'  Purpose:      Open an analysis document
'                Create coating 1D mesh part
'                assigning the surface mesh as support
'                specify the global specifications
'  Assumptions:   Looks for Surface.CATAnalysis in the directory and Surface Mesh.1
'                mesh part
'  Author:       bmw
'  Languages:    VBScript
'  Locales:      English 
'  CATIA Level:  V5R16

Sub CATMain()
'Optional: allows to find the sample wherever it's installed

    If (Not CATIA.FileSystem.FolderExists(sDocPath)) Then
      Err.Raise 9999,,"No Doc Path Defined"
    End If

'Open the CATAnalysis Document
sFilePath = CATIA.FileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(sDocPath, "online\CAAScdAniUseCases\samples\Surface.CATAnalysis")
Set oAnalysisDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open(sFilePath)

'Retrieve the analysis Manager 
Set oAnalysisManagar = oAnalysisDocument.Analysis

'Retrieve the part document and product
Set oAnalysisLinkedDocuments = oAnalysisManagar.LinkedDocuments
Set partDocument = oAnalysisLinkedDocuments.Item(1)
Set product = partDocument.Product

'Retrieve the published edge
Set publications1 = product.Publications
Set pubFace = publications1.Item("Edge")

'Retrieve the analysis model
Set oAnalysisModels = oAnalysisManagar.AnalysisModels
Set oAnalysisModel = oAnalysisModels.Item(1)

'Retrieve mesh manager and the surface mesh part by name
Set oAnalysisMeshManager = oAnalysisModel.MeshManager 
Set oAnalysisMeshParts = oAnalysisMeshManager.AnalysisMeshParts
Set oAnalysisMeshPart = oAnalysisMeshParts.Item("Surface Mesh.1")

'Create reference from the mesh part
Set reference1 = oAnalysisManagar.CreateReferenceFromObject(oAnalysisMeshPart)

'Add the new Coating mesh part to the list of mesh parts
Set coat1D = oAnalysisMeshParts.Add ("MSHPart1DCoating") 

'Add the reference previously created
coat2D.AddSupportFromReference NOTHING, reference1

'Set the global specifications
coat2D.SetGlobalSpecification "ExtractionType", 1
'Create the local specification
Set meshSpecs = coat2D.AnalysisMeshLocalSpecifications
Set spec = meshSpecs.Add("MSHCoatingLocalSpecification")
spec.SetAttribute "LocalExtractionType", 2

spec.AddSupportFromPublication "ConnectorList", product, pubFace

'Update mesh part

End Sub