Option Explicit

' ***********************************************************************
'   Purpose     : Compute the mass and the center of gravity of a component.
'   Assumptions : A CATProduct document should be active and a component selected.
'   Author      : 
'   Languages   : VBScript
'   Locales     : English 
'   CATIA Level : V5R6 
' ***********************************************************************

Sub CATMain()

    ' Retrieve the selected component
    Dim oSelection As Selection
    Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
    Dim oProduct As AnyObject
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oProduct = oSelection.FindObject("CATIAProduct")
    If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
        MsgBox "No selected product"
        On Error Goto 0

        ' Compute the inertia
        Dim oInertia As AnyObject
        Set oInertia = oProduct.GetTechnologicalObject("Inertia")

        ' Read the inertia data
        Dim dMass As Double
        dMass = oInertia.Mass
        Dim dCoordinates(2)
        oInertia.GetCOGPosition dCoordinates
        ' Display the results
        MsgBox oProduct.Name & ": Mass = " & Cstr(dMass) & ", Center of gravity : X = " & _
            Cstr(dCoordinates(0)) & ", Y = "+Cstr(dCoordinates(1)) & ", Z = "+Cstr(dCoordinates(2))

    End If

End Sub