.GetSightDirection SightDirection
        Dim Focus As Double
        Focus = oViewpoint.FocusDistance
        For I = 0 to 2
            Origin(I) = Origin(I) + Focus*(SightDirection(I) - StdSightDirection(I))
        oViewpoint.PutOrigin Origin
        oViewpoint.PutSightDirection StdSightDirection
        oViewpoint.PutUpDirection StdUpDirection
        oViewpoint.ProjectionMode = catProjectionCylindric
        Set oViewpoint = Nothing
        Set oViewer = Nothing
    End If
    Set cSections = Nothing
End Sub