Clash Object


See Also UseCases Properties Methods


Product Document Object Diagram

A clash reports all the interferences which occur in a complex assembly. Depending on its type (see CatClashComputationType), It may be computed between products or groups of products. Use the FirstGroup and SecondGroup properties to access those groups.

Its computation results in conflicts detections that are represented by a collection of Conflict objects.

Annotated views and 3D markers may be associated to a clash. They are represented on the Clash object by an aggregated AnnotatedViews collection and an aggregated Marked3Ds collection that allow to add, retrieve  or remove AnnotatedView objects and Marker3D objects. 

The following image shows an example of clash specification :

Using the Clash object, one can create, modify or remove a clash.

Clashes are managed thru a Clashes collection.

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