CAAAsmCreateAssyHole includes the following steps:
- Prolog
- Creating Assembly Hole
- Setting Assembly Hole parameters
The macro first loads AssemblyHole.CATProduct that contains three
parts: a skeletton, Skeletton.CATPart, and two plates, Plaque1.CATPart and

' --------------------------
' Get the different products
' --------------------------
Dim oRootProduct As Product
Set oRootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Dim oSkeletton As Product
Set oSkeletton = oRootProduct.Products.Item ( "Skeletton.1" )
Dim oPlaque1 As Product
Set oPlaque1 = oRootProduct.Products.Item ( "Plaque1.1" )
Dim oPlaque2 As Product
Set oPlaque2 = oRootProduct.Products.Item ( "Plaque2.1" )
Once the product document has been loaded, the oSkeletton ,
oPlaque1 and oPlaque2 variables are declared to
receive the instances of Skeletton, Plaque1 and Plaque2. Those instances
are fetched in the Products collection [2]
of the root Product [2] using their
' -----------------------------------------
' Get the positioning sketch to create hole
' -----------------------------------------
Dim oSkelDocument As PartDocument
Set oSkelDocument = CATIA.Documents.Item("Skeletton.CATPart")
Dim oBody As Body
Set oBody = oSkelDocument.Part.Bodies.Item("PartBody")
Dim oPosSketch As Sketch
Set oPosSketch = oBody.Sketches.Item("Positioning sketch for assembly hole")
The oPosSketch object will be used to determine the
positioning point of the hole. The sketch only needs to contain one point.
' -----------------------------------------
' Get the AssemblyFeatures technical object
' -----------------------------------------
Dim oAssemblyFeatures As AssemblyFeatures
Set oAssemblyFeatures = oRootProduct.GetTechnologicalObject("AssemblyFeatures")
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Create assembly hole
' positioning sketch : oPosSketch
' instance containing the positioning sketch : oSkeletton
' instance defining the positioning of the hole : oSkeletton
' depth : 10 mm
' -------------------------------------------------------------
Dim oAssemblyHole As AssemblyHole
Set oAssemblyHole = oAssemblyFeatures.AddAssemblyHole(oPosSketch, oSkeletton, 10.000000, oSkeletton)
' ------------------------------------------------------------
' Affects parts to the assembly hole : Plaque1.1 and Plaque2.1
' ------------------------------------------------------------
oAssemblyHole.AddAffectedComponent oPlaque1
oAssemblyHole.AddAffectedComponent oPlaque2
The AssemblyFeatures collection [2] oAssemblyFeatures
is retrieved from the root Product using the method GetTechnologicalObject .
This object allows you to retrieve all the assembly features of oRootProduct
and to create new ones.
A new AssemblyHole object [2] is
created using the AddAssemblyHole method.
The first and second arguments define the positioning Sketch [2]
and one Product containing it; is could be any instance of
Skeletton.CATPart. The third argument is the depth of the hole as a
double. The fourth argument is a Product instance of
Skeletton.CATPart defining the real position of the hole in the assembly
The two product Plaque1.1 and Plaque2.1 are affected using the AddAffectedComponent
Setting Assembly Hole parameters
' --------------------------------------------
' modify the hole parameters
' - diameter 10 mm
' - counterbored
' - V-bottom
' - length
' --------------------------------------------
Dim oDiameter As Length
Set oDiameter = oAssemblyHole.Diameter
oDiameter.Value = 10.000000
oAssemblyHole.Type = catCounterboredHole
oAssemblyHole.AnchorMode = catExtremPointHoleAnchor
Dim oHeadDiameter As Length
Set oHeadDiameter = oAssemblyHole.HeadDiameter
oHeadDiameter.Value = 15.000000
Dim oHeadDepth As Length
Set oHeadDepth = oAssemblyHole.HeadDepth
oHeadDepth.Value = 5.000000
Dim oBottomLimit As Limit
Set oBottomLimit = oAssemblyHole.BottomLimit
oBottomLimit.LimitMode = catOffsetLimit
Dim oDepth As Length
Set oDepth = oBottomLimit.Dimension
oDepth.Value = 30.000000
oAssemblyHole.BottomType = catVHoleBottom
Dim oBottomAngle As Angle
Set oBottomAngle = oAssemblyHole.BottomAngle
oBottomAngle.Value = 120.000000
The diameter of the hole is set using the Diameter
property and the Length object [2].
The type is set using Type property; hole types are
defined in the CatHoleType enum [2]. In
the case of a counter bored hole the anchor mode is set by AnchorMode ;
hole anchor modes are defined in the CatHoleAnchorMode enum [2].
The head depth is valuated using HeadDiameter property and
the Length object.
The Limit is defined by BottomLimit property and Limit
object [2].
' --------------------------------------
' Update the Product
' --------------------------------------
The root Product is then updated; it propagates the Update to
the affected parts so that the resulting holes appears in the CATParts.
