DMU Kinematics Simulator |
Creating a Dress Up Automatically |
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This macro shows you how to create a dressup
object associated to a mechanism defined on a sub-product.
The product on which this macro is used has the following structure:
The integrator_level product contains an architect_level product on which a mechanism is defined based on wireframe elements such as points, lines and planes:
The purpose of this macro is to create a Dressup under the integrator_level
on Mechanism.1.
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CAAKiiDressupCreation is launched in CATIA [1]. You need to previously open the provided document. CAAKiiDressupCreation.CATScript is located in the CAAScdKiiUseCases module. Execute macro (Windows only). |
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has a main subroutine with the following steps:
CAAKiiDressupCreation includes also the AutomaticDressup subroutine:
CAAKiiDressupCreation includes also the ComparProductName function. Main subroutineRetrieve the root product
RootProduct : it represents the root of the product graph. Retrieve Dressups collection from the root productMyDressups: it represents the dressup collection for this product.
This collection is retrieved using the Retrieve all the mechanisms including the sub-mechanismsPossibleMecList: It represents the list of possible mechanism on which a dressup can be created. This list contains all the mechanisms under the root product and also all the mechanisms defined in the sub-products. This list is given by the Retrieve all corresponding context for each mechanismMecContextList: Each mechanism from the previous PossibleMecList
is defined under a specific product, called context and it appears in this
list. Compute the maximum rank of PossibleMecListPossibleMecList(i):The rank of this list varies between 0 to ubound(PossibleMecList).
If the list is empty the ubound function will return -1.
This use case has shown how to create a simple dressup, so that it can be simulated. Specifically, it has illustrated how to:
[1] | Replaying a Macro |
[2] | DMU Kinematics Automation Objects |
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